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60. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Dec 28, 2013

I took advantage of very good weather and above freezing temperature. Flew 70 minutes above local mountain and snow covered sand bars. Saw many eagles.

59. Video Stabilization Test, Mar 3, 2012

Normally when you fly with a camera attached to your wing the plane is stationary and the horizon is moving in opposite direction of the plane movement. This is not natural. I found on line software "Muvee" which does very cool stuff. It stabilizes background and the plane is moving with the turbulence as it should. It looks very cool. This is the demo clip. The first half is the original clip and the second half is the same clip run through Muvee Stabilization. See the difference. In normal, from just camera stabilized clip, the wing is anchored in the upper screen corner and the background is moving accordingly. After the clip is Muvee stabilized, the wing is not stationary any more, but it is moving with the air current, which is how it supposed to be. This is very cool improvement. The software is not full proof and it creates serious an unacceptable mess in other situation. For example during the same clip when taxiing. The software stabilize also the horizontal panning, which creates unrealistic wheels skips. They are on something, but it need some improvements.

58. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Dec 15, 2013, Version 2

This is the shorter version of the same video posted under the same name, but I used new feature. Normally when you fly with a camera attached to your wing the plane is stationary and the horizon is moving in opposite direction of the plane movement. This is not natural. I found on line software which does very cool stuff. It stabilizes background and the plane is moving with the turbulence as it should. It looks very cool. Check it out

57. Turbulent Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Dec 15, 2013

After several weeks of unusually cold weather we had sunny and warm day. It looked like perfect time to go flying. I decided to fly east above the river towards Kamloops downtown and then turn south over the hill to Knutsford and area. There was almost no wind at the airport, but as soon as took off, turbulence was acting up. It was difficult to hold camera steady to take pictures. There was headwind about 10 knots at 800' above ground. When I turn south over the downtown and started steadily climbing up to clear the hills the wind shifted 90 deg to about 25 knots. I had feeling that I was not moving forward.  I was bounced in all directions as it is also shown in the video. Finally I had enough of fighting the turbulence, turned around towards the airport. The scenery was spectacular and snow and dark roads made very contrasting patterns on already very complex and interesting landscape.

Eventually I decided to fly across the airport on the north side over the North Mountain Ridge. I was very surprised how good and peaceful it was there. No wind and no bouncing around.

56. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Nov 14, 2013

It was beautiful day with Spring like conditions. Took of from the Kamloops airport heading over the North Ridge. It was very nice weather for picture taking with many fluffy clouds and different light contrasts. Peace was over when I entered snow covered areas. Turbulence was getting unpleasant so I turned back South and followed South and the North Thompson Rivers and their well sculptured sand bar beaches. I had good time during this 70 min flight.

55. Flying with Cam's Beaver, Oct 29, 2013

It was very beautiful, but crispy cold afternoon. Took off  south-west and turned towards Knutsford, our flying club location. Mid flight I "met" Cam Villeneuve in his bright yellow Beaver. I tried to keep up with him, but his wing is much more efficient than my hang glider. Eventually we landed at Knutsford airstrip and took some pictures. Wind started to pick up and because one never knows what will happen there weather-wise, I decided to head back to Kamloops. Actually the weather was very good so I continued flying. Buzzed over sand bars, check on the birds and generally enjoyed myself in that beautiful countryside

54. Flying to Lac do Bois and River Sandbars. Oct. 17, 2013

I took off into cold, but sunny morning over the North Ridge towards Lac Du Bois (lake) to explore area which I walked through the previous week. Made several low passes over the pasture. Then I flew south, crossed the airport runway to my popular area, South Thompson River sand bars. The water level is traditionally low at this time which exposes very uniquely sculptured sand bars. Since water is clear you can see the underwater shapes too. There were flocks of various birds, including at least 10 eagles. Had chance to capture train going through the tunnel.

53. October 1, 2013 Morning Fun Flying

Finally weather look more settled than last weeks. It was beautiful and crispy morning. Took off west to take pictures on newly cut corn maze, but it was getting rougher with every minute. Notable difference in Kamloops Lake water color did not make me feel comfortable. It was black (waves) in the west and glossy in the east (closer to airport). I decided to stay closer to airport to have short distance to safety. Crossed south to check and photograph sand bars, which are never the same. They are beautiful as always. Took pictures and video train, which looked like open necklace laid on the edge of mountains.

52. Flying from Kamloops to Shuswap Airstrip, Sept. 13, 2013

This was my another major cross-country trip and partially over a hostile terrain. I took off into 2 knots wind and as soon as I turned East and 2000' the tail wind become stronger and stronger, but at least steady and not gusty. The visibility was very poor. Very hazy with low sun directly into my face. The sun also reflected from the river which acted like a mirror. I had to manoeuvre to change the sun angle, so I could see better. With 18 knots (32 km/h) tail wind, I was making very good progress towards Chase which is on the west side of Little Shuswap Lake. Occasionally I was getting thermal kicks and downdraft pushes, so I was changing elevations between 2000' and 3000' looking for more friendly air.

The terrain up to the Chase is flyer friendly with almost always some farm land to put it down just is case something goes wrong. The situation changed from Chase with no farms, just very winding road which would need a lot of luck to put it down safely. The Shuswap Air grass strip is located east of Little Shuswap Lake. It is very beautiful and peaceful place.

I just spent several minutes there to install fresh batteries into my cameras (4 in use plus one in pocket and phone camera too). GPS showed enough power to last the trip back. I wanted to take off as soon as possible, because of now the 18 knots headwind.

I took north side of the lake over the mountains, which appeared to me more acceptable crush alternative then water. I wish I could spend more time there to enjoy the scenery. I was very relieved when I was back over the Chase in more friendly environment. The trip back to Kamloops was very slow but with only mild turbulence. There were places where my GPS showed continually longer time of arrival due to the increasing head wind.

Kamloops radio reported 2 knots wind, but 1000' higher it was 18 knots. My trike did not want to go down onto the runway 26 due to thermal from already superheated asphalt surface. It was good trip.

51. Flying past the Sunset, Sept. 10, 2013

Took off into beautiful, but hot evening (36C) with aim to time my cameras memory cards and batteries to last till the legal flying limit, 30 min past sunset. I made it and was rewarded by very enjoyable flight.

50. Flying above the Clouds in Kamloops, BC, Sept. 8, 2013

Took some pictures of the newly created Corn Maze by Tranquille Farm. Buzzed above the Sunday Flee market and then headed to chase the low clouds above the North Ridge. It was fun during my 65 min flight. This 16 min video shows Mount Paul and Mara Mountain from close up. Very few people has this opportunity to see it this way.

49. Trike Flying, Kamloops, Tobiano, Knutsford, Downtown, North Ridge, Mara Mountain, Aug 8, 2013

Beautiful flying day with calm but hazy air. Explored Tobiano golf course resort West of the Kamloops airport. Flew to Knutsford where I met 2 pilots who flow in from Vancouver area. Turned towards Kamloops downtown which is always interesting to see and to photograph. My day was finished by mountainous North Ridge with Mara mountain. Had to circle north of airport until all the traffic clear before I could land. The camera battery quit so I missed a rare opportunity to capture Canadian Air Search and Rescue planes and helicopters on tarmac. They just successfully located missing local student pilot, unfortunately he did not survive the crash. Son of my pilot friend died while following his dream to become pilot like his father.

48. Trike Flying, Knutsford, Ajax Mine, Afton Mina and Tranquille Farm area, July 16, 2013

Interesting views of the controversial Ajax mine, aerial view of Afton Mine and beautiful view of 10 min video from Tranquille Farm area, Kamloops, BC.

47. Trike Flying over Tranquille Farm, July 2, 2013

10 min video from video taking over Tranquille Farm, Kamloops, BC.

46. Trike Flying, Kamloops, Mount Lolo, Floods. June 12, 2013

A day earlier I discovered from my motorcycle very nice areas NE of Kamloops, Cold Creek and Mount Lolo. I decided to check it out from the air. I flew up to 6500' over Mt Lolo which used to be popular with hang gliders. Flew over Paul Lake, Harper Mountain ski area towards South Thompson River valley to check the high water level in the rivers. Took pictures and video of flooded farms NW of the airport. 75 min flight compressed into 15 min video.

45. Trike Flying Kamloops, May 29, 2013

Kamloops, downtown, North Ridge. Beautiful crispy day without any surprises. This video is the first attempt to synchronize video cuts with the music beat. It was after thought, when I was watching my original edit. The video was almost in synch with the music. I tried to 8x fast track the boring section. I had to use music instead of the original sound, because MS Movie Maker mutes sounds in other speeds that 1x. I did not like the fast speed section so I started again by cutting out the boring stuff and synch the other cuts to music. The 1st section is not well synched, because I had all ready these cuts made and it is impossible to adjust them in this video editor. It will be better next time.

44. Trike Flying Kamloops, May 1, 2013

Kamloops, Kamloops east, North Ridge, Mount Peter and Paul, Mara Mount.

Beautiful flight east of the city until I hit a major turbulence which spoiled my peaceful time up there. Turned around close to mountain ridge to show the Kamloops area beauty. Discovered another interesting part N-W of the airport with very sharp slabs of rocky faces. made several passes over there to see more details. Used two cameras for more diverse views, but could not combine the results into one video. After several hours it quit. There was something incompatible between those supposedly compatible formats.

43. Trike Flying Kamloops Short Video, Apr 17, 2013

Bought and installed another action camera ActionPro 1080P HD which looks like GoPro, but has many more features and accessories and cost just $150 US. I wanted to have more variety in the camera views. Decided to go for "cross country" since the weather was very good, until I cleared the South ridge. It was very turbulent and unpleasant to fly. Turned around and flew over the city. I also found, that I forgot to turn both cameras on!!! So eventually I ended up with only half trip taken with my new camera only.

42. Trike Flying Kamloops, Savona, Oscar Hill, Kamloops, March 31, 2013

Wanted to watch hang gliding gathering west of Savona. Tried to land on International, hang gliding landing spot, but did not have confidence that I could make it safely on my small wheels. Checked the hang gliding take off spot, Oscar. Unfortunately, my timing was off, so I did not see anybody flying. I wanted to fly with them for some aerial videos. Oh, well. I hope it will happen sometimes.

41. Trike Flying, Kamloops, Knutsford, Sandbars, March 29, 2013

Planned cross-country trip with my pilot friend in his Beaver did not materialize. It was too turbulent. We turned back and I finished it again flying over ever changing South Thompson River sandbars. 

40. Flying Kamloops, Feb 15, 2013

Short video from sunny, but turbulent air: Kamloops airport, Ajax, North Shore, North Ridge, Airport.

39. Flying Kamloops, Ajax, Jacko Lake, Sandbars, Feb 10, 2013

Finally nice weather allowed me to have some fun again during local flight. Explored in close up Ajax mine, Jacko. Spotted several eagles.

38. Trike Flying, Jan. 30, 2013

Fifty minutes flight over snow covered mountains North of the Kamloops airport. Flew over totally cloud covered valley.

37. Trike Flying, Jan. 9, 2013

New snow, so after shovelling out snow between hangar and Runway I was rewarded by a beautiful, flying day with temperatures above freezing. Flew Kamloops, Mara Mtn, Dome Hills, Peter & Paul Peaks, downtown, Aberdeen, Dufferin Hills and snow covered sand bars. Spotted many eagles.

I like this very complex scenery, with big contrasts between snow and dark roads, rivers, structures... I am very lucky to be able to experience this sport, which might a dream for many people. In one year of living in Kamloops, I have seen much more of Kamloops area than majority of people living here for many years.


Flying Videos in 2012