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.36. Chasing the Sun Rays, Dec 29, 2012

Took advantage of a few sun breaks through the clouds in the snow covered Kamloops. Spotted 3 eagles.

35. Flying Kamloops, North Ridge, Mount Peter & Paul, Winter River Sand Bars, Dec 12, 2012

Beautiful December day and ideal conditions for flying. Ground is partially covered with show, which makes the features of the hilly terrain around Kamloops stand out. Took many excellent pictures of that complex Kamloops landscape.

34. Flying Kamloops, Knutsford, Ajax, South Thompson River Sand Bars, Nov 25, 2012

Beautiful chilly day, ideal flying conditions to buzz in around Kamloops. Beautifully complex above and below water sand bars give different perspective on this river.

33. Flying Kamloops, Ajax Gold Mine, Knutsford, Nov 5, 2012

Wanted to fly cross country, but the wind increased significantly into 40 km/h headwind. This would be potentially dangerous in the mountain valley, creating serious downdrafts. Turned around in Knutsford into very calm weather at the airport.

32. Flying Kamloops, Frederick and Copper Creek, Nov 2, 2012

Flew this route previously, but my video battery quit in the first 5 minutes. I could not miss to capture this spectacular scenery to share with my friends. Very ragged mountain terrain north of huge Kamloops Lake. Flew over two mysterious places Frederick and Copper Creek, BC.

31. Flying Kamloops, North Ridge and Sand Bars, Oct, 28, 12

Took off to video mountains, but it was too turbulent. Went back and stayed above South Thomson river sand bars. They are so beautiful and intricate in their configuration above and below the water.

30. Kamloops-Barrier-Kamloops, 130 km, Oct 5, 2012

My second long, cross country flight through and over the mountains. Battling cold and full bladder, I made round trip 130 km in 2 hours. Unfortunately, camera batteries failed by the first click, so I do not have any photos.

29. Kamloops Flying Photo-shoot in Oct 3, 2012

Les Larkin, Kamloops air to air photographer, took several very good pictures from ground up. It was trilling flight over the river sand bars and very low with sharp turns.

28. Trike Flight Kamloops - Cache Creek - Kamloops in Sep 29, 2012

My longest and the most adventurous flight cross country to another airport located between mountains. Check the south approach where runway is behind the hill.

This was a major milestone in my flying career. My first, truly cross-country flight.

27. AirBorne Trike Flying in Kamloops Sep 17, 2012

Local flight above beautiful scenery. Close up look to Ajax mine which supposed to reopen operation under Polish company ownership. Majority of local residents do not like it, because it is very close to city residential area. Kamloops, Knutsford, Ajax, Jacko Lake

26. Flying Kamloops to Tunkwa Lake, Sep. 12, 2012

Kamloops, Afton mine, Tunkwa Lake, Leighton Lake, Greenstone Mountain

25. Flying 100 km from Kamloops to Paul Lake to Hwy 1, Aug 29, 2012

My first major cross country flight over and through the N-E mountains. Battling 35 km/h headwind on down wind side of Mounts Peter and Paul.

24. Kamloops Flying, Short Clip from Camera on Control Bar, Aug 29, 2012

I forgot to turn video camera on, so I have the last few minutes only. Tried different angle from camera mounted on the hang glider control bar.

23. Sunset Flying in Kamloops, Aug 12, 2012

Different camera angle showing Kamloops area and the pilot's control.

22. Trike Flight, Kamloops - Savona - Kamloops , July 26, 2012

Kamloops - Savona - Kamloops Trike Flight in July 26, 2012. It was hazy, but flying was very smooth. It is very beautiful country site.

21. Flying in Kamloops, Buse Lake, Knutsford, July 17, 2012

Flying AirBorne trike Kamloops - Buse Lake - Knutsford - Ajax Mine with camera on the wing.

20. It was very good day in July 12, 2012

Flying AirBorne trike in Kamloops, BC and around exploring new areas. It was very good flying day. Kamloops, Ajax, Krentz field, Knutsford, Kamloops downtown, North Mountain Ridge, Mara Mountain

19. Several Trike Flying Days in Three Minutes

Different camera angles taken in different seasons edited together to show how it is to fly motorized hang glider (Trike).

18. Flying in Kamloops, BC with GoPro on the Stick in July 4, 2012

Finally, I was brave enough to try mount GoPro video camera on Xshot telescopic stick to get more interesting video angles. Most of the time, hang glider requires both hands to fly it, but the weather was very good...  I did not want the "apparatus" to go through the prop above the mountains.

17. Flying in Kamloops, BC over Spilled River and above Clouds in June 24, 2012

Taking pictures and video over swollen South and North Thomson Rivers. Had second chance in my life to play a bit with very low clouds. Kamloops, Deep Lake, Heffley Creek, Tranquille farm area.

16. AirBorne Trike Flying in Kamloops April 9, 2012

Local flight above beautiful scenery till sunset. Kamloops, Knutsford, Shumway Lake, Walker Lake, Petersen Creek, North Mountain Ridge, Mara Mountain

15. Flying in Kamloops, April 8, 2012

Played over South Thomson River sand bars, in 2nd part of the video. Never realized vastness of these sand deposits until I flew over. All these bars are under several meters of water half of the time when snow melts from the mountains. This is perfect place for an emergency landing, which is normally not easy place to do in Kamloops. Kamloops, Ajax mine, Knutsford, sand bars

14. Trike with Beaver Flying and Sand Bars Beauty, April 6, 2012

Flying Airborne trike in Kamloops, BC with friend Cam Villeneuve in his Beaver. The last part shows ever changing underwater beauty of Thomson river sand bars. Very few people can see this. Kamloops, Knutsford, South Thomson river sand bars.

13. Flying in Kamloops, BC March 7, 2012

Flying from Kamloops, Knutsford to Walker Lake, BC (61 km)

12. Flying in Kamloops, BC in March 3, 2012

Nice, overall view of major part of Kamloops core from the air. Beautiful scenery to photograph and video.

11. Beautiful Winter Kamloops from the Air, Feb.20, 2012

Slide show from pictures which I took while flying AirBorne Trike.

10. Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 22, 2012

Flying in Kamloops, Feb. 22, 2012 with GoPro cam mounted on the side of the trike pod and facing rear. Interesting to see how much movement is between the wing and trike. The air was a bit more turbulent than normally.

9. Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 12, 2012

Flying in Kamloops over the North Ridge Mountains with headcam. Flew over 2nd highest peak in Kamloops, Mara Mountain (1000 m)

8. Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012

Flying in Kamloops, Feb. 11, 2012 with GoPro cam mounted on helmet.

7. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 1 of 4


6. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 2 of 4

5. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 3 of 4

4. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 4 of 4


Flying Videos in 1974 - 2010