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483. Kamloops Area Flight over Thompson Rivers In Kamloops Jul 17, 2024

Short flight to check status of Thompson Rivers in Kamloops area. Flew over North Ridge, Brock, Batchelor Heights, Westsyde, Rayleigh, North Shore, Tournament Capital Ranch, Rivers Junction, McArthur Island, Airport, Kruger


482. Flight around Greenstone Area Lakes and Kamloops from 10,000 ft. Kamloops Jul 13, 2024

Another fantastic, 120 km long nature flight to show many Kamloops area lakes and recreation sites. Kamloops is shown from 10,500 ft in its beauty. That view highlights the complexity, uniqueness and beautiful nature setting of the Kamloops City.


481. Flight to Red Lake and Cache Creek through Unbeaten Path. Kamloops Jul 4, 2024

I took a nature flight through beautiful valleys above peaks and many lakes. Set of lakes around the Red Lake area was a highlight of my trip. Crossed Deadman River valley and then flew diagonally to the small village of Cache Creek. Landed on their always challenging airport. I took a direct route back to Kamloops. I had almost perfect flying conditions.


480. Scenic Flight to Chase, Monte, Disdero, Scuitto and other Lakes, Kamloops Jun 28, 2024

Another perfect flying day which took me to 165 km long super beautiful nature trip.


479. Flight to Salmon Arm Downtown through a bit of Unbeaten Path, Jun 20, 2024

I could not ask for better flying conditions. The air was smooth like freshly paved road during my 225 km flight. I choose a bit unusual path over the hidden valleys to discover another natural beauty. I followed the Salmon Arm shore line and other parts of downtown. I am showing the burned out vastness of the 2023 Adams Lake devastating forest fire. Another unusual short cut over the North Ridge showing several hidden lakes there. It was the perfect 1st day of summer.



478. Flight by Lakes: Lac Le Jeune, Logan, Tunkwa, and Kamloops. Close View of Savona Mt. Kamloops BC, Canada, Jun 13, 24

Scenic flight by many lakes mainly: Jacko, McConnell, Stake, Lac Le Jeune, Shambrook, Walloper, Logan, Tunkwa, Leighton and Kamloops. Close view of Savona Mountain too.


477. Super Scenic Flight to Clearwater BC Canada, Jun 6, 2024

I embarked on an incredibly scenic flight, tracing the North Thompson River valley toward the small town of Clearwater in British Columbia, Canada. As I soared above Heffley, McLure, and Little Fork, I encountered a stunning natural landscape that, at one point, resembled an AI-generated fantasy. The surroundings were lush, vibrant, and exceptionally green, with Dunn Peak standing tall amidst a snow-covered mountain range on one side, while Raft Mountain retained its snowy cap on the other. Despite some turbulence, I was fortunate that the weather cooperated, allowing me to revel in 245 km (152 mi) of pure fun.


476. Turbulent Flight to Sun Peaks Area. May 31, 2024

Everything in the Kamloops area is now so freshly green and live. It reminded me my trike flight in Hawaii. The 150 km flight was supper beautiful, but not very relaxing. Almost continual turbulence kept my attention in check. I flew to the second largest ski area in Canada, Sun Peaks. It was chilly there with peak covered still in snow. I flew above the residential and business area with the ski hill all around me. The view was spectacular. I have very good video to prove it.


475. Turbulent Flight to and from Douglas Lake, May 15, 2024

It was beautiful, but not relaxing flight to Douglas Lake. Very often turbulent flight over many lakes, pastures, fields rolling hills and deep valleys. It kept me on my toes. I was considering few times to turn around. The turbulence itself was not too bad, but the anticipation of what is coming next. Overall it was 178 km pleasure which only few people had opportunity to experience.


474. Exploring NE of Pritchard (Pemberton), Niskonlith Lake, Chase Area and other. Kamloops, May 10, 2024

An excellent flight in greening Kamloops to see the spring nature changes. Soaring through the skies over Kamloops, you could witnessed the beauty of spring unfold, a true celebration of nature’s renewal! 155 km of pure fun flying


473. Exploring SW of Kamloops. May 2, 2024

One hour flight over many lakes, meadows, fields, hills and other interesting and complex terrain features.


472. Beautiful Scenery above Paul Lake Valley and Paul Lake. Kamloops, Apr 22, 2024

My trip was cut short due to area of some serious turbulence kicks. The prospect for better flying conditions was not good. Regardless, the 100 km trip was worth every penny. The natural beauty of this region is beyond any description. Check it out


471. 225 km Flight to Intimidating Mountainous Area near Lillooet. Kamloops, Apr 14 2024

It was a challenging flight to potentially very nasty and unpredictable flying conditions. I wanted to land at small village Lillooet airport (N50.673 W121.892). It is located well below the ring of tall mountains. I made it to the edge of the SE mountain ridge, just 20 km (12 mi) SE of the airport and gave up. I looked down into that enormous bowl from 2438 m (8000 ft) formed by south wall covered with snow, while the north facing wall was dark, with no traces of snow. Those are the best conditions for some serious thermal turbulence. Regardless, it was spectacular 225 km (140 mi) trip



470. Local Exploration Flight, Kamloops, Apr 12, 2024

It was a perfect day to showcase Kamloops in its full beauty. Enjoy aerial views blended into relaxing music.



469. Unsuccessful, Turbulent Flight to Sun Peaks, Kamloops, Apr 7, 2024

It looked like a perfect morning to go flying. Blue sky, crisp air and very light wind. I decided to fly to Sun Peaks, the second largest ski area in Canada. It was the closing ski season day on the hill.

The flight was very picturesque and relaxing. The sky was all around clear, except the Sun Peaks area. I could see from many km away a band of fluffy clouds above to peaks, signaling thermal activities and turbulence. It would be an ideal time for sail plane pilots to take an advantage of the free uplifting power of clouds, but not for me. I have great respect and zero experience with those thermal, fluffy clouds. For a while I was threading under the blue sky between clouds gaps. I choose one, very well define and small cloud to check the updraft under it. It was very good kick with all those unpleasant turbulence effect on my trike. It was enough for me. I decided to turn around and away from those potentially unwelcomed surprises. Regardless, the country site is beautiful all around us, so no regret.



468. Excellent Flight to Mt Martin; 175 km of Natural Beauty, Kamloops, Apr 1, 2024

I tried this flight in Nov 2023 (YT video # 457) but I was badly kicked out by very nasty turbulence. This time, she was kind to me. Challenging and definitely not boring terrain was pleasurable background in this flight. This interesting video in relaxing music can bring your mood up. The Martin Mt is very well defined mountain on eastern horizon with almost always first and the last snow glowing above the eastern river valley.


467. Local Flight: Batchelor, Sun Rivers, DT, Aberdeen, Knutsford, Ajax, Afton, Sandbars, Kamloops, Mar 30, 2024

An excellent flying weather for some buzzing around. There is so much to see just around Kamloops. It was a beautiful flight and this video is to prove it.



466. Test Flight with New Prop. Flying Loops above North Ridge, Close to Airport. Kamloops, Mar 13, 2024

This was my first flight with new Warp Drive Prop. I set it to 10 deg pitch, measured on the prop tip and it was good choice. Checked the carburetors balance and it was the same to my previous PowerFin prop. Now fiddling around required. I flew close to airport just in case. It was actually very nice, no surprises flight with good video capture.


464. Excellent Flight except the Scary Landing. Kamloops North Ridge, Feb 2, 2024

It was weird day. Kamloops and practically whole BC was under heave fog. All air traffic was on hold.

The sun started to peak through around noon. The west half of runway was still totally fog covered when I started to prepare for flight. It cleared by 1:30 pm, the time when I took off.

It was very relaxing and enjoyable flight in crispy clear air, but with many clouds around. Warm, +6C on the ground and +9C at the top (5500’). Actually, it was too warm, because I had partially covered the engine radiator for cold flying. The engine temp reached max, so I had to pull back a bit to keep it from overheating. It was totally spring like flying.

The fun and relaxation was dashed just about 50 ft above ground when all hell broke loose. I felt like garbage bag in the wind. I had to give up in very scary, super turbulent and gusty conditions. I was glad to make it in one piece. I noticed the wind sock, while taxing “home”, was moving very erratically and at one moment it pointed even straight up. It was some experience. 10 min after that the wind was blowing like mad.


463. My Excellent First Flight of 2024, Kamloops Jan 21, 2023

I was rewarded by beautiful and relaxing winter flight after serious snow removal (by hand shovel) from my access path to runway. There was low ceiling cloud base all around except Kamloops center and airport area. I found enough space to have good winter fun.



462. I had to Shovel all this by Hand before my Flight, Kamloops Jan 21, 2024

It was serious exercise to clear all that snow from my hangar up to the taxiway. The taxiway was closed for me by big snow withdraw from the airport plow. Well many people pay for the gym membership and I have it free.

I discovered so many muscles. I didn’t know I have. See the actual flight below


461. South Thompson River Low Water Level. Aerial View from Prichard to Kamloops Lake, Dec 23, 2023

I flew 48 km (30 mi) east to Pritchard to start the aerial “survey” view of our main water supply, South Thompson River. The water level is really critically low since the summer. It has at least 4 months to go before “flood season” will develop. It is Christmas and we still did not get any snow in the lower Kamloops (airport area). Check the spectacular sand bars at the river delta.


460. Waiting for Sunset on Cloudy Day. Kamloops Dec 20, 2023

I wanted to capture usually very colorful sky at the sunset. Also, I wanted to do it during the shortest day. Here I was just one day too early because the weather forecast for the next day was no good for my flying.

I could see low level clouds all around except very large hole of blue sky over the Brock and North Shore. As soon as I cleared the low level clouds I could see high layer of clouds and only a sliver of sun going down. I stayed up to my legal limit for flying, 30 min past sunset. It was really very dark, much darker than the video is showing. GoPro cameras struggled with video stabilization in that dark afternoon and I had to cut that footage out. It was still very relaxing flight with video to prove it.


459. Exploring North Ridge Area with Beautiful Clouds Formations, Kamloops Dec 16, 2023

Awesome scenery all around with still no snow by the airport location, while the terrain all around is snow covered. One of the best flights with 120 km of pure fun.



458. Above Clouds Flight to Sun Peaks and Harper Mountain, Kamloops Dec 7, 2023

An excellent winter, almost no snow, flight to the second largest ski hill in Canada, Sun Peaks. I like those conditions with scattered fluffy clouds around me. The visibility was excellent and just -5 C (23 F). The next waypoint was another, but smaller ski hill on Harper Mountain. All that area, everywhere you look is very diverse and definitely not boring to look at it and to fly in it. The last leg of my 100 km trip and the most beautiful region in our area is the South Thompson River valley. Come in for this video ride and check it out.


457. Very Turbulent Flight to Mt Martin & over South Thompson River, Kamloops Nov 19, 2023

This was not a relaxing flight, but very challenging and full workout exercise. I was flying about 100 km (62 mi) in a heavy turbulence with shifting winds in 180 deg direction changes. I wanted to fly to Mt Martin, which is the highest visible mountain from Kamloops on east horizon. I had to give it up because the turbulence there was too much for my taste. The country side is beautiful. I also noticed a lot of smoke far east in Shuswap Lake valley. It is the nature unfinished business of 2023 devastating wildfire there.



456. Beautiful, 130 km Scenic Flight through Campbell Creek Valley and North Ridge Loop, Kamloops Nov 8, 2023

This is my best video so far. The weather and the flying conditions were perfect and the selection of the flight area was perfect too. Kamloops area is very spectacular at any time, but it is much more eye pleasing under good conditions. This was the day.

Brock, N Shore, downtown, Aberdeen, Knutsford, Shumway Lake, Walker Lake, Campbell Creek, Barnhartvale, Dallas, Harper Ranch, N Ridge, Sun Rivers, Tranquille River, Tranquille Farm…


455. Checking 2023 Ross Moore Lake Wildfire Area Status, Kamloops Oct 29, 2023

My afternoon flight, surprisingly turbulence free to 2023 summer devastating wildfire with centered by Ross More Lake. This 115 km2 (44 mi2) fire had caused a lot of misery to us in this region. I decided to check if it is really over. I found one smoldering area and 2 still “lightly” burning spots, which I reported to Canadian Flight Services. I hope someone is paying attention, because one fire is just 3 km E of Lac Le Jeune and the other just 8 kn NE from the same lake. I want to have the next summer smoke free, please! 


454. Noon, Fall Colors Flying to Tobiano, Deadman Valley, Walhachin and Other Areas, Kamloops Oct 22, 2023

It was 170 km (106 mi) of pure fun. Normally I fly early morning to avoid the usual air turbulence. The morning rising sun makes the visual conditions very difficult. The east side of the mountains is almost black and the west side is overexposed. The cameras cannot handle those extreme contrasts in Auto modes.

This time I took a chance and flew in the high overhead noon sun. It was perfect in the Deadman River valley which is oriented south to north. My original plan was to see again the Deadman Falls at my midpoint. Unfortunately the relaxing conditions abruptly ended in turbulence 18 km (11 mi) before the Deadman Falls. I did not want to take any chances going further north, which is very emergency hostile terrain.

This video shows very well the Tobiano and Savona, which I never had opportunity to capture those places that way. It was perfect time to capture that last days of the beautiful fall colors.



453. Flying around Kamloops Lake and more. Kamloops Oct 12, 2023

It was one of my best and very relaxing, 130 km long flight. Weather was perfect, a bit on chilly side, but without those typical and sudden bursts of nastiness. The nature around Kamloops Lake is spectacular with very enjoyable hiking areas there. I turned back over the Deadman Valley to the lake south side, crossing Savona and beautiful Tobiano Golf and residential area. I eventually noticed very low clouds in the Knutsford area which was fun to fly over. I captured the essence of the Kamloops City located in extremely beautiful surroundings. Finally my trip was finished by flying over our sandbars, amazing and always changing into very original 3D formation under and above the water.



452. Flying to Check Adams Lake Wildfire Situation. Kamloops Oct 1, 2023

I am following my failed attempt in previous day to check the Shuswap area affected by Adams Lake 456 km2 wildfire. This time I made it there. I was still restricted by required elevation of 2134 m (7000 ft) ASL to clear the fire zone restriction.  You could see the extent and natural selectivity; one area is burned and the other is spared.  I could saw smoldering areas E of Squilax Mt (N 50.846390 W 119.54024). I hope someone is still paying attention to it. As far I know all firefighting aircraft left Kamloops, so ground crew must keep it in check. I flew 192 km (119 mi) in perfect day but sad situation for fire affected people.


451. Flying to Shuswap Area. Kamloops Sep 31, 2023

This was the day to fly. Almost sunny and no wind. I decided to check the still active, but almost over the Adam’s Lake major wildfire aftermath. I realized on my way east that it might be impossible. NOTAM restriction specified min elevation 2134 m (7000 ft) ASL (Above Sea Level) in the fire area of radius of 20 Nm (35 km) from the fire center. I made it to just 1524 m (5000 ft) and I was already in clouds. I could not legally continue to clear the restricted zone. I turned around to try the next time. Actually the next time became the next day with the follow up video.

The flying day was very interesting with spotty terrain from broken clouds shadows and changing fall terrain colors. Of course I also checked the ever changing sandbars in the Thompson River delta by Kamloops Lake. It was very good day.


450. Flying over Ross Moore Lake Wildfire Area, Sep 8, 2023

The flying conditions were very good and even smoke form wildfires was not too bad. I decided to check the status of Ross Moore Lake wildfire with its edge just 15 km south of Kamloops city. The 113 km2 (44 mi2) fire was still classified as out of control, but I did not see any evidence of it.  It looked from the air as the fire well in control. I saw just 3 small areas with still smoldering patches. I called the location of the first patch (SW of the fire area center) and I was told that helicopter is flying there every day to check the progress. There should not be any reason to get it again out of control. The fire was very close to a major recreation and residential area  of Lac Le Jeune NW of the fire start. I have good aerial view of Kamloops from early morning lit by fresh sun. I finished my enjoyable flight be several low passes over the river sandbars, just south of airport. The edges formations were spectacular.  Those sandbars are very dynamic, continually changing by flowing and water level dropping river.


449. Kamloops Area Covered with Wildfire Smoke, Sep 2, 2023

It was not an ideal day to go flying because we had some serious, out of control fires near by. Also wind direction helped to blow the smoke from the other places too.  I have to turn around in mid flight, because to visibility was getting critical. I still have very good video from South Thompson River valley and from Knutsford area too. I wanted to see the effect of those fires, but it was impossible from the allowed altitude to see anything. I flew over downtown to check the rivers water situation and the headed north to Lac Du Bois (lake), which I visited a day earlier. It is beautiful area and I wanted to see it from the above too. After flying over Mara Hill and NW Ridge I crossed the river for low level passes of the ever changing river sandbars. This is always is a highlight of my flying day.


448. Low Water Level of Thompson Rivers. Kamloops Aug 19, 2023

I flew above both North and South Thompson Rivers to check how low the water level is. North Thompson is receiving extra water from the rains upstream, which is good news. It is very well seen in Kamloops downtown in the river confluence. The outflow from N Thompson River is in totally different, grayish silt color. I labeled it in the video as “New water”. It is not “fresh water” because it is really badly looking. Water level up MW spilled into dry land and islands flushing all that accumulated stuff back into the river which we are just receiving here in Kamloops. We are in level 5 drought category with serious water usage restrictions.


447. Kamloops in the Middle of Wildfires. July 23, 2023

It was my interesting, early morning flight.. Flew south by the monster, out of control, wildfire by Ross Moore Lake. There is high elevation view of the ever expanding fire, affecting many evacuated residents. I was surprised to see the fire up to the up wind edge regardless of very strong wind in the previous day. I expected to see large burned out area on the up wind, western side, but not. I guess, it is the unpredictable nature.  One half of Kamloops was in serious smoke cover while the other half, west side was reasonably clear. I also noticed another, to me just starting fire further north. It looked like some large camp fire. I reported its location to Kamloops Flight Services. Later that day I noticed this as already registered Frisken Creek fire. The video shows the interesting view of Kamloops city partially shrouded in thick smoke screen…. Overall, it was good 127 km long flight.


446. Scenic Flight to Chase, Mt Martin, Monte, Campbell and Scuitto Lakes. July 18, 2023

Beautiful and very scenic flight through the Chase-Falkland Rd valley. The nature colors are changing very quickly in these unusually hot and dry conditions. There are still some regions which are very healthily green. I was surprised with unusually, 23 min long wait for  my position to land. I felt like in an Oshkosh.



445. Scenic Flight to Little Shuswap Lake. High Level Views of the River Valley. July 12, 2023

I was originally flying to Salmon Arm airport, but heavy smoke from surrounding forest fires made me to turn back earlier. Regardless, I have very good video of the South Thompson River valley from the higher elevation then usually. This brought larger areas into my cameras views. It also shows our vital river quickly losing the water level due to hot and dry weather. It might be interesting year in Kamloops. Also visited fire fighting air base to check the water bombers and take some pictures.


444. Scenic Loop to Highland Valley Copper Mine, Spences Bridge Area, Ashcroft, Savona… July 4, 2023

It was a perfect and scenic flight through very interesting country sites in various styles. Very nice aerial view of super big, Highland Valley Copper Mine, open pit operation. I continued then into Nicola River Valley to check the hwy 8 which was practically destroyed by serious 2022 river flood. There is a 800 ft long and straight piece to highway which was cut out from the rest of the highway by the river. This could be potentially used as a landing strip. The location looks a bit intimidating, but it could be perfect for the mountain type of pilots. I turned north upstream of Thompson River to Ashcroft. I skipped the nearby Cache Creek airport, because the turbulence started already knocking on my back and I wanted to be back ASAP. The Nicola and Thompson River valleys are spectacular, but again intimidating for low level style of flying. I crossed Walhachin, Savona, Tobiano and finally Kamloops. I was really moving on my last leg over the Kamloops Lake with whitecaps, with 30 km/h (19 mph) tail wind. The tail wind almost instantly changed to headwind just by the Kamloops airport. It really woke me up from my peaceful flight. It was rough few seconds.


443. Flying to Bonaparte Lake & Bonaparte Provincial Park via McLure. June 30, 2023

It was 177 km (110 mi) long flight of pure fun. I tried several times to fly to Bonaparte Lake area, but the bad turbulence always changed my plans.

I was really surprised with number of lakes and lash green and beautiful areas. I also saw ravaged areas from 2021 forest fire, but the nature is slowly recovering from that disaster. I captured the Kamloops downtown in the early morning sun and quickly loosing water level in our rivers. We could already see river sandbars which are normally still under several feet of water.


442. Flying to Deadman Falls over Tobiano, Savona, Deadman River and Straight Line Back. June 26, 2023

I visited the Deadman Falls in 2021 by motorcycle. I also flew very nearby previously, but at that time I didn’t know about the waterfalls there. I decided to check it out. It was very good, 153 km long and very enjoyable flight. The scenery and the nature are spectacular. I followed the Deadman River deep valley there and I flew straight line over totally unknown terrain on the way back. Check it out; you will like it.


441. Flight through Nicola Valley to Merritt, Logan Lake and Tunkwa Lake, Kamloops June 17, 2023

This was the day to fly. Absolutely the best conditions to do video. The fluffy clouds created beautiful spotty patterns on the ground. Everything around was in full green and healthy looking shape. I flew to small city Merritt airport through one of the most scenic region Nicola Valley. It is filled with many lakes in deep valleys, meadows and rolling hills all in multi shades of spring green color. After short pit stop I continued above highway 97C to small village Logan Lake, which almost burned down in serious forest fire in 2022. I flew over Tunkwa Provincial Park and Duffy Lake back to Kamloops. It was 180 km (112 mi) of pure pleasure filled with natural beauty. I was back on the ground at 8:15 am.


440. Local Flight to Test Gimbal Head GoPro Camera, Kamloops June 6, 2023

I replaced my Insta360 X2 camera with GoPro Hero 7B mounted in 3 axes stabilizer Removu S1. The 360 deg camera is very good, but editing and lining the wanted views is very tedious and time consuming. I was looking for better results, but I was disappointed. I was hoping that motorized Gimbal head with 3 gyroscopes would be proper solution. It is not as shown in the video. I will be going back to Insta360 X2 as front view camera. You could still enjoy aerial views of Kamloops when all is green. It looks so good.


439. Scenic Flight from Vernon to Kamloops in Extreme Turbulence. Part 2 of 2, May 31, 2023

The return leg from Vernon to Kamloops was very interesting to say it mildly. I was mega challenge of extreme conditions in my experience so far: Terrible turbulence and landing into strong gusty wind, which was not forecasted.

I chose more scenic road through the Falkland Valley. This area is known for strong and sudden bursts of wind. There is even sign on highway warning drivers from strong winds. It gave me full work out and tested my skills, and will to live. It was 20 minutes of swearing and wishing not to be there. It topped up the landing into totally unpredicted gusty wind of 28-44 km/h (17-27 mph) wind. The original forecast was 6-8 km/h (4-5 mph).


438. Direct and Peaceful Flight to Vernon, Part 1 of 2. May 31, 2023

I was considering this flight to neighboring airport in Vernon for several years now. It was definitely out of my comfort zone, not because of distance or terrain, but the unpredictable flying conditions. The terrain between Kamloops and Vernon is combination of mountains, large lakes, many complexly laid valleys and large open spaces. This creates ripe conditions for multidirectional and gusty winds and of course turbulence too. The terrain is spectacular, which was the main attraction for me.

I was up in the air at 6:15 am to avoid heat changes from cold(er) morning to hot noon, which brings turbulence. I chose straight line flight over the mountains to Vernon and more scenic route through the Falkland Valley on the way back. The sun position was also the factor to get better light condition for my video cameras. Well, the return leg was very interesting to say it mildly. I was mega challenge of extreme conditions in my experience so far: Terrible turbulence and landing into strong gusty wind, which was not forecasted.



437. Flight to Barriere, Whitecroft, Barnhartvale, 180 km of Beauty. May 16, 2023

This was another beautiful flight through less traveled areas. I followed the North Thompson River up to McLure ferry and then over the mountains to Barriere. The next leg led me to Whitecroft, small village near Sun Peaks. I followed the narrow valley filled with all kind of green colors.  The nature is fully transformed now from the dark winter colors to bright greens. The third leg of my 180 km long flight was to Buse Lake area in Barnhartvale area. The Buse Lake is completing its summer transformation into purple/red color.

I tried many times for several years to fly close to the Rock Needle of Buse Hill, but the weather conditions had always different plans. It looked promising this time, but my main, full view camera battery died. I flew close, but still encounter unpleasant turbulence there. I completed my journey above the south side of the South Thompson River and recording views of Barnhartvale, Juniper Ridge and Kamloops Sahali area.  Other areas to see are Brocklehurst, Batchelor Heights, Westsyde, Ida Lane hill, North Thompson River valley residential areas.



436. Flight to Sun Peaks, Chase and High Water Level of South Thompson River. May 19, 2023

Beautiful flight to quickly changing Sun Peaks from winter ski paradise to green mountain playground. I continued to small village Chase, which is start of South Thompson River. I flew over the river which is spilling over in some areas; annual cycle from very low at over high water levels.

It is interesting to compare the river valley character between those two extremes. See my video # 432 from Apr 14, 2023 for comparison.


435. Return Flight from Cache Creek to Kamloops, May 11 2023

This is the second part (video #434) of my trip to Cache Creek to see the flooding situation there. The flight is threading through very interesting geographical nature with beauty in every direction.



434. Flight to Cache Creek to Check the River Flooding Situation. Kamloops, May 11 2023

It was an interesting flight in the Thompson and Bonaparte river valleys to see the flooding river conditions. Small town of Cache Creek was already affected by damaging flood and expecting additional flood by Bonaparte River. I flew over Ashcroft and Cache Creek from south to north. I landed at local and to me intimidating and challenging airport with unpredictable weather and thermal conditions. I had to land to change battery of my video camera. Whole area changed already from dry brown and brownish color to increasingly green colors from nature fast spring awakening.


433. Following Tranquille Canyon to Fire Devastated Red & Sparks Lakes Areas, Deadman Valley, Walhachin, Tobiano… Apr 27, 2028

I was considering this flight for several years now, but the terrain looks and is very intimidating. The gold containing Tranquille Creek is running in very deep, steep and narrow canyon. Definitively any mechanical or even environmental failure would be total disaster in that hostile environment. I started early in the morning to limit my exposure to expected turbulence, but it was still not relaxing flight. The strong headwind created mechanical turbulence behind and around the hills. This combined with warm and cold sides of the canyon created very good turbulence. Well, I made it through! It is very nice in the Red Lake area, which follows the Sparks Lake. The Sparks Lake became “famous” in June 2021 when someone set forest on fire. It was hell on earth: 52 buildings, over 90,000 ha of forest gone, and millions spent on aerial and ground fire fighting. It was terrible summer even for us living 40 km away from it. Covered also Deadman Valley, Walhachin area, Savona, Pat Lake, Tobiano, Cherry Creek, South Thompson River sand bars, Tranquille Farm.

The sky was very clear and visibility perfect so you could see the Costal Mountain Ridge still covered in snow.



432. Complete South Thompson River, Low Water Level Aerial Survey, Kamloops, Apr 14, 2023

Here is my aerial survey of all South Thompson River from Chase to Kamloops delta. I wanted to capture the 2023 lowest water level in that river.

It was very nice and interesting flight. I received warning form the Kamloops Flight Services about ash from Russian (Kamchatka) volcano 4,800 km away. Eventually I had an experience with that strange phenomena. I saw two big snow falling areas in my path which could be dangerous with very strong winds. That cold air is usually sucked into my sun heated warmer air where I was. I experienced it already once and I don’t care for any repetition. I noticed when editing my videos that the snow area was actually very local ash fall. I noticed it on my camera and my windshield was very dusty. The sky was very diverse and interesting. Unpleasant flight against early morning rising sun with poor visibility turned out to be fun flight fro Chase to Kamloops.



431. Kamloops from the Air in Heavy Turbulence, Apr 11, 2023

I wanted to document extremely low water level in whole South Thompson River. I did the second half of it in my video 429 from March 20, 2023.

I did not make it too far this time, because of very strong and unpleasant turbulence.  I was getting air sick and I did not want to push my luck. I had to give up. I hope I could make it soon. I brought very interesting video from around the Kamloops city.



430. Flight to Lac Le Jeune and Detail Survey of Kamloops Sandbars, Kamloops Mar 29, 2023

I flew over scenic road to Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park, campground and residential area. While Kamloops valley is practically snow free and in spring like weather, the area south is still in full winter mode. I turned SE to Knutsford area, over Paterson Creek canyon to Kamloops downtown. I then followed South Thompson River to its delta to Kamloops Lake. I made over 50 km above those spectacular sand bars. The river water level is in its seasonal lowest point so the sand beaches and the sandbars areas are enormous. They will disappear under water in June to August with not unusual flood in lower city elevations. I documented special twist to crop circles. By the SW of river delta. If you have chance to watch this video on TV then you will not regret it. You will not see it again as it is, because they are always changing and slowly disappearing with the spring runoff.


429. Checking Low Water Level of North and South Thompson Rivers, Kamloops Mar 20, 2023

Kamloops probably reached to lowest river level this season. It is really low. Spring and spring temperatures are here which started snow melting from the mountain and high elevation regions. I wanted to capture this event which is only possible to se from the air and preferably from low elevation. I flew east 43 km (27 mi), past the Monte Creek above of the South Thompson River. I also used a clip insert from June 24, 2012 when rivers water level was just peaking out for comparison. After that, I turner NW towards McLure by North Thompson River. I changed my direction due to turbulence. I flew instead over Pinantan and Paul Lakes and over the Lyons Lake to the “end of civilization” of North Thompson River. I followed the rivers to airport which was 72 km (45 mi) away.


428. Flying to Buse Lake in no Fun Turbulence. Mar 16, 2023

I have been trying 11 years to do close up of Buse Hill rock face needle, but the flying conditions had been too dangerous to do it. The turbulence was too much for my fun even far away from the hill. I toured above several Kamloops subdivisions, like Valleyview, Dallas, NE river shore cliffs, Sun Rivers, Batchelor Hills, North Ridge… I am also showing detail views of spectacular nature creation, sand bars of South Thompson River delta. It is my favorite area to fly, because it is always different. This is the only way to see it and also to see what is under water too.


427. Flying to Harper Ranch, Campbell Creek Rd to Knutsford, Ajax, Afton, Cherry Creek, Kamloops, Mar 9, 2023

I ventured a bit behind the hills in area which might not be very well known. All this is presented with easy listening music. You could see: Brock, North Shore, Sun Rivers, North Ridge with Mt Peter & Paul, Harper Ranch Dallas, Barnhartvale, Campbell Creek, Shumway Lake valley, Knutsford, Ajax mine, Jacko Lake, Afton mine, Cherry Creek area, South Thompson River sand bars.


426. Flying to Harper Ski Hill in very Good Turbulence. Kamloops Mar 3, 2023

Beautiful, but turbulent flight to Kamloops area 2nd largest ski hill. 


425. Flying over the City. Short, Intro Video. Kamloops Feb 11, 2023


424. Flying over East of City, Valleyview, Dallas, Barnhartvale and then Sun Rivers, North Shore and Brock. Kamloops Feb 11, 2023

This is the second part of my detailed city fly over.



423. Flying in Survey Pattern over South Side of City, Kamloops Feb 15, 2023

It decided to do detail fly over the south side of Kamloops city in a survey type of track pattern. This covers the largest and the hilliest part of Kamloops. It shows our diverse and very complex terrain which must really challenge for the city planners and maintainers. The video is result of 93 km over that city section.


422. Flying to Beautiful Area of Walhachin. Kamloops, Feb 9, 2023

It was beautiful winter day to have some good fun in the air. Sunny sky and temperature above freezing added to that special mood. The Walhachin area has very interestingly carved winding river banks, looking like being made by a machine. The flight to that place goes through many natural wonders looking spectacular from the ground and the air. Places to see from 113 km long flight: North Shore, Domtar, river junction, Aberdeen, Dufferin, Afton mine, Cherry Creek area, Tobiano, hoodoos, Balancing Rock, Savona, Thompson River rec areas, Walhachin, South Thompson River delta sand bars…


421. Flying with the Clouds. Kamloops, Jan 15, 2023

This video has background music

Another interesting flying conditions: Heavy, multi-layer clouds, blue sky, bright sunshine, dark ground areas. I covered North Ridge, Batchelor area, North Thompson River, Westsyde, Mt Mara, Tranquille Creek valley, Lac du Bois Area. The Tranquille-Criss Creek, normally deep and steep valley was under clouds. This created very interesting visual effect. See also nice Sundog (Halo) effect in the clouds

I had interesting moment before my landing when looking for entry hole in the clouds. I had to ask the control tower to check it for me, which they did. It was difficult to see anything except very bright white fluffs reflecting the sun directly into my face. Another moment happened while I was taking pictures above Batchelor subdivision where I was hit with sudden and strong updraft, which almost ripped the control bar from my hand. It was fun and interesting flight.


420. Flying with the Clouds. Kamloops, Jan 15, 2023

This video has no background music.

Another interesting flying conditions: Heavy, multi-layer clouds, blue sky, bright sunshine, dark ground areas. I covered North Ridge, Batchelor area, North Thompson River, Westsyde, Mt Mara, Tranquille Creek valley, Lac du Bois Area. The Tranquille-Criss Creek, normally deep and steep valley was under clouds. This created very interesting visual effect. See also nice Sundog (Halo) effect in the clouds

I had interesting moment before my landing when looking for entry hole in the clouds. I had to ask the control tower to check it for me, which they did. It was difficult to see anything except very bright white fluffs reflecting the sun directly into my face. Another moment happened while I was taking pictures above Batchelor subdivision where I was hit with sudden and strong updraft, which almost ripped the control bar from my hand. It was fun and interesting flight.




419. Kamloops Winter Sunset: Shorter Version of #418 Video. Dec 28, 2022

This is a shorter version of the video #418, with mainly views from the front camera. It is made for people liking to look around while enjoying the beautiful Kamloops natural beauty. This version has no music, just an engine and wind sound.


418. Kamloops Winter Sunset: Uncut Front Camera View. Dec 28, 2022

This is a long version of the video #417, with mainly views from the front camera. It is made for people liking to look around while enjoying the beautiful Kamloops natural beauty. This version has no music, just an engine and wind sound.


417. Kamloops Winter Sunset, Part 2 of 2. Dec 28, 2022

Spectacular atmospheric conditions were captured in this late afternoon video. High clouds above, low clouds just below, orange glow from setting down sun, rainbow, blue sky, spectacular clouds colors and shapes…. Majority of my flight was very peaceful and relaxing, but also with sharp awakening by a local turbulence. Good aerial view of Batchelor Hill area, Brock, glowing in the sun Mt Peter, Harper Ranch area, Dallas, North and NW Ridge area, Tranquille Farm / Padova area.


416. Kamloops Winter Sunset, Part 1 of 2. Dec 28, 2022

Finally, some decent weather for very nice late afternoon flight. This is short video from above Brock and North Shore areas. I forgot to turn my main camera on, so I had to turn back and start again. The sky was spectacular with beautiful effect from sun setting behind the hills.


415. Cold Birds Views from Kamloops Areas. Dec 13, 2022

I was waiting whole month for this moment due to unreasonable weather. It was worth of wait. The air was smooth like silk which took off the usual nasty weather related surprises. I am showing very detail views of Bachelor Heights residential area (from N to S) and Tranquille Farm (Padova City). I flew low level in 3 different directions to show that mysterious place. It was very good, 96 km long flight.


414. Spectacular Flight over Snowy Downtown, Sun Rivers, Harper Ranch and North Ridge. Kamloops Nov 12, 2022

Finally, another nice flight after long pause due to bad weather. Everything looks even more spectacular with the contrasting snow covered and bare surfaces. Check it out.


413. Local, 170 km Long Flight till 30 min after the Sunset. Kamloops Oct 15, 2022

Enjoyable evening flight to see Kamloops sunset and then till the end of allowable legal limit, which is 30 min pass the sunset.

Interesting views of Kamloops, Knutsford areas, North Ridge and Kamloops in nightlight.


412. Rough Flying to See Ravaged Area by 2021 Wildfire of Monte Lake. Kamloops Oct 12, 2022

This was my 3rd attempt to see the effect of the 2021 devastating wildfire in Monte Lake area. The bad turbulence always won over my bravery. Not this time. I stuck with it and even when I complicated it with my 1 pm take-off during heat laden air. The timing guaranteed good bumps. I was not disappointed. The visibility was much better than during my usual early morning take offs, but the turbulence was relentless. I was really swearing into my helmet after some serious jolts.

The area looks like a different world. I felt like being in the volcano crater. Poor residents: they had to live through this nature hell. I think I have very interesting video from 5 cameras documenting my 130 km flight.


411. Fantastic River Sandbars from the Air, Sep 27, 2022

The end of my 133 km (83 mi) journey, flight over the South Thompson River sandbars. They are forming very interesting, complex, ever-changing and very beautiful under/above water creations. Two minutes video.


410. Flight to Red Lake to Check Results of the Devastating 2021 Sparks Forest Fire, Sep 27, 2022

Flight started flying west, above the Kamloops North Ridge, following the steep and rugged north shoreline of Kamloops Lake. I then followed the Copper Creek farming valley to the Red Lake area which was devastated by the incredible 2021 Sparks wildfire. This fire consumed 737 km2 (280 mi2) of forest. It was interesting to see how such an enormous fire burned very selectively in many places. Some trees were untouched with many islands of trees still green, while everything around is black. I continued to Deadman Rd valley with several low passes by very interesting steep cliff rock formations, reminding me of many Europeans castles built similarly on steep hills. Strangely, the air was filled with fire smoke, while nothing was burning up wind. I finished my journey with several low passes over the ever-changing underwater sandbars, forming very interesting, complex and beautiful creations.


409. Nice Flight in Serious Turbulence, Kamloops Sep 7, 2022

It looked like an ideal condition for flying, but the reality changed very quickly into a nasty turbulence. Decent condition changed within 10 km into scary situation. Cool morning, no wind, cloudy without thermals so why this sudden change? I had to change my original plan because I did not want to push my luck. It was still very nice and eventually peaceful flight. Test


408. My Stupid Mistake and Surprised Trike Reaction, Kamloops Aug 28, 2022

This is short video taken from my previous video #407. I am showing in details my serious mistake and consequence when I forgot to buckle up the seat belt.

My seat belt is not the best kind. It has the flip up latch to open it. This poor design allowed me to unbuckle in flight (3x) when lifting the neck camera. I solved this unpleasant problem with the funny pack covering the buckle. The camera strap does not accidentally unbuckle me now, but complicate situation to buckle up in flight.

The air was very good and steady. I set (tuned) the electric wing trim to level, hands free flight first. The complication started when trying to place both belt ends under the funny pack with camera on the top of it. Then, suddenly and instantly the control bar went to max forward up to the front brace. I did not change the RPM. It had to be vertical puff of air. This proved my point that it is important to relax your hands on control bar, but still control or dampen the bar/wing from reaching the extreme movement due to the asymmetrical vertical air movements.

407. Turbulence Changed my Plan to Fly to another Nature Beauty, Kamloops Aug 28, 2022

Originally I had different plan, but totally unexpected and ever increasing turbulence made me turn around and look for some more peaceful place to fly. I found it and it was very beautiful country site with many lakes, hills and deep valleys. I had also one stupid moment shoving how close I was to some serious problem. I will show more details in my follow up short video to show my stupidity from different camera angles. You will get the pictures in this video.


406. Flight to Salmon Arm Airport Coffee and Return Flight Back at Hot Noon, Aug 17, 2022

I was considering this flight for long time, but the hot noon weather effect scared me from doing it. Salmon Arm flying club, about one hour away, has Wednesday morning coffee fly-ins, which starts at 10 am. Normally, I am back from my flights by 9 am to prevent the nastiness of the hot weather turbulence. This time it was different. I took off at 9 am (22 C / 72 F) and returned at noon at 29 C (84 F). The first leg was a straight line over some mountain area very hostile to emergency landing. I encounter turbulence close to the peak. The turbulence is not the problem, but the apprehension about what will come next. Is this the first warning, would it get worse, what to do next. I could go higher, but eventually I had to go low too… Salmon Arm is very member active airport located is beautiful area by enormous Shuswap Lake. I had coffee and Tim bits, took some pictures, talked to other pilots and headed back.

I followed the highway and the river valley through the civilization on my way back. The sun was in my back, so it was better for the cameras. This video is extract from my 10 hours, 5 camera videos, 214 km (133 mi) long flight through one of the best nature in this region. There was practically no heat turbulence except above the concrete runways, like always.


405. Beautiful Flying to Douglas Lake over Many Other Lakes, Aug 12, 2022

190 km (118 mi) long trip through the most picturesque hills, valleys and lake areas to a special recreational area of Douglas Lake Ranch.  The ranch is owned by an USA company as a self contained small village even with private airstrip and church. I visited this area several times by road and flying there and every time I discover something new. Enjoy my video!


404. Mountain Flying to Greenstone Mt, Ajax Mine, Kamloops Downtown and Watching Creek Wild Fire, Aug 6, 2022

It was very relaxing and a bit colder flight (11 C (52 F) to very nice area of Greenstone mountain.  It used to be the forestry fire watch tower, before they switched to satellites and electronics. The shack is still there and maintained be volunteers even though it was several times vandalized. It is one of the highest peaks in that region which offers perfect 360 deg view. I flew to Ajax dormant gold mine for low path views, Kamloops downtown, Kamloops landmarks Mt Peter & Paul. Finally I flew for aerial view of still classified as out of control wild fire started by Jul 29 lightning. I have been watching and video this Watching Creek fire progress from ground up and now from top down. You could see defensive reddish lines from the local jet water bombers and fire break path to stop the fire progress. It is still burning (smoldering) in the E and NE slopes.


403. Hot Summer Morning Flight to Isobel and Many Other Lakes, Jul 28, 2022

I took off at 7:30 in 24 C (75 F) sweating temperature to cool off in higher up, but no luck. Regardless, I flew over another spectacular and diverse terrain with many lakes, hills, deep valleys, meadows and forest. I am shoving this beautiful Kamloops region which is relatively easily accessible by the roads and very popular with locals looking for a fun in nature. Places to see:

Long Lake, Lac Du Bois, McQueen Lake, Griffin Lake, Isobel Lake, Battle Bluff, Frederick, Tranquille Creek Canyon, Tranquille farm, Kamloops Lake, North Ridge


402. Another Fantastic Flight to Knuff Lake and Sun Peaks, Second Largest Ski Resort in Canada, Jul 20, 2022

Morning flight to beautiful recreational area of Knuff and Sullivan lakes and then to Canada famous Sun Peaks. Sun Peaks is the 2nd largest ski resort in Canada. It is year round super fun to spend time there. I had opportunity to add extra perspective into that spectacular playground. I was a bit chilly at 8000 ft (2438 m).


401. Flight to Ashcroft and Landing in Cache Creek, Jul 14, 2022

Perfect flight in spectacular river valley and good combination of sun and cloud for good video. I did this route several times and it is always challenging with very variable weather conditions. There are several valleys meeting in one point which is very often rough to fly through. After every landing in Cache Creek I made decision not to land there anymore, but, like this time, I did it again. This is short video from 165 km flight made into very nice music. Check our luckiness to live in such complex natural beauty. I had very rare opportunity to video two opposing trains in the same place, but separated by river. It looks like model trains running in the loop. 


400. Flight over Mountain to Chase and S Thompson River Track Back, Jul 2, 2022

It was one of my best ever flight; perfectly relaxing and without any unpleasant weather surprises. I flew in straight line over the Paul Lake and Harper Ski Hill to Chase at 7:30 am with sun directly into my face. I could not wait for my return flight with sun in my back and perfect visibility. This video is made into very happy and jumpy music to boost your mood. I spent an extra time over the Sun Rivers subdivision, spectacularly located and built under Kamloops famous landmarks, Mt Peter & Paul.


399. Hot Evening Flight over Flooding Rivers, Jun 25, 2022

It was the first very hot day and in this case evening, 30C (86 F) at 8 pm. I flew to check the status of our two major rivers flooding. It was a bit let down, because the water level was lower then previous night. This is good news that the predicted, half century flooding will not happen. We cannot do victory lap, because the nature could always surprise us with own quirks.

It was very good flight and the resulting video, fully annotated is showing it. I really like to read your comments, which is the only reward for my hours of hopefully not wasted life.


398. Flying over Flooding S Thompson River from Chase for Kamloops Lake. Jun 20, 2022

I flew 150 km in early morning to see the state of the South Thompson River. This followed my previous flight (video) in Jun 11, 2022 over N Thompson River.

The flooding of N and S Thompson rivers is an annual event. Each spring those rivers change from shallow rivers with many islands, beautiful beaches and interestingly sculptured sand bars into raging rivers (almost like small lakes) flooding many low laying fields and areas. Time to time they create disaster floods as marked on the attached photo of the historic floods. So far, the rivers are at annual flood, but forecast is for disastrous flood in the level of 1972. It was very relaxing flight above all green and yellow terrain except usual and sudden turbulence to wake me up from my daydreams.


397. Flying over Kamloops Flooding Rivers in Turbulence. Landing Experiment. Jun 11, 2022

An unusually colder spring delayed snow melting in the mountains. Finally we had several very warm days and mainly nights which is now accelerating the snow melting. The rivers cannot keep up and so we are expecting some serious floods. I flew to check it out. The North and South Thompson rivers are already spilling out in the low laying areas. It was almost relaxing flight until I hit serious turbulence in the 7:30 morning sun heat. This cut into my original plan.

I did also my pre landing experiment to lower the effect of dark and hot runway in the middle of green and cold grass. It really took an age from usual unpleasant turbulent landings. My experiment worked.


396. Flight to Buse Lake Area in Sudden and Crazy Turbulences. May 29, 2022

Early morning flight into a special natural rock formation in very weird weather. I started with no wind, which was changing up to 53 km/h. The flying was from very relaxing to instant heavy turbulence. Landing was interesting too with head wind speed from 52 km/h  to no wing within 1000’ elevation difference. I was hoping to fly close to the Buse Hill rock face, but the weather conditions there were too risky.


395. Beautiful Flight to Paska and Other Lakes. Playing in the Clouds. May 24, 2022

Super flight to Paska Lake Recreation Resort, low level fluffy clouds to Ajax mine and Kamloops area.



394. Beautiful Flight to Roche Lake Area. May 21, 2022

This was one of my best flights over many lakes, meadows, hills and valleys. The sky was sprinkled with scattered clouds creating interesting patterns of shadows down below. The flight was mix of relaxation to full attention from turbulence. It was also my best landing with zero kinetic energy into my wheels. I was impressed.


393. Turbulent Flight to Deadman River Valley, May 17, 2022

The flight was almost relaxing until I entered the Deadman Valley (NW of Savona, BC). I experienced very good turbulence dance and on few occasions “trap door open” feelings. I was pushed up at 1000’ per minutes in one location.  There were now clouds above me. Overall, it was very good flight in, as always, spectacular nature.


392. Flying between Battle Bluffs and Harper Ranch in Heavy Turbulence, May 10, 2022

My original plan was much more ambitious, but I had to change it due to increasingly more unpleasant turbulence. Terrain is more beautiful with greens covering the majority of its surface. My flight is over the most beautiful natural area of Kamloops showing the diversity and complexness of our nature.


391. Flying to Tobiano, Savona Mt, Tunkwa Lake, Logan Lake, Lac Le Jeune, Ajax, Petersen Creek, Apr 23, 2022

Flying 145 km round trip through some spectacular and also sad scenery. The SW portion of my flight was over the remnants of the devastating 2021 forest fire(s). It looks interesting, but also very sad. The small town (pop 2500) Logan Lake was the center of unwanted attention during that fire. The people saved themselves by installing external sprinkler systems on their structures. It was very close call.

I captured also different and complete view of Tobiano and nearby hoodoo areas. East side of Mt Savona looks very interesting.

I flew over several still frozen lakes around Lac Le Jeune. I had an opportunity to spot the three large flocks of cranes, but much lower then I was flying. I made a few attempts to get closer, but they were faster in their maneuvers. They were very well aware of my presents above them.

I made closer aerial video of the Petersen Creek canyon and Kamloops downtown. Don’t forget to watch the river underwater structures, my popular and continually changing nature beautification.  It was very good flight



390. Flying to Louis Creek, Whitecroft and Heffley Lake, Apr 15, 2022

It was very nice flight through the backcountry in deep valleys.  In 2021 fire season the Whitecroft was in unwanted center of attention when it was part of very bad forest fire. The fire result could be seen in video. It was very close to the Whitecroft village and just barely separated from the very popular Sun Peaks Ski Resort, the 2nd largest ski resort in Canada. We were very lucky.

Nice view of still frozen Heffley Lake.

The landing was as expected, hairy. There was no reported wind at the airport, the air was about 5C, but the dark runway was heated to perhaps to 15C. This created very unpleasant turbulence near the runway surface. I also felt twice sudden push from the back, which was the first one for me. I was bounced in every direction, which is not very pleasant experience few feet from the ground.


389. Round Flight to Merritt BC through Beautiful Nicole Valley, Mar 29, 2022

I few to small city airport in Merritt. Merritt was seriously damaged during the autumn 2021 flooding. Some houses and properties were destroyed. I could not see much of that effect from the air. Merritt is located in beautiful mountain surroundings and connected with famous Coquihalla Hwy well known from reality TV show Highway thru Hell. I flew over the city and stopped for brief chat with local pilot, changed camera battery and flew back close to “Highway thru Hell”. Sun heat started thermal turbulence already (11 am), but it was not too bad. It was very nice, 190 km long flight.


388. Exploring Kamloops Area Natural Beauty, Mar 24, 2022

I am presenting fantastic beauty of the Kamloops NE Ridge area. I flew above 3 herds of wild horses grazing in very picturesque setting. It was windy, but not gusty day to have very good flying experience. Join me to see what only a few people could experience.


387. Flying back from Cache Creek Challenging Airport, Part 2 of 2. Mar 16, 2022

This is second leg of my flight as describes in video #386. I was not looking forward to take off due to high wind in about 45 deg to my left. It was bumpy, but not too bad. Trip scenery is always spectacular, because it is very diverse. It is very complex terrain all around us. I wish it was a bit green to make it more colorful, but it is still too early for that. The flight was very easy and smooth except, of course, just above Kamloops runway. The sun was already cooking and with no wind, there were very good thermals all the way down.


386. Flying to Cache Creek Challenging Airport, Part 1 of 2. Mar 16, 2022

The weather was just great with blue sky to fly 45 min west to small, single runway, mountain type airport. I was following Thompson River valley, over Tobiano, Savona, Walhachin and Cache Creek. This flight was over relatively safe terrain for some emergency landings. The airport location creates challenging (to say it mildly) landing conditions. It is the place where all kind of mountain wind streams are colliding. I am used to an “unlimited” space at Kamloops airport, so everything else looks very small from the air and it looks really small. The short and narrow runway is surrounded by Coastal Mountain Ridge, snow covered on the west, deep and relatively narrow, sun heated valley on the east. South side is even worse with a hill then narrow valley and then steep up to the runway edge. I was not trilled with stacked up concrete barriers just of the west side of runway. I had a hard time to spot the wind sock. Eventually I spotted straight line of the wind sock, indicating the wind speed is at least 25 knots from south. I was considering skipping the landing, but eventually I did landed there. I stayed just a few minutes to replace battery in one camera and take some pictures. There is practically nothing around, because of the 2018 devastating area fire.


385. Exploring North Thompson River with Insta360 One X2 Camera. Mar 6, 2022

I had very nice flight while testing additional features of my new camera, Insta360 One X2. In this video, I used explanatory comments of tested features.


384. Super Day over Super Nature – The Way the Birds See It. Mar 3, 2022

It was unbelievable sunny day with very complex sky and complex ground. Dark and still some snow covered surface created indescribable nature complexness which would be a big challenge for any artist to paint. I tested my Insta360 One X2 camera in another location, but I am still not happy with the result. The next time I will mount it on the wing. This video plays into classical music, creating relaxing mood. The last few years of camera technology progress surprises me every time I view my videos. Let me know if you like it.


383. Testing my New Camera Insta360 One X2, Part 2 of 2. Feb 18, 2022

Side mounted camera vibrated too much in previous video. This time I mounted it up front on the trike nose. Resulted video, which looks like globe must be edited into viewable clips to be integrated and synchronize with other GoPro cameras. A big advantage is that I could keep horizon level in turns. This has to be done manually in post editing process. Also the GoPro camera video could be speeded up max 3x without too much of extra distractions. Faster it plays more jerking it become. I tested the Insta360 in speed 8x faster, which translates into perceived flying speed of 960 km/h (597 mph). I was very impressed with the results. This and part 1 videos just test the features. I will be very careful not to be sucked into gimmicks. The bottom line is that camera is very impressive.


 382. Testing my New Camera Insta360 One X2, Part 1 of 2. Feb 18, 2022

Just bought the Insta360 One X2 camera and testing it in two positions. In this test it is on my side long mount. The bracket is long but it is vibrates too much.

I am learning totally new field of editing. This camera is actually two cameras together taking 360 global views. I have to edit individual views, play speed, horizon angle correction in turns…, just more time to kill. I also wanted to know if it will integrate with my GoPro cameras. So far it works. This and part 2 videos just test the features. I will be very careful not to be sucked into gimmicks. The bottom line is that camera is very impressive.


381. Interrupted Flight due to Heavy Turbulence and Strong Wind. Feb 10, 2022

It was beautiful sunny day with no wind and +2C (36F). I was planning to fly to different airport, Merritt BC. I noticed over Knutsford area my ground speed was 177km/h (110mph)!! Wow, that’s the first one! I was pushed by 65km/h (40mph) tail wind. Such a drastic change between elevations.

I knew that I would have hard time to fly in that headwind back. It was decision time: Should I or shouldn’t I? Suddenly terrible turbulence started which bounced me very good. It decided for me. I turned back and was inching towards Kamloops while being kicked by the Mother Nature. I heard from another pilot that it is decent at 7000ft, and it was. Practically no turbulence but painfully slow progress in that 65km/h headwind. GPS was showing that I am still moving, but I have no sense of motion from my elevation. I was not looking forward the fly down through that nastiness, but it was not bad west of the airport. Eventually I made it through into total calmness. Wow. What an experience.


380. My Best Flight to Harper and Sun Peaks Ski Hills. Feb 6, 2022

This was my age depressing, 75th birthday flight. I needed to take some edges of those “It’s over life feelings”. Fortunately, the weather was perfect to relax in the air. I flew first to Harper Mountain Ski area, showing our smaller ski hill. The next on my list was the 2nd largest ski area in Canada, Sun Peaks. I made several fly-arounds to show the vastness of that enormous playground region. The visibility was very good to see 100 km or so all around. It is not boring and uniform terrain, but very complex and diverse configurations in all directions. Bring your coffee, sit down and watch our beauty from very unique perspective. Watch it on large screen of smart TV. It is worth it.


379. Day to Explore Natural Beauty of Kamloops, SW and NW Areas. Jan 24, 2022

This was one of the best days for winter flying with smooth air and very little weather surprises. I flew over many frozen lakes and mountain ridges, eventually view Kamloops form 8,000’ elevation from over the NW Ridge.


378. Beautiful Winter Flying in N Thompson Valley, Jan 18, 2022

Nice flying day to get some fresh air and have fun with it.

377. Kamloops First Flight in 2022. Relaxing, Awesome and Turbulent, Jan 15, 2022

After long period of very cold weather, the Mother Nature smartened up with quickly disappearing snow and above freezing temperatures. Patches of the disappearing snow created very interesting ground patterns with awesome results. It was very good flight at totally relaxing mode, but also with some shaking up turbulence. New camera mount and view angle.



376. Kamloops Winter Beauty, Dec 19, 2021

It was cold, but sunny so it looked very inviting to go flying. We received some snow, but wind formed many high drifts. I spent more then hour to shovel my access to runway.

I started at -7C (19F), but ended up at -10C (14F). I found that all my 4 GoPro cameras were off when landed, while batteries showed 100%. This was serious letdown. Eventually I learned that Hero 7 cameras are good only down to 0C (32F). Previously I had few unintended cameras off at minus 5C, but I thought it is the usual GoPro quirk. They definitely did not like -10C (14F). BTW, it is nor written in the manual. I Goggled it.  Regardless, I have only half on my flight which sill shows Kamloops in its full winter beauty. My, high tech and expensive Volt heated gloves were also disappointing. I did not feel any difference between my regular mitts and these gloves. My thumb and 1st finger were still getting numb.


375. Low Level Flight over Kamloops Downtown, Tobiano and Spectacular North Ridge, Dec 6, 2021

It was perfect flying day at -6C (21F) and some fresh snow. I was lucky again not to worry about wind nastiness and turbulences, so I could enjoy closer (then normally) proximity of Kamloops area natural beauty. I have good views of snow covered Tobiano. I then crossed the Kamloops Lake to Frederick area and followed steep cliffs and deep valleys around the Battle Bluffs. I flew those areas many times, but every time I discover something new. It is never boring for me.

 374. Low Level Flight over Kamloops Downtown, Mt Peter & Paul and Frederick Road, Dec 3, 2021

The weather was perfect for low level flying without worrying about turbulence and wind flow over different hills. I follower Petersen Creek bike path, then to Mt Peter and Paul to show how big it is on the top. The next points were low level flights over Mt Mara, Battle Bluffs and surrounding hills and valleys. Finally I follow the Frederick Rd to small off grid residential area, Frederick by Kamloops Lake. This road has very steep grades, sharp turns and twists, which would be very challenging to drive for many people. It appears that it is not big deal for Frederick residents to drive their big, bus like, motorhomes and big holiday trailers. That area is spectacular.


373. Low Level Exploration of Phenomenal Walhachin Area, Nov 26, 2021

The river banks of Walhachin (small village west of Savona, BC) area are very interesting natural formations. The banks are very steep and with perfect angle of repose. They look like made by a landscaping company with army of people raking those slopes by hand. The river is relatively flat so the river meandered in many snake like patterns and carved those 3D twisted slopes. I attempted several times before to fly low there. This time, the air conditions were perfect to allow me to have closer look. It was fantastic experience. I followed the north ridge of Kamloops Lake which is on its own a special experience of complex and diverse terrain.

I made mistake in my video labeling: What I noted there as Juniper Beach RV Park is in fact the Rock and River Rustic Retreat located in Thompson Rivers Estates. Juniper Beach is further to the west.


372. The Best Time to Fly; First Snow Made Everything Even More Beautiful, Nov 19, 2021

I love this time of the year: Fresh snow, blue sky and no wind and turbulence. The snow really enhances the Kamloops area interesting and complex terrain into even more interesting patterns. It highlights every crack, ridge, dips, road, trail… in contrast white and brown colors. It looks like photos enhanced by a paint program gimmicks. It was supper flight above and around clouds. I used very relaxing, lazy weekend music for your enjoyment.


371. Flight over the most Beautiful Areas in Kamloops, Nov 13, 2021

It was beautiful flight with some serious turbulence too. I covered areas in Dufferin, Aberdeen, Rosehill, Barnhartvale, Harper Ranch, NE Ridge, North Shore and Brock. Check my guided excursion made into relaxing music.


370. Guided Tour through Kamloops Area Beauty, Oct 31, 2021

I think that this is one of my best videos. Slow and low over North Ridge popular hiking areas, Lac Du Bois Grasslands Westsyde, Bachelor Heights. I paid a special attention of slow flying over Ground Zero of “Indian Residential School” awareness. This Kamloops beautiful area become center off world wide attention after finding of potential school children unmarked graves. This unfortunate event exploded into movement right across Canada. It become as symbolic with “Every Child Matters” as the USA “Black Life Matters”. I posted some links under my YouTube video for more info. Canadian PM visited that site and even Pope will visit Canada in 2022 with big hope that he will visit Kamloops, Ground 0 of those, unfortunate historical events.

Info Links:

Enjoy relaxing and even upbeat music. Watch it on large screen for better experience.


369. Relaxing Flight over Beautiful Countryside of Knutsford Area, Low Level Downtown and More, Oct 30, 2021

Chilly, sunny and no wind morning flight over some of the most beautiful areas of Kamloops. I covered NE ridge by Sun Rivers, south across Dallas to west ridge of Campbell Creek Rd, Beresford lakes, above clouds in SE Knutsford area, close up of Ajax mine, Jacko and Inks lakes, close look over Aberdeen, downtown and many more places. Just listening to the video classical music is experience on its own. Check it out.


368. Challenging and Turbulent Adventure Flight around many Kamloops Lakes and Provincial Parks, Oct 19, 2021

It was fun, but a bit challenging flight. I had to wait till 1 pm for sky to open and it really did. Still a bit hazy, but happy, sunny day.

I flew through 4 provincial parks and around 14 (annotated) lakes. I experienced totally relaxing flight in no wind, 55 km/h (34 mph) headwind to 85 km/h (53 mph) tail wind and all this within 15 min.  A significant portion of the flight was in turbulence, but it was not as scary to me as it used to be before.

Half of my flight was above burned out forest section which was significantly destroyed during 2021 summer Tremont Creek fire. There is a lot of evidence how the fire progressed to small town Logan Lake (pop 2070). Logan Lake was lucky that the village survived. It was very close call for them and stressful time for all of us in Kamloops region too. It is enjoyable video with nice scenery and relaxing music.


367. Flying to Tobiano and Spectacular River Sandbars.  Oct 14, 2021

This was my second flight of the day. The first flight was very turbulent and so I was hoping for something more relaxing. It started in very good weather and smooth air up to a point. Eventually it became very turbulent, just west of Tobiano. In this video, I spent more time in low level flight above the Kamloops famous sandbars. They are spectacular and never the same. I call them famous, because I make the famous. You cannot see it from the ground level. You have to be high above the water, but not too high to lose all those underwater detail. My craft is ideal to see all that natural beauty. The best is to watch this video on TV or large monitor. Phone is not enough to appreciate what is hidden from you.


366. Flying into Very Sudden and Nasty Turbulence.  Oct 14, 2021

I found (eventually), that I had cracked and leaking fuel tank. I almost run out of fuel during my Johnson Lake flight (Video # 364), with just 5 L remaining after landing. It was mystery why I used 2x as much fuel as it is normal. I did not find any fuel leak even after another flight, which showed normal fuel consumption (Video # 365). Only 2nd day after that I found puddle of gasoline on my hangar floor. Regardless, this flight was my test flight after the tank welding repair. I stayed close by the airport, just in case I need to go back. Everything was good except very nasty turbulence in two very specific occurrences. I flew into air boundary where wind changed direction from east to west. This is very typical in our area, fortunately not too often during my flights. Check it out. You could see and appreciate that spectacular scenery when view it on large TV.


365. Short and Sweet Aerial Video from between Kamloops and Walhachin.  Oct 6, 2021

Short video of Kamloops area natural beauty. It includes West of Kamloops, Tobiano, Savona and Walhachin area. Video plays with good mood music.


364. Flying above Beautiful Landscape to Johnson Lake.  Oct 1, 2021

We came back from holiday into very beautiful fall weather, big contrast to smoke ravaged air from the summer forest fires. I flew to Johnson Lake, which supposed to be one of the best area in BC. I tried to verify that claim in that afternoon on my all terrain motorcycle. I choose wrong road which lead me into very difficult terrain, while GPS did not work there. So, I have to try again soon.

The flight was very relaxing over low cloud/fog in the river valley, forming spectacular views. The steep hills were filled by fall colors, while horizon Dunn Peak area mountains were in the fresh snow. The terrain bellow is beautiful, but very hostile in any emergency. It would not be fun with engine out there.


363. One of the Best Days to Fly through 200 km of Kamloops Area Beauty.  Sep 2, 2021

We had 1.5 month of terrible forest fires all around BC, poor or no visibility and serious restrictions where and how to fly. Everything suddenly changed. Crisp clear, but cold morning provided perfect weather to do some local exploration. My original plan was to fly to Johnson Lake, but all valleys in that area were under low level clouts. These clouds provided special attractive feature into our complex and exciting landscape. It was like flying in the dream land with all those peaks sticking out from the milky fluffs in the valleys. It was also trilling to fly again over our famous and always changing sand bars appearing from the continually dropping water lever in South Thompson River.


362. Flying over Tremont Creek Fire Ravaged Area (Mt Savona, Tunkwa Lake, Logan Lake…).  Aug 24, 2021

Interesting birds views of Tremont Creek fire, the east side of burned out areas. The fire started in July 12, 2021, 27 km west of where I was flying, burning solid for 2 weeks. I did not use in this video my usual short cuts, but I kept continual views from my full view front camera.

It is interesting to note that not everything is burned out. The fire is actually very choosy and the result is patch work of black/brown and green areas.

I started east of Mt Savona then follow close to Tunkwa Lake Rd to Leighton and Tunkwa Lakes. That recreational complex was in serious jeopardy, but the nature and firefighters’ action spared that community from major damage. The next I flowed to Logan Lake village, where fire was just behind some residential back yards. Fortunately, the residents did very good fire prevention measures, including water sprinklers installed on roofs. Again combination of prevention, fire fighting and nature kindness spared this community from disaster. There were many smoking areas all around my flight path. I continued NE over results of the Durand Lake fire, to east of Kamloops and then back to airport. I was very unique experience for me to see the first time this side nature power. Pictures

361. Kamloops in the Middle of Wild Fires from 11, 340 ft.  Aug 18, 2021

It looked like nice weather for change, but it did not last very long. I was planning to fly to Merritt, but right after take off I saw it would be impossible. The smoke on south site of the city was so thick that the upper Kamloops was totally covered with zero visibility for me. I change my plan to fly just around Kamloops. Very bad smoke was up to 5,500’ ASL. Eventually I ended up 10,000’ above airport, 11, 340’ ASL. The wild fire smoke created interesting patterns among to various peaks and valleys. It was good flight.


360. Kamloops, Walhachin, Barnhartvale in Clear Sky while Surrounded by Wild Fires.  Aug 9, 2021

Exceptionally nice weather with good visibility, rarity in these days when Kamloops is surrounding by many out of control fires. I flew west to Walhachin and then at 8,500’ east of Kamloops.


359. Kamloops Area is Burning – Extremely Smoky Sky.  Aug 6, 2021

I could not wait to get back into the sky. We are here in Kamloops in the middle of serious forest fires with many areas evacuated or ready to go. The air is loaded with smoke and ash. After almost 3 weeks of solid smoke, I felt that it was a bit break in the situation to check how this area looks also from the above.

The visibility was very poor with two lines above horizon: smoke line at around 7000’ and very close above it the cloud line. I could not go higher then 8,500’ to have clear view, because the clouds were low. There was certain beauty in this ugliness and very spooky feeling. The visibility was very bad on the way back.


358. My Record Adventure Flight to 3669 m / 12,004 ft. July 17, 2021

I took off into smoky (forest fires) skies in west direction to check on developing and existing, out of control fires. Previous day, I visited some those effected places by motorcycle and now it was the time for the distant bird view. I had to climb to over 3048 m / 10,000 ft to just clear the smoke layer to see distant fires. I hit the smoke wall above Savona bridge and had to turn around. The view was spectacular with very distinctive smoke line between north and south. The smoke in some areas looked like famous Australian spider invasion covering vast areas in webs. The north was 100% in smoke and south 95% beautifully clear. Even Durand Lake, still listed as out of control was looking very peaceful and no trace of any smoke. I was flying east at 3505 m / 11500 ft above Kamloops area well blanketed in smoke. I called in two fires (just in case) in SE direction from hwy 5A. I could not see anything from Spark Lake and Sunpeaks area fires. Eventually I ended up at 3669 m / 12,004 ft, which I notices at home when loading GPS data. This was my new altitude record. I spent almost 1 hour in 5C / 41F and I was just comfortably cold until on my descend back to airport. I was getting into serious shiver. 24C / 75 F on the ground was very pleasant for change. I flew also over 3 arson fire areas (annotated). We don’t have enough of fire misery here, people must create more.


357. Flight in very Smoky Air. July 14, 2021

We have 320 wild fires burning in BC. The air was loaded with thick smoke, which looked worse with the increasing elevation. It was decent when I left home, but it was changing quickly. I ended up with fire ash covering my front camera lent.

I wanted to check the latest fires (from distance, of course), but the west side was like wall of smoke. The east side started to get very turbulent, when I reached the valley level when the latest fire was burning. I turned around and cut this flight short. The video still turned out interesting, with rising sun just slightly poking through like orange ball and layers of smoke of different colors and shades.


356. Kamloops Area on Forest Fires. July 6, 2021

We have in British Columbia (BC), which is the most western province (state) in Canada, 199 active forest fires as of July 7, 2021. We had very close call on Canada Day (July 1) when the serious heat turned into serious thunderstorm which started many fires. I was watching from our window 3 lightning strikes which also started forest fires. The worst case became forest fire near Juniper Ridge subdivision. It was scary to see when whole valley, which is steep and crispy dry was on fire during the night. At the same time, we were also lucky, because the thunderstorm brought also heavy rain in some places. Juniper Ridge fire was that lucky place, where rain saved us from deadly disaster. I made several flight passes over that subdivision. I started west of Kamloops where there are 2 major fires which covered whole region in heave and dense fire smoke.

I had to go up to almost 10,000’ to clear the smoke.



355. Early Morning Hot and very Turbulent Flight. June 26, 2021

I took off at 6:30am at 26C, no ground wind and perfectly sunny day. It quickly changed into 30 km/h headwind and very unpleasant turbulence, which was coming in serious bursts. I was looking for different elevations, but it was actually getting warmer with height and more unpredictable higher up. Eventually I did not want to push my luck and turned back I could feel the hot blast from the concrete runway during landing. The air temperature was already at 28C


354. Last Day of Spring, Hot Evening Flight. June 20, 2021

I took off soaked in my own sweat at 7:45 pm and 28 C (82 F) and almost cold at 2290 m (7,500’) at 17 C (63 F). It felt at about 1000’ above ground while coming down like opening oven and walking through it. It was good flight above our nature beauty which is all aground us here in Kamloops region.


353. Flying to Roche Lake Area, June 17, 2021

Explored new region to me, which is set of lakes around Roche Lake recreational area. It is SE of Kamloops. It was beautiful flight with forest fire smoke hanging in the valleys, making the distant mountains and peaks sticking out into interesting patterns.


352. Checking Flood Situation of our Rivers and Terrible Turbulence, June 6, 2021

I started at 6:30 am to avoid thermal turbulence, but it did not help. Within 5 km the situation changed almost instantly from peaceful to dangerous. I had to cut short my original plan to check the both Thompson Rivers and their critical water levels. The river banks are more then full. The most visible effect is close to South Thompson delta to Kamloops Lake. The land and pastures are deep under water. You could compare the difference between low water levels in my video # 341 (


351. Challenging Flight to Dunn Peak Mountain Area, May 22, 2021

This was my 2nd flight ( to the highest mountain peak in this region. The flying conditions here are by default unpredictable and they change within minutes or few kilometers. I took off at 6:40 am to beat the sun generated turbulence. The flight started right off the deck with turbulence getting progressively worse. I was contemplating to call it off and suddenly everything stopped into very peaceful flight. I flew up to Dunn Peak near Little Fort, BC and then turned east climbing up to 3139 m (10,300’). Luckily it was even warm over the show covered mountains at +3C (37F). I always worry about my fingers which go first to indicate they have enough.

The mountain area is spectacular and huge. I spent more time there then in 2019, to record and absorb all that beauty. How lucky I am to do this! I wish I could take a busload of people with me to share my experience there. I was glad when I was back in the river valley, back to civilization. The mountains are spectacular, but potentially dangerous. The return flight was peaceful down to Barriere village, then another challenging spot to overcome through the canyon valley and then turbulence really started. I was flying lice garbage bag in the wind. There was no return for me; I had to carry though it. Everything stopped again in about 15 minutes. Landing was another issue when landing on hot dark runway. I was bounced there very well.


350. Morning, 128 km Fight in Kamloops Area Beauty, May 16, 2021

I discovered new (to me) lakes, meadows, hills and plains in this spectacular region, lucky to be living in.


349. Early Morning Fight Joined by another Homebuilt, May 11, 2021

This was different and very unique experience for me. I was joined by another local pilot in his beautifully built Zodiac homebuilt aircraft. We took of at 6:30 am to avoid turbulence from the powerful Kamloops sun and headed north to Barriere village. We started with short briefing what and how to do it safely. I was lead, because of all my mounted cameras and he supposed to fly in the cameras views. It started a bit bumpy, but eventually it turned out into very pleasant flight through the beautiful North Thompson River valley. We had 147 km of fun at 8C above freezing.


348. Beautiful Flight to Sun Peaks and South Thompson Rive, May 5, 2021

This early morning flight was very relaxing and enjoyable. I took off early and 6:30 to beat the powerful sun heat and of course turbulence as shown in my previous video. This made the trick. My first leg was east, straight into very low rising sun. I felt like Lindbergh in his Spirit of St. Louis. I could see nothing with that sun shining directly into my face through the windshield and my helmet visor. I had to look sideways to see where I am going. Everything changed when I turn north towards the Sun Peaks. The Sun Peaks Ski Resort is the 2nd largest ski area in Canada after Whistler, BC. I did several passes above the hills and village and departed south towards South Thompson Rive. The river valley is one of the most beautiful area in Kamloops region. It looked even more beautiful with the sun in my back and perfectly blue sky in front of me. I saw three groups of wild horses there.

I landed and taxied to my hangar at 8 am and suddenly, like if someone turn switch on, the wind started to blow but only in the east part of the airport. The wind sock in the west side was still limped.  It was very good flight


347. Flight in Terrible Turbulence but Beautiful Weather, May 2, 2021

My plan ended up totally differently from the original one. I started in calm, sunny and warm weather, but it changed quickly into very nasty and few times terrifying turbulences. I was looking into different elevations but no luck. I made it just 20 km north from the airport, just 1/3 of my planning distance to Bonaparte Lake. I decided to give it up, before it would be too late. I turned east to North Thompson River which I followed back to Kamloops and to Knutsford area. It was very bad there too. But I have very good and bouncy video.


346. Beautiful, Exciting, Intimidating and Turbulent Flight to Vidette, Apr 20, 2021

I followed Deadman Rd valley from Savona area to north to Vidette. The first part was over small fields and meadows in very deep valley. This peaceful flight eventually turned into flight over very (emergency landing) hostile environment. The air temperature at up to 6,000’ was +12C and very ripe for some nasty turbulence. There was still ice on some lakes below which helped turbulence to show its power. I was bounced very well. It was scary. I was even rehearsing what to do first just in case: press SOS on my Spot (satellite tracking device) and then pull the trigger of my ballistic parachute or the other way around. I was flying low over the ground on the way back. It was relaxing to watch winding Deadman river spilling already from its normal banks.


345. Beautiful Sunset Flight in Summer like Weather, Apr 17, 2021

I was thinking about this flight long time. I wanted to know how those navigation lights would look like in darkness. It was exceptionally warm evening from 24C to 19C and surprisingly no surprises from touchy Kamloops weather. I had fun


344. Beautiful Flight from Salmon Arm Airport to Kamloops, Apr 15, 2021

This is return leg of my 223 km cross-country flight, this time from Salmon Arm back to Kamloops. I chose more direct flight over the mountain, while very scenic it was also very hostile terrain to have power failure. The worst part for me is always the anticipation of worsening thermal conditions. This part of the Canada is so beautiful and definitely not boring to fly over and through it.


343. Beautiful Flight to Salmon Arm Airport, Apr 15, 2021

Very scenic flight following shore of famous and in summer popular Shuswap Lake to charming city of Salmon Arm. This is first part of my 223 km long cross-country trip. Return trip will be more challenging over hostile terrain and unpredictable weather condition.


342. 145 km Flight over Knutsford and Tobiano Areas, Apr 13, 2021

Very scenic flight over complex terrain and spectacular views. It was good day.


341. Flying to Chase, Apr 6, 2021

Very good flight east through South Thompson Rive valley, one of the most scenic area in Kamloops region. I hit one serious air hole on the way back, which was very quick awakening from relaxing flight.


340. Very Unpleasant Flight in Pure Turbulence, March 31, 2021

After several days of serious winds, this day was totally calm with blue sky and +8C. I was really looking forward to my cross country flight, but it was quickly clear that it will not happen. I was bouncing like yoyo as soon as I took off. I was in one continual turbulence which eventually made me nauseated. Four days before I flew on commercial flight (as passenger) in heavy turbulence, which was my second worse turbulence on commercial flight. I become air sick which I felt for 3 days. My flight only multiplied that sick in stomach feeling. At least I have very good video from just 30 min flight.


339. Very Nice Flight to Nicola Valley and Glimpse Lake, Mar 16, 2021

I took advantage of perfect weather to fly through spectacular BC countryside.


338. Flying in Campbell Creek Valley to Barnhartvale, Mar 9, 2021

I attempted to fly this valley several times already, but the non cooperating weather always changed my plans. I was lucky this time. It is very nice area which I explored on motorcycle from ground up. It was time to do it from the air. The valley is usually very windy with crazy turbulence, because the air is compressed into narrow and winding trough. One of my 4 cameras did not record anything, so I lost one view, but I still have nice video into classical music.


337. Flying to Knutsford and North Ridge. Heavy Turbulence, Mar 2, 2021

It was decent day for with no wind at the Kamloops airport. I had an ambitious plan, which was quickly changed when I entered worsening turbulence.  Kamloops has own unique micro weather, which is very unpredictable and challenging. The countryside is extremely beautiful with complex terrain. Several valleys are joining in one point right in downtown. This alone is usually not very good for predictable fun. Well, regardless, it was very good flight and I have this video to prove it.


336. Flying form Cache Creek in Exciting Flight, Feb 21, 2021

I was getting anxious to go back after 40 minutes flight from Kamloops. I did not want the weather change on me. I was already experiencing unpleasant turbulence when flying in.

I met another ultralight pilot there, Daniel Berwin who landed after me. He decided to follow me a bit and take some aerial pictures. It was nice change, because it is just 2nd opportunity in my life to fly with somebody. Another excitement happened in about 10 minutes in my flight when I spotted another plane (Cessna) well down under me flying to Cache Creek. He really sucked the air from my track resulting good bump. I started in -2C in Kamloops landed in +6C in Cache Creek and +8C back in Kamloops. It was very good and exciting day.


335. Flying to Tobiano, Walhachin and Cache Creek. Good Turbulence, Feb 21, 2021

This was the first leg of my 1.5 hour flight to Cache Creek. I flew via golf and residential area high above Kamloops Lake, Tobiano and down in the valley on the end of Kamloops Lake, Savona. I continued in the complex valley of winding South Thompson River creating spectacular scenery. I flew over small historic village situated high above the river valley, Walhachin. I continued towards Ashcroft through to deep canyon of South Thompson River, but I felt in my bones that it would not be smooth sailing. The complex terrain and shifted winds create unpredictable flying conditions. Eventually, I had enough of bouncing around and got out before it would be too late. The Cache Creek Airport and its location are a bit intimidating.  First it looks very small from the air especially when flying from Kamloops with such large airport runway. Secondly the location in the middle of the mountain slope creates good crosswinds and up or downdrafts by winds from the perpendicular valley. I met there another pilot, Daniel Berwin with his Zenair bird. We exchanged few Covid distant words and experiences. He followed me on my way back and took several pictures from his ultralight. It was nice.


334. Beautiful Winter Flight in Beautiful Wintery Kamloops, Feb 16, 2021

Finally, after several windy days of real winter in Kamloops, there was no wind and temperature just below freezing. It was beautiful flight after morning snow starting to melt on sunny sides. The contrast between the snow and bare surfaces creates unique enhancement of the Kamloops very complex topography. 


333. Flying in Fresh Snow to Kamloops Juniper Ridge and Area, Feb 6, 2021

It was gorgeous day after overnight fresh show, blue sky and above freezing temperature. I took off downwind (~13 km/h) west, turned to east in totally calm air and in about 200 m higher I got into serious tail wind of up to 45 km/h from west. The wind was flowing simultaneously from opposite direction within short elevation difference. I flew over Juniper Ridge subdivision, which looks very flat from the air, but it is actually very hilly and assuming also challenging to drive those steep streets in winter. I explored Rose Hill and Knutsford area too. It was very good flight.


332. Experience with “GoPro Hero 9 Black” as a Prime Camera for Unrestricted Frontal View, Feb 2, 2021

I sold my GoPro Hero 7 and replaced the front full view camera with the latest GoPro Hero 9 Black. The reason is Hero 9 horizon lock to prevent horizon tilt when turning. Tilting horizon is annoying in my videos, so I always switch in those moments to side camera views. Well, the horizon lock did not work very well and actually it was very bad. I could use only few clips from this miracle Hero 9 camera. I return the Hero 9 back to store. Now, I need to buy another Hero 7 Black. I am showing examples of badness and my interpretation of how this horizon lock would not work in my case. I was hoping for steady “Super stabilized” views, so I could run video 4x faster without any distractions. I am sorry to report that the result was totally unacceptable. This is excellent camera for other application, but not for what I wanted it for. For that purpose Hero 7 Black is far superior. If you are considering to buying it for flying then you should watch this video.

331. Following North Ridge to Harper Ski Hill in Heavy Turbulence, Feb 2, 2021

I sold my GoPro Hero 7 and replaced the front full view camera with the latest GoPro Hero 9 Black. The reason is H9 horizon lock to prevent horizon tilt when turning. This was annoying in my videos, so I always switched at those moments to side camera views. Well, it did not work very well and actually it was very bad. I could use only few clips from this miracle camera. I return the Hero 9 back to store. Now, I wish to buy back my Hero 7 Black camera. I am looking. I will post me experience and example, why this camera is no good for aviation at least for full camera view without any part of airplane in the view. It was expensive experiment for me. I sold my like new camera cheap and most likely I will pay more and most likely for abused and bruised camera.

It was beautiful and calm (!) day, but not for long. Within of about 5 minutes it started kicking up and down. It was getting progressively worse on the way back. I was looking for some smoother air level, but there was nothing available for me. When I crossed the N Thompson River west, the peace returned again. At least I have good video.


330. Flying over North and South Thompson Rivers, Jan 29, 2021

I have very good video from cold flight. We had some traces of new snow, which makes the surrounding scenery more contrasting and more interesting.


329. Kamloops Aerial Photos: Peterson Creek, Downtown, North Shore, Brock - Slideshow, Jan 20, 2021

Pictures taken from the top (south) of Peterson Creek in small increments through downtown then west up to airport. Pictures are from video # 327


328. Beautiful Nicola Valley Aerial Photos - Slideshow, Jan 20, 2021

Pictures taken only in Nicola Valley during the flight shown in video # 327


327. Low Flight through the most Beautiful Valley in Kamloops Region, Jan 20, 2021

It was an excellent, but a bit chilly flying day. I tried several times before to fly low in the Nicola Valley, but it was always very drafty a of course unpredictable. I was lucky this time. This is one of the most scenic roads in BC and especially on motorcycle. It looks so peaceful from the road, but it is totally different from the air due to the complex terrain causing unpredictable winds and wind flows. I have very good video from one hour flight at 90 to 140 km/h ground speed.


326. Cloud Challenge to Keep within Clear Sky, Jan 15, 2021

The airport area was without clouds when I took off. As soon as I was above their level I could see that it would be wise to stay within that hole only. The clouds eventually cleared on the west side and open up also south. I flew over Ajax mine, Tobiano and sandbars. The flying conditions were very interesting. I could see just peaks of the Kamloops landmarks poking through to cotton balls. It was warmer by 5C just under the clouds then by the river. The ground was calm, but 40 km/h wind at 5000’.


325. Following South Ridge to Buse Hill and North Ridge to Sandbars. Turbulent Air, Jan 15, 2021

Finally after 16 days of warm, but very windy weather, the Mother Nature finally brought crispy, blue sky and no wind day. Masses of people enjoyed this sudden change together with several local flyers. I was planning to go for low and close aerial exploration of Buse Hill which looks very cool on its north side. I soon discovered that I would be lucky if I even make it there. The air was very bumpy with many very sudden kicks and pushes, which took a bit of optimism from my joy. I made it there, but I did not dare to go any close to it. The flight on the way back was not any better. I saw 9 wild horses on at the foot of North Ridge. I finished my flight with a victory lap over the river delta sand bars. They are amazing creation of nature, which could be seen only from the above, high just enough to see the underwater formations. When I landed I found out that my full view, front mounted camera refused to record. Those cameras are not very reliable. It was very good day anyway.


324. CBC Radio Interview with Me, Jan 7, 2021

This is radio interview with me about my flying in Kamloops. I turned it into a slide show to make it more enjoyable to watch. It was very good and I am happy how it turned out.


323. The Last Flight of Decade, Low Level over Downtown and North Shore, Dec 31, 2020

Very good video from the low level flight over the Kamloops key areas, like University, Aberdeen and Sahali shopping. After flight over Mt Peter and Paul I went down over the center of North Shore and Brock. Kamloops is very interesting no matter of weather or season. This is not visually boring city or region. I wish the 3D effect could be reproduced in 2D video. The terrain looks flat from the air, but in fact it is very hilly with steep streets, which are fun to drive on in the winter (not).



322. Flying to Savona-Deadman Rd Area via North Ridge and Tobiano, Dec 27, 2020

Another decent day to fly, with temperature just hovering around freezing, but sunny west of the airport. This is what I selected to fly; following the sun. The mountain views of the N-W Ridge are spectacular. The snow and bare area create pencil like drawings with so much details filling every pixel. It was beautiful. I flew above many eagles on South Thompson River.


321. Flying to Harper Mt Ski Area by South Thompson River, Dec 27, 2020

It was beautiful, sunny day to fly over just 2 day old snow covered terrain. This valley is the most picturesque area in the Kamloops region. I spotted again two groups of wild horses, but I could not find them when I was editing this video.



320. Following Hwy 1 to Tobiano in Low Level Flight, Dec 12, 2020

Finally, we had good flying weather with temperature a touch above zero. I was following TransCanada hwy #1 to Tobiano. This very winding road is carved through very nice hills and valleys while passing through the upper Kamloops on the hill. This used to be the main highway, before high mountain Coquihalla highway was built as short cut connecting Kamloops to Vancouver. There are nice views of still green Tobiano golf and residential area. Of course, I could not resist to do a few almost ground level passes over the South Thompson River sandbars. This is only way to see underwater nature creations, which look like very complex 3D carvings.


319. What to Wear in Cold Weather, Nov 28, 2020

Several people posted on Facebook question about what to wear in winter while flying open aircraft. This short video shows what I wear and what works. I used to fly down to -25C (-13F), so I feel to be qualified to show what works.

318. Low level flight over Knutsford area and North Thompson River, Nov 28, 2020

I wanted to fly over 7 peaks south of the Campbell Creek. Unfortunately, very low cloud ceiling forced me to turn around and look for some better conditions. I flew north up to McLure, very low to get better view of my surroundings. Weather was excellent and flight very enjoyable. The video looks very good and I hope that at least people living in those areas would like it. Just after take of I felt me knees getting cold and realized that I forgot to put on my snowmobile (winter) pants. I flew 1.5 hours and I was a bit stiff, but not too bad. This trike is reasonably “warm”. I flew 1.5 hours at average ground speed of 121 km/h. That’s very good!


317. Flying to Sun Peaks to Check the Ski Season Opening Day, Nov 21, 2020

Sun Peaks Resort is the second largest ski resort in Canada. It is perfect playground for every person looking for year round fun. Sometimes it could get tricky to fly there, because the weather and especially cloud cover could change very quickly. This time I was lucky with perfect wintery weather. The radio communication with Kamloops control tower was vey busy with all other airplanes flying from and to all directions. Nobody wanted to waste the exceptional weather. The trip was uneventful, but of course spectacular, because it is Kamloops area, which is super spectacular, no matter where you look.

Sun Peaks from the top look like true Christmas Paradise even so it is another month till Christmas. I took good fly over and around for good video and picture taking views. I flew again very low over the airport area sandbars, to see the latest nature creations.


316. Flying above Kamloops Rivers, Nov 19, 2020

It was another beautiful day to go exploring the Kamloops nature from the above. I followed North and South Thompson Rivers, Kamloops downtown and of course I had to check the ever changing river sand bars. Flying low is the only way to see the underwater highly sculptures sand bars. If you want to see something which you most likely never have seen before, then watch this video and listen the background relaxing music.


315. Flying in Quickly Changing Clouds Ceiling, Nov 10, 2020

We received real winter like snow, but sun started to peek through the clouds. I have to clear snow to get to the runway first, while blue sky was quickly shrinking. Traces of sun were replaced with white clouds pushing downwards and squeezing me out like a tooth paste. I was forced to turn around to just legal limit to avoid those clouds. I still have good video from around the downtown.


314. Very Few People have Seen Kamloops Beauty from This Angle, Nov 6, 2020

I changed editing concept in this video and I think I will stick with it. I am using 4 GoPro cameras, which run continually. Previously I cut views in 5 sec clips, while cuts were synchronized with the music beat. My intent was to show all views, front, both sides and pilots view. Now, I run the front camera with full 170 deg horizontal view at 2x speed with minimum cuts. I use the other cameras views only in turns, because the front view does not look good because of the panning effect and horizon tilt.

The weather was exceptional with perfect Alberta blue sky and crisp, cold air at just +3C. It was a bit warmer up in the air at 6C. This video shows the spectacular Kamloops nature beauty and glacier beautiful terrain carving formations. Watch the video on large screen of TV to see all those details. The GoPro cameras (Hero 7 in my case) are so good these days that the results are incredible.

It would be nice if you leave me your comment, and tell me what you think about my video editing change.

Note: I have LG TV with 3D feature (3D glasses). I tried to turn TV on 3D and the view was amazing. I was very, very impressed. How is it done, to convert it instantly into fake 3D, without 3D cameras?


313. Glory, Optical Effect, During my Flight, Oct 31, 2020

Wikipedia: A glory is an optical phenomenon, resembling an iconic saint's halo around the shadow of the observer's head, caused by sunlight or (more rarely) moonlight interacting with the tiny water droplets that compose mist or clouds. The glory consists of one or more concentric, successively dimmer rings, each of which is red on the outside and bluish towards the centre. Due to its appearance, the phenomenon is sometimes mistaken for a circular rainbow, but the latter has a much larger diameter and is caused by different physical processes.

Glories arise due to wave interference of light internally refracted within small droplets.

312. Beautiful Flight along North and South Ridges, Oct 20, 2020.

After unexpected cold snap down to -11C, it was another beautiful day for flying. It is still pleasant to fly at +6C temperature and especially in my “warm” Apollo trike. The Apollo cockpit is very well designed to protect me from the element. It is big difference when compared with my previous AirBorne “cold” trike.

I followed North Ridge west, crossed Kamloops Lake south to Tobiano, then east to chase some clouds, north to downtown and Mt Peter and Paul. Finally, I turned west to Bachelor Heights to follow construction corridor of government Trans Mountain Expansion Project.


311. Flying with Spectacular Kamloops Clouds, Oct 20, 2020.

Late morning with -3C temperature and many different layers of clouds were too inviting to ignore. It was one of the most spectacular flights for me. I am so lucky to have almost 360 deg no obscured view from my trike so see that vast area beauty. I have never seen this type of clouds at the second cloud layer. You cannot see that from the ground, I felt like to jump into them and have some serious fun there. It was very good flight.


310. Flying to Tobiano and Mt Savona in the Best Scenery Ever, Oct 14, 2020.

It was one of my best flights ever. If you want to watch this video then do yourself favor and watch it on a large monitor or at least on a tablet. The phone screen is too small to really appreciate our natural beauty in Kamloops area.

All my cameras worked perfectly and the sun and clouds were in right places to capture the nature at its best. I was a bit sidetracked to check potential forest fire on western horizon. I made low passes over the edge of Mt Savona Provincial Park with spectacular rocky cliffs and top covered with the first autumn snow. You can see very, very long train snaking along the edge of Kamloops Lake and steep cliffs of the South Ridge. I also tested my new bar mitts, with temperature just 2C and my fingers were not frozen like with the original mitts which I shredded in the prop (see video: 306. This is how I Ruined my Flying Days, Aug 2, 2020.)


309. Flying above Clouds to Ajax Mine and Tobiano, Oct 11, 2020.

Chilly morning at 3C, but sunny day brought smile to my face. I could fly and enjoy to Covid free time above Kamloops area beautiful nature. It was big contrast between the early summer green fields and slopes and current brown surfaces. It was still beautiful. Unfortunately, my front camera failed to record, so I don’t have any full nature views.


308. My First flight after 2 Month Wait for New Prop Blade, Oct 6, 2020.

This was my first flight after the August unfortunate mistake (see Video # 306), which ruined 2 months of my flying days. I also changed this time the prop pitch from 9 to10 degrees. I set it correctly on the ground (when I bought this trike) to prevent potential engine over revving, but I found that in flight it would run about 500 extra RMP. My cruise speed now increased about 5 kn (10 km/h) at 5000 RPM, but I have to push the throttle harder. I think my fuel consumption will go up. I will see the next time during at least one hour flight.

It was short, just local flight, because the sky was still very smoky from the West coast USA fires.

307. Dean with his New Rev X Trike, Aug 15, 2020.

I came to see in real life the famous USA built trike Rev X, and meet its owner Dean Wichmann. It is very nice toy. Jade Waterhouse demonstrated his new 1974 Bellanka in very nice paint job. It was beautiful day at the Knutsford airstrip


306. This is how I Ruined my Flying Days, Aug 2, 2020.

It was ideal weather for flying, but I wished I stayed at home. Just a few seconds after take off I felt like a wing cable broke off. Engine started to vibrate. Landed immediately and taxied back to my hangar where I saw what happened. One bar mitts was on the ground. I removed my winter bar mitts, because it was already 25C and put them on my rear seat bag. The mitts are very florescent bright, so they are difficult to miss, but I did. I forgot them behind my back.I checked for damage and there was just about ¼” of prop blade edge protection tape slightly damage. Checked the prop pitch values and the affected pitch was 1 deg off. I figured I got off very easy this time. I set up the pitch, started the engine and the vibration was the same. Now what? Hopefully it is not the engine. Eventually I found that the blade was cracked just on the edge of the blade hub. I was very lucky to be above the runway when this happened.

305. Pritchard to Kamloops Full Screen Aerial View, July 28, 2020.

This is just section from flight as per video # 303. It is unedited, full screen view from just front camera. The best is to watch it on large screen or TV to appreciate the natural beauty of that region in Kamloops area.


304. Sun Peaks Full Screen Aerial View, July 28, 2020.

This is just section from flight as per video # 303. It is unedited, full screen view of Sun Peaks, second largest ski resort in Canada. The best is to watch it on large screen or TV to appreciate the natural beauty of that region


303. Flying to Sun Peaks and Chase Village, July 28, 2020.

My first really warm flying, because it was already 19C at 7 am. It was even 19 C at 2334 m (7625’). The sky was very hazy which looked even worse while flying against the raising sun. I made several passes over the Sun Peaks ski area which is the 2nd largest ski resort in Canada. Sun Peaks is just 40 min driving from our house. This is real winter (summer too) paradise where I can snowboard whole day and be all the time on different slope. This is not boring place. I then turned SE towards Chase village with beautiful lake called Little Shuswap Lake. I followed South Thompson River from Chase back to Kamloops Airport. This is one of the best and very spectacular valley and especially about half way to Kamloops.


302. Flying Savona, Tunkwa Lake, Face Lake, Chuwhels Mt, Knutsford, July 20, 2020.

This was my 3rd attempt to do the above loop. Finally sky was clear and conditions just right. It was very pleasant and relaxing trip. I am just showing snippets from this 136 km long flight, over very spectacular countryside. The terrain is very divers and complex. It is always pleasure to look around from the eagle perspective.


301. Flying to Barriere BC and Back over North Thompson River, July 17, 2020.

155 km long trip to small town Barriere about 60 km north of Kamloops. I flew first over North Ridge to join the North Thompson River valley. It is relatively safe way to fly as there are many meadows and fields for forced landings. The worst part is just south of the Barriere which goes through narrow valley with steep slopes on both sides. I could see that “new” islands are already appearing in the river while water level is going down after the annual river flooding.

Pictures 1, Pictures 2

300. Flying to Harper Ranch via Cold Creek with some Clouds to Enjoy, July 13, 2020.

I was anxious to try my new drag chute camera. I tried it the previous day, but the view angle was disappointing. I made new camera bracket which did its work. I was also anxious, because potential negative effect on flying characteristic. The camera is attached to “badminton style” basket and pulled on string attached to one side of the wing. This causes unsymmetrical directional force, resulting, as one pilot described, difficult to control in straight direction. I did not find any problems.

My plan was to fly to Sun Peaks, but I found that they were totally in clouds. I turned SE before Mt Lolo to stay clear of that cloud cover. I still had some fluffs to enjoy their company. I have very good video of Kamloops beautiful nature.


299. Flying to Kamloops Downtown, Knutsford and Dew Point Areas. Heavy Turbulence, July 12, 2020.

Typical Kamloops weather, which is unpredictable. Originally I had different plan to fly, but unpleasant turbulence change it. It started as beautiful calm morning, but as soon as I crossed the North Thompson River, the turbulence started to harass me. It was getting progressively worse close I was towards Knutsford. Finally I had enough of it and decided to fly back south of the airport. It was very bumpy. Surprisingly, it became again very calm  so I continue towards North Ridge. I explored Dew Drop hills tops. This is very popular hiking area, so I am giving people to see it from different angle and perspective. It was very good day.


298. Checking Flooded South Thompson River in Kamloops, July 5, 2020.

I flew about 1500’ feel above ground to see the effect to the river flood. I started about 6 km east of Kamloops flying west to airport. North Thompson River was much calmer then a day before. I could not see any debris floating from the north, but the water was still very muddy. This contrasted in the rivers confluence where brown water from the north mixes with the South Thomson River, which is very clear.

Pictures 1, Pictures 2

297. Flying to Tobiano, Savona and Tunkwa Lake with Nice Clouds, July 5, 2020.

Beautiful day to be in the open air. It was still on colder side at 11 to 12C around 8 am, but sky was blue and eventually I met some fluffy clouds to enjoy. I had to change my original plan due to heavy and very intimidating cloud in front of me. It was very peaceful flight.

Pictures 1, Pictures 2

296. Flying to Savona in Turbulent and Hazy Air, July 3, 2020.

My original plan was to fly triangular cross-country, but the poor flying conditions changed my plan. I completed just one side of the triangle and decided to fly back. It started as beautiful and sunny morning, but the sky changed to overcast and very hazy before I got ready. I expected no turbulence, because thermal changes were very small. I was wrong. My trip turned few times and instantly from peaceful to nasty rides. I cut it short, because I did not want to push my luck.

I have still very good video with very good background music which will lift your feet in its rhythm.

295. Flying across Nicola Valley to Douglas Lake, June 18, 2020.

170 km (106 mi) flight over beautiful area of rolling hills, deep valleys, many lakes and exceptionally green terrain. It is interesting how green it was. We are living in very dry climate, where everything is normally brown, except spring and early summer. It is amazing how the nature is rushing though its life to push itself to display all its beauty in very short period. My goal was to check the Douglas Lake area which was many times in local media displaying fight among local anglers and the owners of Douglas Lake Ranch. This small paradise on Earth is owned by American multibillionaire Stan Kroenke, who also owns the Denver Nuggets of the NBA, Los Angeles Rams of the NFL and the Colorado Avalanche of the NHL, among other sports enterprises.


294. South Thompson River Flooding Part 2 of 2, June 3, 2020.

This is unedited and complete aerial view from front camera only. It starts at 17 km east of Kamloops and ends at Kamloops Lake delta.


293. North Thompson River Flooding Part 1 of 2, June 3, 2020.

This is unedited and complete aerial view from front camera only. It starts at 28 km north of Kamloops and ends by rivers junction in downtown Kamloops.


292. Survey of North and South Thompson River Flooding, June 3, 2020.

Both Kamloops rivers are very ripe to cause some serious damage from their floods. Low laying areas are already submerged and the water is slowly creeping into Riverside Park. I flew straight north about 15 km and then flew above North Thompson River to downtown. Then I turned east and at 15 km I started my flight west above South Thompson River. The countryside is even more beautiful now when everything is green with many patched of yellow flowers. I notice that I left the neck camera on the back seat. It was major decision to land or to retrieve it in flight. I did it in flight.


291. Fun with Clouds in Nicola Valley, May 27, 2020.

Beautiful flight,

south of Kamloops, over green meadows, fields, hills and lakes. This area is always challenging for me to fly, because the conditions are very often unpredictable and changing quickly. It started with no wind, but turbulent, bumpy ride, eventually smooth and relaxing when flying over the clouds by Stump Lake. I almost wanted to jump into those fluffs, which reminded me my childhood dreams to do something like that.

Spectacular Kamloops downtown rivers junction valley displayed all its beauty and the complexness of that nature creation. I finally checked the Tranquille Farm are flood situation. It was perfect flight 90 min long and recorded by 4 cameras. I found very jumpy music as a background, to highlight my flying mood during that flight.


290. Flying along North Ridge and Flooded Tranquille Farm, May 24, 2020.

I had totally different plan where to fly, but sudden and unexpected turbulence put dumper into my expectation. It started peacefully when flying east until I crossed the North Thompson River. It became unpleasant and especially to deal with the anticipation what would come next. Would it stay at lease the same of even worse? Eventually I decided to turn back without pushing my luck. Once I crossed that river again, everything stopped. It became enjoyable flight again. This is typical challenge of flying in Kamloops. I never know what will happen during my flight as far as weather is concern.


289. Flying to Knutsford, Ajax and Flooded Tranquille Farm, May 19, 2020.

I decided that it is just about time to land on our grassy landing strip in Knutsford. I was very hesitant to do it, because the terrain is very bumpy and landing is up or downhill. This is very fast trike with landing speed of 90 km/h. I could land in much worse areas in the case of emergency, but this was not emergency and I didn’t want to create one.

Regardless, I did it and I was glad. I met there another trike pilot from Kamloops. It looks like we could do some flying together. See my previous video # 288.  I spent there just few minutes, because I was anxious to fly back. The heat turbulence and upper winds were getting more unpleasant then I liked.

I flew over the AJAX gold mine which polarized Kamloopsiens  into two groups: People who need money (jobs) and people who want to preserve Kamloops beautiful nature. Final place was to check the flood situation by river delta with Kamloops Lake at Tranquille Farm. This area is always the first one to end up under water. Kamloops is expecting major flood this year and we are on its way to go there and ahead of regular schedule.


288. My Trike in the Air, May 19, 2020.

When circling our flying club airstrip, I noticed another trike on the ground. I could not believe it. So far I was here just lonely ultralight flyer. That’s very good. New member who kindly took the pictures and video. I have tons of pictures and videos, but nothing of me from ground up. I was really impressed how fast this trike really is. It does not feel too fast when flying it.


287. Flight from Kamloops to Brigade Lake, May 14, 2020.

A day before I explored very beautiful Knutsford area on my motorcycle. I decided to check it out also from the above too. I was not disappointed. No matted what you do, you cannot find boring areas around Kamloops. Then I flew a bit North above North Thompson River to check the developing flood area. City of Kamloops is getting ready for the big one. Almost all the river beaches are under water and my popular sand bars are all gone too. I flew over the Tranquille farm, which has significant section of land already under water.


286. Flight from Merritt to Kamloops, May 8, 2020.

This is return trip of my previous video # 285. While I was cruising up to 145 km/h flying to Merritt, I could not reach even 100 km/h of ground speed when flying back. I took direction of the famous “Coquihalla Highway to Hell”. This section of highway is featured on continual TV reality serial about heavy rescues from serious crashed during quickly changing weather conditions there. My flight was also not too peaceful, because of large clear cut forest areas, with light brown color.

Those “patches” are much warmer then surrounding green forests, creating serious turbulence. It was bumpy and occasionally unpleasant.


285. Flight from Kamloops to Merritt BC, May 8, 2020.

It was very nice flight in one of those times which don’t happen very often. Warm day with blue sky and no wind. I decided to fly to Merritt following one of the most scenic roads in the Kamloops region, Nicola Valley around hwy 5A. I saw flooded road by Stump Lake, flooded area by Quilchena  and Merritt. The beginning of the flight was turbulent air between the Kamloops and Nicola Valley with constant evaluation whether to continue or turn back, but then it was almost too good to wasted it. It was perfect and very enjoyable flight to Merritt airport. This video shows the first leg of my 190 km round trip flight.


284. Flight from Kamloops to Cache Creek, May 1, 2020.

Beautiful, early morning, 140 km long flight through Thompson River valley to Cache Creek village. I went to check the flooded area there, but it did not look too bad.


283. Flight from Buse Hill to Kamloops, Uncut Version. Apr 19, 2020.

It is always the most difficult and time consuming process to edit my flying videos into short version for human consumption. The problem is that Kamloops area is one of the most beautiful parts of the world, with very diverse and complex countryside. There are no boring sections around which to cut off. Majority of people would take just 20 seconds of their precious time. I bring home 3 to 4 hours of video from my one hour flight. My target is about 3 minutes of final video, but it is not almost possible.

I also learn with my #273 video, that there are people with interest in nature and beauty presented to them in very rare and unique views which few people could experience. That video is my most popular flying video so far and it is long. The new GoPro camera technology (Hero 7) solved the most annoying problems of vibration and jello effect. Hero 7 camera has perfect stabilization producing spectacular HD and wide angle videos. One of my cameras is mounted on the front of the trike showing nothing but the beauty as I fly through it. That technology also allows me to speed up this video 2.5 to 3x so more information is presented in shorter time. Aerial videos are not easy to produce, because the perception of speed is diminishing with the elevation above the ground. Basically, it looks more boring higher I fly.

I am showing in this video flight in west direction, when the sun was behind or on my left side, exactly what I needed for good exposure. Sky was fully seeded with fluffy clouds casting spotty shadows over the hills and valleys. You could see there some spectacular views from about 1000’ above ground. You could appreciate the complexity of the terrain when you look around the screen. It was very good flight.


282. Flight to Buse Hill, Apr 19, 2020.

It was beautiful day to fly over Kamloops spectacular nature areas. I followed the North side of South Thompson River eastwards over deeply scarred terrain by the ancient ice movement. Then I turned south towards Buse Lake and Buse Hill. It is small wonder of the nature. Sky was fully seeded with fluffy clouds casting spotty shadows over the hills and valleys. It was very good flight.


281. How to Set up SPOT to be Ready in Emergency with only the Last Track.

1. The company lost the original intent of SPOT, which is to call for help and find where you are. It is not to keep tracks of your trips, because GPS is far better for this purpose. 2. It uses confusing name Asset instead Device. It is device and it is very clear what device means. Asset will not make it better, just confusion. I thought that asset was set of points until SPOT agent told me that it is device. 3. Delete button and date filter were removed form the main screen. It is totally illogical to burry it deep in menus. I would never find it there without Company help. There is no manual or tutorial. 4. Current delete button, if lucky to find it, deletes everything. The date filter should be put back. 5. “Check in” button brings out tons of useless info and takes you to a useless place. I use SPOT for flying, the same like many other people I know. We all agree that the latest update is very bad and impossible to use. Many people are talking to switch to other devices. We are all 65 to 85 years old and many of my colleagues are scared of computers. The message delivers frightening presentation and especially when received on phone. The fonts are microscopic and impossible to read. Your default link arrives as a text of 3 lines with unreadable micro text. Did you try to select your 3 line link on phone and the paste it to address bar? 6. I and majority of my fellow pilots use the SPOT 7. I go flying, have to do some work there, waiting for weather until the good time to go. Before take off I press Check in. My message is sent to my wife to start to look after me just in case something goes wrong. She is not very computer skilled, but she is above average computer user. There is no way she could navigate though SPOT presented info which is buried somewhere in weird named menus. She is somewhere out and see the info only on the phone. She cannot see anything because it is unusable on the phone. She needs to see whole map and only map showing the current flight points and preferably with the last known point flashing. The actual coordinates could be read by clicking the point. After landing I press OK again to let her know I made it safely. 8. I found that is the perfect. This link or some other to produce the same result is needed. It is very clear and it should be always default. Everything else to be optional. Currently you get tons of info but the most important substance must be painfully discovered. 9. What is alert and what is its purpose? Check in, Help, SOS… are already alerts. Why do we need duplication? 10. The logging button within the map is also messed up. First, it says log out, but it means both. To log in it suggests my email, which is not my ID. As soon as I start type in first character then Password changes to Manage. I have to enter password first and then user ID. That’s amateurish!

280. Kamloops from 10,000’ above Airport, Apr 9, 2020

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, I decided to fly just around the airport without my usual exploration flights. I could return safely back to airport without the engine power. To make it more interesting I set a goal to go up to 10,000’ (3 048m) above airport. I made it to 11,600’ (3 536m) above sea level. Obviously, higher up above ground the perception of speed disappears. You feel like suspended motionless in the air with spectacular 360 deg view. It was very pleasant feeling. My views are especially special, because I am not looking through glass or through small windows. There is nothing between me and the environment. The ground temperature was 12C (54 F) and 3C (37 F) on the top, which is very good. No more frozen fingers.


279. Short Flight with Fuel Problem, Apr 6, 2020

I originally promised that I will not fly during the Covid-19 pandemic. I did not want to push my luck. I knew that there would be very limited medical help just in case I would need it, plus very high potential to get infected by that virus. It would be certainly fatal in my age.

Lately, we finally have very beautiful days, ideal for flying. I could not take it anymore. I decided to fly only at gliding distance from the airport to mitigate any dangers. I could make it back safely with dead engine. My goal today was to show how this areal looks from 10,000’ above ground. I wanted to spiral in very wide oval into 12,000’ and then idle down back to airport. It was very ironic, because just half way up, at 5,700’ I noticed low fuel pressure. I was not very trilled about it. I looked that my flying will be over, plus the find what the problem is. I turn on an auxiliary fuel pump which increased the fuel pressure, but it was still not normal. Lowered RPM, pump on/off, RPM up… nothing worked, while trike engine did not complain a bit. I called tower with my changed plan due to low fuel pressure. I was asked if I need emergency stand-by, like fire truck and ambulance. I was fine with just bid inconvenience. Eventually I found that it was fuel filter. I never ever had any fuel pressure gauge in my previous trikes and ultralight and I never had any fuel problem. It is a bid disappointing with this trike, because it has only 80 hours total. I think I would be really stressed to be far away from the airport.


278. Unnoticed Flock of Geese in my Landing Area, March 20, 2020

I noticed a shadow from a bird flying overhead just before a touch down.  I never notice any birds (usually geese), so that shadow surprised me. After reviewing the videos from the on board cameras, I saw around 50 Canadian Geese in area where I was touching down. Any collision with those big birds could potentially create serious damage to any aircraft.


277. Kamloops to Cache Creek Area, March 20, 2020

Really spring weather with 6 to 8C, but of course, that take off and landing turbulence again on sun heated concrete runway. The turbulence was discouraging, but eventually it was very nice flight. It was also first flight after many months without frozen fingers. This area west of the Kamloops is again very beautiful and unique in its character. Thompson Rive did very good job forming that interesting landscape. During the flight I noticed that my front camera was about 5 deg of horizon. This was disappointing, but I could do nothing about it. I will do this valley again in the late Spring and make unedited video to show it how it is.


276. Kamloops to Campbell Rd Valley, March 17, 2020

The weather looked perfect, with blue sky, warm air, but still cold in shadows. There must be turbulence. I was not “disappointed”. It started to kick me up and down right out of deck. Turbulence was just short live and it was very peaceful flight the next 40 minutes. I went to 6,500’ to 7,500’ where the air was smooth. I received another few kicks just north of airport on the way back.

I was not looking forward for my landing. I experienced very similar conditions during my previous flight and it was nasty just few feet above the runway. I expected the same this time, and it came. The air was very still with wind sock pointing down, which was bad sign. The air will not be agitated. The warm and cold air blocks were side by side waiting for something to disturb their temporary equilibrium. Sometimes just a bird flying through could cause the major air movement. I was that bird. I started dancing above runway. I could feel on my face blasts of warm air from left and right blowing under my helmet face shield. I increased my landing speed and I was hoping for the best. The actual touch down was very good, but I was going up and down just few feet above the asphalt.

Again, it was very relaxing flight. This was my social isolation from COVID-19 virus epidemic emergency but mainly from all that bad and depressing news.


275. Nothing but Turbulence, March 9, 2020

Two minutes of turbulent flying. It shows unusual, not perfect, but very well recovered landing: Push rather then pull after first bounce.


274. Short, but Turbulent Flight in Noon Heating. March 9, 2020

It was one of those rare days with blue sky, no wind, warm, but still cold in shade (-2C).  I knew that it will be bumpy without any wind to agitate the cold and warm air. I was surprised that the turbulence started right during the take off. I was considering to go home during the next 5 min. Eventually, it smoothed out, at least for a while. I climbed up to 6,500’ looking for good flying conditions. I had several more kicks during my flight above this beautiful terrain.

I was not looking forward to landing, because of hot runway right beside cold river and warm beaches. This is never too good here in Kamloops. Yes, it happened. I was bounced up, down and sideways. I had interesting landing when I was pushed down from 3’ above the runway. I think, I reacted well with very good second touch down. I cut my flight short, because I did not want to push my luck (and skills).


273. Low Level Flying by North Ridge. Long Version from just Front Camera, March 1, 2020

This is very little edited version of the previous video # 272. I used just front camera video running 2x faster. The perceived flying speed is between 200 and 250 km/h above fascinating and very complex terrain. I did it to show the real Kamloops beauty while listening to relaxing music. My very talented high school friend, Alma Mares, allowed me to use her instrumental music. If you like the music then you can contact Alma on Facebook (Mood Music Alma Mares) for more info or buy her music on CD. I noticed that my YouTube videos are running at low resolution (360) on Facebook. The best is to click Pause after video runs and in upper RH corner click Setting icon. Change the setting to 1080. My videos should look perfect and far as picture quality is concern even on very large monitor (mine is 32”). Low resolution video has very blotchy and annoying background.

Pictures 1        Pictures 2

272. Low Level Flying by North Ridge, March 1, 2020

Favourable flying conditions allowed me to fly much closer then lately to the ground, so I could show the full range of the Kamloops beauty. The area east of the North Thompson River is especially beautiful and interesting. The high plateau between South Thompson River and North Ridge is deeply scarred into various patterns. It is interesting to see from birds view and from ground up too. On my flight back I passed airport west to Tranquille area. This is my popular place for hiking. I flew over and around Mara Mt to show big slabs of rocks on its south side. Then I followed Frederick Rd valley, Battle Bluff Hill, down to South Thompson River delta with my favourite sand bars. The ever changing underwater sand bars forms beautiful 3D pattern, where you could spot all kind of lookalikes, similarly to heavy clouds. It was excellent, 138 km long trip.

Pictures 1        Pictures 2

271. Squadron of Vernon RV Homebuilts Visiting Kamloops Flying Club

It was unusual sight in the sky and on the ground to see and hear five, high performance RV homebuilts. They joined our Kamloops Flying Club for regular Tuesday coffee and donuts social gathering and pilot talk.


270. Good Flight to Harper Mountain and River Valley, Feb 24, 2020

I was planning to fly to Sun Peaks ski resort, but my fingers gave up about half way when temperature dropped from +3C to -5C. I changed my direction towards smaller ski area, Harper Mountain. It was very pleasant flight in beautiful natural surroundings.


269. Flying Kamloops, Showing Just Turbulence Section, Feb 15, 2020

This video, version 2, is edited so that only sections with turbulence are shown.

It looked like peaceful day for flying, but the reality was just opposite. As soon as I crossed North Thompson River, while flying east, the air bumps and kicks started to chase me. The turbulence was getting worse with every km of distance from the airport. Eventually, I had enough to fight it so I turned around back west towards the airport. It was getting worse before it calmed down. After just about 40 minutes I landed, because I did not know how it would shape out. I did not want to push mu luck.


268. Flying Turbulent Kamloops North Ridge, Feb 15, 2020

It looked like peaceful day for flying, but the reality was just opposite. As soon as I crossed North Thompson River, while flying east, the air bumps and kicks started to chase me. The turbulence was getting worse with every km of distance from the airport. Eventually, I had enough to fight it so I turned around back west towards the airport. It was getting worse before it calmed down. After just about 40 minutes I landed, because I did not know how it would shape out. I did not want to push mu luck.

I was also testing another GoPro Hero 7 Black (3rd one), but the result was extremely disappointing. The stabilization did not work for some unexplained reason. The footage was practically useless and much worse then from my previous Hero 3 camera. Hero 8/B has Super stabilization, but it was horrendous in this case.


267. Flying to Savona and Downtown Kamloops, Jan 27, 2020

It was beautiful, spring-like day, but flying conditions were not too relaxing. I encountered a lot of turbulence. I tried different altitudes, over water, terrain with and without snow, but no luck. It really built a lot of anxiety when not knowing if this is how it will be or is it just warm up for the big one. I was already in several serious turbulences before, so I am not looking forward to experience it again. Eventually the air was much friendlier over the downtown to pleasure me down. Overall, it was good flight.


266. Kamloops from the above Clouds, Jan 22, 2020

The morning started very promising with sun, +5C, but forecast called for windy day. I waited till about 10 am, but there was no wind. I took my chances and I did not regret it. It was one of my most relaxing and beautiful flight. I was planning to cross Kamloops downtown and then south towards Knutsford. While closing towards downtown, I saw that there is no way for me to squeeze between the upper Kamloops and the cloud base. The area in front of me was totally in heavy clouds. I turned around west, where I could see some sun and traces of blue sky. It turned out as very beautiful day with all river and other valleys filled to the brim with clouds, but blue sky, +2C and practically no turbulence. My GPS was showing ground speed between 85 and 155 km/h, so there was significant wind aloft, but of course, I could not feel anything and even visually, it all looked stationary. It was dreamlike and spectacular day. I almost wanted to jump into those clouds and fulfill my childhood dream. The relaxation aspect of this flight is enhanced be music to turn viewers in the same mood.


265. Kamloops Winter Beauty from the Air, Jan 9, 2020

Kamloops terrain is very diverse, complex and beautiful. It is even more noticeable in snowy winter. All that beauty just pops up due to the contrast between white and every other color. It was very good flight, but my fingers were getting numb which determined the flight duration. It is not easy to take pictures and fiddle in knobs in heavy gloves.








































































264. How Wing Trim Works in Flight, Dec 27, 2019

Short video clips from my last flight showing sections when I used the wing speed trim. It shows how the pivot point is moving in flight. You might need to run it several times to see the detail. Watch first time to its end where you will see it in slow motion.

263. Christmas Flying in Kamloops, Dec 27, 2019

Still cloudy airport area, but blue sky pushed through in many places. While there was no snow on the ground around airport area, the ground was well covered all around us. It was beautiful flight between, under and above clouds under sunny and very blue sky. This area looks (is) so beautiful that it is beyond any description. I am lucky to have this opportunity to see it from the above.


262. Flying to South Area of Kamloops, Dec 8, 2019

Nice flight to south area of Kamloops: Knutsford, Ajax and Afton mines and fields and hills all around. I bit turbulent air and up to 40 km/h head wind aloft.



261. Flying above Kamloops Clouds, Dec 3, 2019

It was almost beautiful day, but heavy clouds were hanging in the Kamloops area valleys. I squeezed between North Ridge crest and clouds into blue sky and warmer temperature. It was very pleasant flight but also surprisingly 40 km/h wind aloft while no wind at the airport. The lightly covered ground with snow makes everything more interesting to look at. The snow and dark ground create very contrasting lines and ridges which are well captured by my cameras.


260. Short Experimental Flight Backward, Nov 25, 2019

In my previous video, # 259, I was showing possibilities to kick back the Rotax 912 engine to run in reverse. Reverse running engine also produces backward force, because the prop is running in reverse. This is not very efficient way due to the prop leading and thicker edge now becoming trailing edge.

Here is about 2 min video showing my experiment, where I demonstrate that it could fly in reverse. I am some-what luckier than many other trike owners, because my wing is tight like drum and there is not a single wrinkle and flutter. This makes it easier and less risky.

Enjoy the video and let me know what you think.

259. Beautiful Day, but Unpleasant Turbulence, Nov 24, 2019

It looks like one of the last days of flying in above freezing temperature. It was beautiful day, with no ground wind, but 30 km/h wind just 2,000' above ground. Several times I was surprised with strong blast of air from nowhere and from ever changing direction. Eventually it became more peaceful at about 6000'. It was nice flight in this nature jewel all around us.

I was always thinking how to "drive" my trike from hangar, without heavy lifting and pushing it. This is problem now for my steel shoulder after the last year motorcycle accident.

Finally, I figured it out. I was inspired by my first "car" in 1967, three wheeler converted motorcycle, named Velorex. It was originally made for handicap people in communist Czechoslovakia. It was two-seater, 350 ccm, two stroke, two cylinder motorcycle engine, with max speed about 100 km/h (60 mph). It had very brilliant system to kick the engine in reverse so you could go backward, without getting out and push it back. Actually you could drive in full speed and use all 4 gears backward.

I tried the same idea with my Rotax 912 and it works. You could see it in my video. The problem is solved now. I don't want to brag, but I am very proud of myself. I am surprised that nobody else used this idea yet.


258. Flying over North Thompson River Valley, Nov 20, 2019

Finally, it was good flying day. I installed all my GoPro cameras, external batteries, GPS, Spot and another stuff, getting ready for beautiful weather waiting for me. I could not start it. The battery had not enough power to start 80 hp engine after below freezing overnight temperature. I knew already that there is not much life left in it. I move the trike back to hangar and uninstalled all the stuff again. Drove to downtown to buy battery and replace it, which is not easy in this trike. I was ready to go again after about 90 minutes.

It was very pleasant flight with warm sun on my back, with 5C down to 1C and back to 5C (41F - 34F - 41F). The sun was very close to horizon, which was not enjoyable result to shine into my face through two layers of Plexiglas (windshield and helmet). It was very good 90 min flight.


257. Seven Years of Trike Flying in Kamloops in 2.5 Minutes

I took 30 random selected clips from my 7 years flying in Kamloops. I have 1663 video clips saved. I cut first 5 minutes out and then used the next 5 sec from each selection. The clips are not chronological, but in random order as these numbers were generated (in Excel).


256. Flying with Clouds to Chase via Paul Lake, Nov 3, 2019

I was one of my best flight without any nasty surprises. Almost 2 hour flight took me over beautiful hills and valleys and generally pleasure to look at scenery. I tried to bring the mood up with the Strauss Blue Danube music. This is how I usually feel when the conditions are right and the flying is pure pleasure. Turn the volume up and enjoy the flight with me.


255. Flying Kamloops-Ajax-Tobiano, Oct 31, 2019

One hour flight around Kamloops to Knutsford, flying club airstrip, Ajax old gold mine, Afton gold mine and Tobiano, golf course and residential resort. It was uneventful flight, but I missed the sunny sky. When I removed all the gadgets and cameras ready to go home, the weather changed to perfectly blue sky. Well, it was too late for me.


254. Flying in Kamloops Fall Colors, Oct 19, 2019

My second day of flying, while day before I went through some serious turbulence, this day was my redemption. It was very pleasant flight with some sporadic fluffy clouds and beautiful fall colors on the ground. Kamloops is a bit challenging to fly in, but when all stars line up it is extreme pleasure with so much of natural beauty all around to enjoy.


253. Beautiful Day, but Unpleasant Turbulence to Fly in, Oct 18, 2019

It was one of those autumn days full of fall colors, warm, sunny and no wind. It looked like an ideal day to fly. My fall color mood changed very quickly right out of the gate. It was very bumpy and getting progressively worse. It took me about 10 min to decide to go with it or chicken out and fly back. Eventually I did not want to push my luck and turned around.


252. Perception of Flying Speed from 9,000' above Ground, Kamloops Oct 6, 2019

30 sec video to show how perceived flying speed from 3 km (10,000') elevation looks extremely slow, while flying 130-140 km/h

251. Power off Glide from 10,000', Oct 6, 2019

I wanted to know what my trike gliding ration is while the engine is off. It took me 20 minutes to climb to my goal altitude of 10,000' (3088 m). I was climbing up at 600 fpm (3 m/s) which eventually dropped to 400 fpm (2 m/s) while maintaining constant 5,000 rpm on engine. The drop in vertical speed (performance) is natural, because the air is getting less dense with altitude. The view was spectacular and I felt like suspended in the air flying the Space Shuttle. I had practically no perception of speed from that height, but my ground speed was about 54 kn (100 km/h).

After I cleared with the control tower that nobody is in any hurry to land, I turned power off. This flight also gave me appreciation of the wing electric trim. I did not see any purpose of it when I made initial few flights, but now, I am singing different tune. It is excellent invention in longer and steady flights like this one. I trimmed it going up hill so if flew hands off the control bar and the same going down hill. I trimmed it going down to 50 kn indicated, which is actually 40 kn real, as I discovered in the first flights. It flew hands off and without unwanted turns or surprises.

It was peaceful downhill at steady speed covering 10 nm (20 km) distances. I calculated that my trike has 7:1 glide ratio. For every 1000' of elevation I could fly 7000' distance. Of course it will change with wind against or behind me. This glide ratio is very impressive for such heavy trike with small and fast wing. I did the similar test in Apr 2014 with my Airborne trike with Wizard wing ( I calculated 5:1 glide ratio on that slow trike.

Landing was uneventful and 60 kn (111 km/h). I could not restart the engine after landing, because the battery run out of juice. When you are in the similar situation you would appreciate the advantages of classical analog (gauge with needles) instruments versus all computerized stuff, which need a lot of power. I was prepared for this situation by carrying battery power pack and connected into the 12 V trike outlet. I kept all navigation lights, radio, transponder and all digital instruments on. I thought that the battery pack would be able to supply all needed power. Obviously it did not. You could see from the video that it was not big deal when I turned all power off. It was very happy day for me.


250. Flight to Barriere, BC, Oct 4, 2019

It was one of my best flights. I wanted to fly originally to Sun Peaks, but they were closed by fluffy clouds. I changed my plan towards the small town north of Kamloops. Barriere is located in beautiful North Thompson River valley, with many meadows, farms and ranches, good places for any emergency.

I took different route the last 15 km before Barriere. I flew above Westside Barriere Rd instead of river valley. It was very beautiful to see all those trees in fall colors. They looked like flowers on the meadows from my high elevation perspective. I was really moving with 50 km/h tail wind, but then, of course, on the way back it was slow against 50 km/h head wind. There were some expected turbulent sections, but not too bad considering it was 12:30 pm sun heat effect.


249. Short Flight over Kamloops North and East Ridges, Oct 1, 2019

Weather forecast called for sunny day, but it did not happen in that morning. I liked the fluffy low level clouds around the East Ridge peaks. Unfortunately, my joyful ride was tarnished by the radio. It just quit. It was very disappointing news for me, because I had many moments like that with my previous trike handheld radio. So it was "S..t, not again." I tried everything possible to get it going. I even turned off the master power switch, which I was not sure if this would also stop the engine. No, the engine was running OK. Thanks to my Transponder, I could "communicate" with the control tower. I switch to code to 7600 (Failed Radio) and pushed the ID button in all usual placed to let them know where I am. They could see me on the radar screen anyway, but my ID pressed button lighted on their screen my position.

I was stressed not about the flying, but to deal with the problem. When I was about 200 m from the end of runway we could again communicate by radio. It was not perfect, but at least I could apologize for the bloody radio. I was not very keen to deal with it right a way, but I am glad that I did. I concluded that it must be antenna and it was. The mini coaxial connector was unscrewed. The cable still worked in short distance as antenna, but not very far. I reconnected the cable and wrapped it in electric tape to prevent it from happening again. It really made my day. I was so happy that I found it. It was good day and the video shows it.


248. Second Flight that Day to Knutsford Area, Sep 30, 2019

It was beautiful day, but very bumpy especially in the South of Kamloops. I was looking for different layer for some peaceful flying conditions, but no luck. I just relaxed and tried to like it. I have good video.


247. Short Flight over Kamloops North Ridge, Sep 30, 2019

It was perfect weather (it looked like), but my camera quit shortly after take off. I turned back to reset it.


246. Flying over Kamloops North Ridge, Sep 6, 2019

The main reason for this flight was to take aerial picture after devastating fire of the local school the previous day. The school was totally destroyed. Unfortunately I took off with camera without memory card and on top of that I forgot to turn the front, full view camera on. Oh, well, at least I had very good local flight.

245. Flying to Sun Peaks, Mt Lolo and NW Ridge, Sep 1, 2019

I was trying new camera mount on the trike nose, so there is no picture interference with any part of trike. This front view is run at 4 to 6x faster with perceives speed of 500 to 700 km/h.

I did very good aerial survey of the Sun Peaks recreational area. It is the 2nd largest ski area in Canada, just 40 min away by car.

I crossed Mt Lolo, with a bit of turbulence and then scanned the hills of the NE of Kamloops Lake. This 1:40 hr flight is compressed into 3:50 min video.


244. Practicing Landings at Kamloops Airport , August 26, 2019

Short video showing several take-offs and landings in Apollo DeltaJet2 trike.

243. Flying from Kamloops to Logan Lake and Merritt via Hwy 97C, August 19, 2019

Another long distance flight (177 km) to explore Kamloops area beauty. Hwy 97C is going through beautiful valley when viewed from road or from the air. The flight was uneventful until Merritt at 3600' ASL while approaching the airport. I was met by serious turbulence in early morning sun heat. Original plan was to land at the Merritt airport, but the turbulence changed my mind to go up again and leave those conditions ASAP. The last leg to Kamloops was OK again. I was following Coquihalla Highway which is features on Discovery Channel as "Highway Thru Hell", reality TV show.

242. Flying from Kamloops to Highland Valley, Ashcroft and Cache Creek, August 7, 2019

I always wanted to fly around the big surface copper mine in Highland Valley. I attempted to do it in 2015, but ended up in the worst turbulence ever (by that time). See the video here The weather gods cooperated with me and allowed me to have good flight in another beautiful and challenging area in Kamloops region. I landed in Cache Creek airport to change the batteries for all 5 cameras, before flying back to Kamloops. It was 187 uneventful kilometers

241. Kamloops to Harper Ranch, Cold Creek Rd Loop, July 29, 2019

One of the most relaxing flight over spectacular countryside. This part of Kamloops area has totally different character, which remind me European meadows, rolling hills and small lakes. I was lucky to be flying under very unique cluster of small clouds. These clouds created interestingly looking spotty patterns over the North Ridge hills. I have very unique pictures and video capturing this life time opportunity. It will never happen this way again, as far as result is concern.

240. Kamloops Flying to Adams Lake Bay via Sun Peaks, July 22, 2019

One of our flying club members posted few pictures from his flight over Agate Bay Rd. It looked very spectacular, so I decided to explore it too. Weekend before my flight, I drove my intended flight loop, 200 km long loop on motorcycle. I realised that it would be extremely dangerous to follow the Adams Lake to Chase. I took the shorter flight over Sun Peaks to Agate Bay and then west following the Agate Bat Rd valley to Luis Creek. The last leg was over North Thompson River south, back to Kamloops. The video and photography conditions were not very good with early morning low sun in my face and early morning foggy low laying areas.

239. Kamloops Flying to Isobel Lake and NE Ridge, July 11, 2019

Friend of mine mentioned camping at Isobel Lake. He suggested flying there, which I did. It is located just few minutes north from the airport. Eventually I ended up east of Kamloops for excellent area for picture taking. It is one of the most interesting area of Kamloops. I had sun in my back so it helped to my videos and pictures.

238. My Record Flight to Molybdenite Peak, July 3, 2019

Several years ago I watched YouTube video showing group of Kamloops 4x4 riders going to Molybdenite peak (2,749 m, 9,919'). The peak is part of the Coast Mountains, vast mountain area spreading from Alaska down to Vancouver BC area. I tried to get some other person to join me to do this trip on off-road motorcycle. Interested people always quit before the trip. The last year my motorcycle accident squashed out that dream. I decided to fly there instead.

I had very few hours of sleep thinking of all those "what if" possibilities. I got up at 4:30 am and was in the air at 5:55 am. Dressed in my full winter gear, I was really hot in already sunny, 14C, morning. There was up to 18 km/h (10 kn) head wind, but otherwise very relaxing flight. It was not easy to take pictures, because big contrast between sunny and shady areas from the low sun position. I was stunned to see the beauty of the eastern part of the Coast Mountains. I reached my goal at 7 am. I was at 3,557 m (11,670'). I was glad for my winter clothes at 0C temperature. I took several pictures, circled around and headed back via Cache Creek airport. This is very tricky landing spot, because this airport is perpendicular and on downwind slope of very steep ridge. You are practically landing on downwind slope in swirling wind, which is no fun. I had quick stop to change batteries in my cameras and carried on to home stretch. The morning heat created turbulence in Cache Creek area and it kicked me up few times.

I landed safely at the Kamloops airport, at 8:50 am. I took advantage of WW2 bombers, B17 and B25 parked by the terminal. They came form USA for one week public display and flights, as organised by our Kamloops Flying Club. I took some pictures together with my trike.

My record longest and potentially the most dangerous flight so far.

Distance: 278 km (173 mi, 150 nm)

Max Elevation: 3,557 m (11,670')

Moving time: 2:40 hr

Max Ground Speed: 148 km/h (92 mph, 80 kn)

237. Flying to Knouff Sullivan Lake Area, June 9, 2019

Six days before, I was driving my motorcycle to Knouff Lake Recreation Area and I was very impresses with the nature beauty there. I decided to check it out from the air too. It was very nice flight, but the better view from the ground. It looks from the air much flatter then from the ground.

236. Flying to Savona to Check the Wild Fire Situation There, June 6, 2019

Walking on the street previous day, I noticed black smoke on western horizon. Oh no! No forest fire again. Media reports were not very favourable with statements like double in size, out of control...

The morning was crisp, with just 8C and sunny sky. I decided to fly west to see how bad the fire situation is NW of Savona. Actually, I was very surprised that the fire was out, but still with some smouldering patches and very close to the forest. I could see small burned patch and father west large burned area. It was obvious that it was deliberately set by someone. The first smaller patch was very far away from the train track separated by very dry grass and wide road. This fire could not start by train. It is mad-mad world.


235. Kamloops COPA Flights for Kids, June 1, 2019

Kamloops Flying Club organized "COPA for Kids". COPA (Canadian owners and pilots association) motivation is to seed some interest into young generation to become pilots, attendants, mechanics.. The current majority of pilots is in its life sunset. Very few people are starting to fly. Unless something drastic happens, there will not be too many long distance holidays or business trips. There will be no pilots and mechanics to service those planes.

234. How Trike Works and How to Mount Flight Cameras, May 30, 2019

I did similar video with my Airborne Trike in Feb 2017. I had many very good responses, so I decided to follow up with my new trike, but with emphasis on camera mounting basics. It shows how trike is controlled, instrumentation, how to make camera mounts, how to mount them to prevent vibration, best angle of view, how to set camera to be parallel with horizon in level flight... All comments ale welcome.

233. Short Flight to West of Kamloops North Ridge, May 30, 2019

My flight ended just after 20 min. It was early morning at 15C, no wind, but very hazy day. We were getting smoke from our neighbouring province Alberta with enormous forest fires there. My original plan was to do cross-country triangular flight, about 180 km long. It did not happen. I started in no wing and as soon as I climbed to 4000' I was hit with 67 km/h (42 mph) headwind. The turbulence was getting worse with every minute from all those hills around me. The second planned leg would get me into 90 deg crosswind and no chance to fly in the beautiful valley. I decided to turn around and not to push my luck. The next time.

232. Flying on the Edge of North Ridge West and East of Kamloops, May 27, 2019

I made another beautiful flight just north of Kamloops. Finally I dared to fly over, for me mysterious village Frederick, located 15 km NW of the airport. The only access to it is by twisty narrow road over the steep mountain road or by the boat. I dove down to the Kamloops lake edge for some low passes and few pictures. The next leg took me NE of Kamloops following more-less Shuswap road. The early morning was very hazy and with sun in to my face made filming and taking pictures challenging. The situation significantly improved on the way back with sun behind. I wanted to explore from close up the hoodoo formation along the Shuswap road. It is very interesting part of the Kamloops and definitely not boring countryside.

231. Flying from Kamloops to Falkland - Westwold - Monte Creek and Kamloops, May 21, 2019

I made several attempts in the past to fly to Falkland region, but the turbulence changed my plan in hurry. It was different this time. I flew direct line from Kamloops to Falkland and then I followed highway 97 and 1 back to Kamloops. This road is well traveled by many people and tourists on the way to Vernon and Kelowna regions. I wanted to know if it looks as spectacular from the air as from the road and I was not disappointed. Mainly Westwold farm and meadow land are very beautiful. I wish I spent more time to explore that beauty, but I did not want to push my luck. I knew that late morning heat would change the peaceful flight into potential hell flight.

230. Flying from Merritt to Kamloops, May 6, 2019

This is return flight continuation of the previous video. During short pit stop at Merritt airport, I changed all 4 cameras batteries and enjoyed and bit the beautiful blue sky and crispy clear air in the beautiful region. I decided to head home, before the nature would change its mood. I more-less followed the famous Coquihalla (TV series Highway to Hell) north to Kamloops. The trip was uneventful, but still beautiful to see all those distant mountain ridges covered in snow and the small lakes below me.

229. Flying from Kamloops to Merritt Airport, May 6, 2019

I started early morning to prevent Kamloops area moody weather. The weather is very good in Kamloops, provided you are on the ground. It is different story when you are in the air.

I was up in the air at 6:30, heading for Merritt airport. I chose longer, but very scenic way through the Nicola Valley. It is deep valley with beautiful lakes and nature. I wanted to take advantage to have sun more towards my back to get better light condition for my video and pictures. I took over 130 pictures from my trip.

I just bought another GoPro camera (6th now), this time Hero 7 Black. Black has nothing to do with color. It is the confusing type of camera features in this sequence: White, Silver and Black which is the most advanced. I was very impressed with the camera result. The Stabilization if phenomenal and it works exactly how it supposed work for use with aircrafts or boats on waves. The background in steady, but the foreground subject is moving. When you have camera on the wing then in turbulence you are moving against the background. Normally background would be moving while you are fixed in one point on the screen. I was doing this in pos-processing software, which took 2.5 hours for every 20 min of video. Now, all this is done in real time in such small device like GoPro. Very impressive. I was hesitant to buy it, because the original Stabilization had one negative which I call, Over-stabilization. You could see this effect even on TV made by professional cameras. When panning moving object then the result is jerky. I my case when used during take off or landing the undercarriage was separated from the trike and catching up and falling behind. I bought the camera as soon as heard from my fellow trike FB friend that GoPro fixed this phenomenon.

228. Flying from Salmon Arm to Kamloops, April 26, 2019

After about 40 minutes in Salmon Arm airport I took off towards the Kamloops. I wanted to follow more scenic route by Shuswap Lake and South Thompson River. I thought that I have it well imprinted in my head, which was not the case. After about 10 min flight I realized that I am flying south instead of north. This is the 2nd time when this happened at the same place

I was too far from my original route, so I took shortcut across the mountain again. I wanted to avoid this route, because I did not like the turbulence there. The turbulence was waiting for me.

I took side trip to Chase village on the shore of Little Shuswap Lake. Of course taking pictures and my 3 GoPro cameras were recording my journey. The rest of the flight was relaxing above the magnificent nature in the South Thompson River between South and North Ridges.

227. Flying to Salmon Arm, April 26, 2019

This video is from my first leg of two hour flight to Salmon Arm (SA) airport and back. I decided to fly almost straight line between Kamloops and SA over the mountain. The flight was almost uneventful until 20 km from SA when crossing mountain ridges and multidirectional valleys, which is not very good combination. I received several good kicks from thermals and changing wind directions. I landed in SA, changed camera batteries, talked to several pilots interested in my bird. I wanted to go back home ASAP, before the heat of the day would make my flight less enjoyable.

226. Flying to Tobiano and Savona to Test Wing GoPro on 3x Stabilizer, April 14, 2019

I was waiting a long time to test again the Gimbal Stabilizer FY-WG X3 with GoPro wing camera. I tested this mechanical stabilizer in 2016 with disappointing results, when batteries quit in just 12 minutes at -3C. It was a bit better this time with 30 min running time at +3C, but still very short of spec 3 to 4 hours. I will try again in summer. The result is very good and much more interesting relation between the trike and background.

225. My Record Flight to Dunn Peak, the Highest Peak in Kamloops Region, March 30, 2019

I was always intrigued by the snowy peak on very distant northern horizon. I was very close to this region in Oct 29, 2018, when flying to Barriere, BC. I did not dare to fly there until I would learn more about this mountain.

The conditions were ripe for very good flight at 9:30 am, with blue, but hazy morning sky and +6C. Just before I strapped myself into my bird, I was visited by my flying club buddy. He told me about his nasty experience with extreme turbulence while flying his regular airplane there. This stacked in my head, especially, when in that mountain range. I was flying in the final stage at 11,175', well above the peak elevation of 8,600' to avoid the mountain turbulence. I stayed on the up wind side of mountain only and chickened out to fly around, hearing in my head his story of 1,000'/min downdraft.

It was very good flight without any surprises. It was another milestone flight with these, for me, record setting values:


Distance: 184 km (114 mi)

Max Elevation: 3,406 m (11,175')

Delta elevation 3,053 m (10,015')

Average Speed: 116 km/h (72 mph)

Time: 1:35

Temper -6C to +8C (21 F to 46 F)

224. Flight to Second Largest Ski Area in Canada, March 20, 2019

It was truly spring day. I took off from Kamloops around 11am at +3C (1160') and experienced +13C over Sun Peaks at 7800'. I was actually hot in my winter clothing. Sun Peaks is the second largest ski area in Canada, while Whistles by Vancouver is the largest.

It was very pleasant flight with just small section with turbulence; otherwise I could listen to music and daydream. Actually, I was fully alert and waited for some nasty Kamloops area surprises, which, fortunately, never came.

I adjusted the angle of view of my camera mounted on the broomstick. The view looks good. This low tech camera mount was surprisingly very sturdy and fast to make. It would not win any industrial design price, but it cost nothing and worked perfectly. I cannot say the same about the GoPro overpriced mounts, which are good enough, but no good for my videos. I had to modify them to prevent vibrations.

223. Kamloops Flight Following North Thompson River, March 17, 2019

Another short flight to test my homemade camera mount, but mainly if the view would be interesting to watch. It appears that my broom stick camera mount and its attachment to the wing struts worked well with practically no vibration. I will leave to viewers to answer the question whether the camera view is interesting. The next time I will turn the camera more forward facing to capture the scenery too.

It was the first day of this winter season, when I was actually hot during the flight. Yahoo!


222. Kamloops Flight to North Ridge, March 17, 2019

Just short flight with my new camera mount and 360 Master Vision camera. It was disappointing test, because camera quit recording just after only 2 minutes. The camera manual says that it should be operated above 7C. The temperature was 3C to 6C. Obviously, that camera did not like it. I landed and installed GoPro camera to give me another angle of view. You could see the result in the next video.


221. Kamloops Flight to Downtown, Nicola Valley, Ajax, March 13, 2019

Beautiful day with now wind, ideal conditions to have pleasant flight. After take off I realized that I forgot my camera on the back seat. I had to turn around to retrieve it. Right after take off I noticed that this flight might not be very relaxing. The air was bumpy and the bumpiness was steady increasing during the flight. I also noticed when flying over the Knutsford area, that I did not buckled up after my camera retrieval. The flying conditions were not ideal for hands off flying. It took me two attempts to secure myself in the seat again. This was big relieve for me!

I had to change my original flight plan twice, due to the snow/rain in the areas where I was planning to go. I am very allergic to such combination of blue sky with cold clouds nearby. This always brings very nasty and sudden winds in Kamloops area. I made it home safely.

220. Kamloops Flight North Ridge, Tobiano, Afton Mine, March 9, 2019

I took advantage of the first warm and sunny day of 2019. Ground temperature was +2C and -6C in the air. I explored still snow covered country side around Kamloops. I flew west following the north shore of Kamloops Lake. Crossed the lake south to Tobiano Golf Resort and then east towards Knutsford. Several pilots reported show showers and significant turbulence nearby, but at that time I had totally blue sky above head. I could see heavy clouds all around which eventually started to created turbulence in my area. I decided not to push my luck and turned towards the airport. It was good day with beautiful scenery.

219. One Hour Winter Flight around Kamloops, March 6, 2019

One hour pleasant flight in the first above the freezing temperature. Beautiful views of hilly areas covered with show on North sides, while brown on the sunny sides.

218. Kamloops Loop Flight, March 1, 2019

It was almost nice day and especially after unusually cold weather in Kamloops. This video shows Kamloops beauty from the air in areas between Kamloops Lake and Mt Peter and Paul. One hour flight in 7 min video.

217. Kamloops Local Flight, Feb 15, 2019

Finally! It was almost warm at -5C. We had unusually cold and windy 2 weeks of weather. This day the sun was peeking through after about 6 cm of fresh snow. After clearing snow from my long access road to runway, I decided to take my bird for some fresh air. It was beautiful flight with no wind or turbulence. I flew just around Kamloops until my feet were cold in about 40 min. About one hour after I landed, remove all GPS's, camera and other stuff, the weather became absolutely perfect with blue sky and no wind. I should stay longer, but I did not. Well, I hope for the next time.

216. Flying above Beautiful Kamloops NW Ridge, Jan 21, 2019

The second sunny day required to take your bird up. I was following Kamloops North Ridge east and west. With practically now ground wind, it was blowing around 70 km/h at 6,500'. The flight was very enjoyable and uneventful until I noticed that my seat belt was unbuckled (again). The buckle opens by just lifting its latch. I have camera around the neck and resting practically on that seat belt buckle. Most likely, I accidentally pull the buckle latch when grabbing the camera with my clumsy winter glove. Regardless, I had to buckle up again in the air. While doing it, the control bar suddenly and unexpectedly surged (moved) forward, into, I think, stall position. If you don't have patience to watch whole movie then skip to 3 min and watch it in normal and slow motion. I would like to hear from you experts some explanation, what really happened there.

215. Flying to Chase Village over Beautiful Mountains, Jan 20, 2019

It was beautiful, crispy day at about -2C to -6C. I was flying east from Kamloops over the Harper Mountain Ski Hill and over beautiful valleys and hills to Chase village. The Chase is "coastal" village on Little Shuswap Lake. It was very nice flight over mountains and clouds. That area is very picturesque. I landed from about 3,000' to runway at idle speed (~2,000 RPM) until touch down. It was another first  in this trike. It went very well. 







































































214. First Snow in Kamloops Flying, Dec 27, 2018

I like when ground is covered by the first snow, but not everything is white yet. The terrain looks much better in that contrasts between the white snow and dark roads, streets and slopes.

It was good flying day.

214. Short Flight over Kamloops North Ridge, Dec 15, 2018

I woke up into blue sky, no wind and above freezing temperature. I checked, as always, all my weather application, including Environment Canada Weather (EC) forecast. EC showed 5C and 30 km/h wind for every hour, including my wakening hour with absolutely no wind. This government site has the most useless weather information. It is obvious that during the sunny day the temperature will go up. All other weather applications were showing 5 to 10 km/h wind and of course variable temperatures per each hour. So I took a chance and went flying. I made just 40 min loop, because the EC forecasted 30 km/h wind was haunting me. I tested my newly installed electric carburetor heaters, which will give me more confidence in my machine in winter. Frozen carburetor in Kamloops area would not be fun. I cut my flying short, but the wind never came, while beautiful, spring like weather continued.

212. Worst Turbulence Ever from Control Bar Cameras, Nov 28, 2018

This is almost full turbulence captured by the control bar cameras. It shows how bad (for some not too bad) it really was. It is part of the video # 210

211. Worst Turbulence Ever from Wing Camera, Nov 28, 2018

This is almost full turbulence captured by the wing camera without too much of editing. It shows how bad (for some not too bad) it really was. It is part of the video # 210

210. Short Kamloops Flight in the Worst Turbulence Ever, Nov 28, 2018

It was beautiful, sunny day with just light wind. I took off with intention to fly east towards Chase and perhaps further east. In about 5 minutes my plan very quickly and suddenly changed. I was in the worst turbulence while in command (I was in much worse turbulence in commercial flight). The up and down bounces were very unpleasant and for me outright scary. I was in one moment in weightless condition going down with instant kick back up. The problem was that I took off west, up wind, turned east, down wind but instead I ended up in very strong up wind. This is the weirdness of Kamloops flying conditions. Regardless what ever it was, I hope I will not experience this again.

209. Flying to Deadman Valley and Seat Belt Problem, Nov 17, 2018

I took off for 130 km loop flight to Deadman Valley. I was following the south shore of Kamloops Lake flying west over Tobiano, Golf Residential Resort, to Savona.  I turned NW over beautiful Deadman Valley for about 30 km. My fingers were getting numb from cold, so I decided to fly straight back SE towards the Kamloops Airport. The environment is not very friendly for any emergency landings there, while flying over heavily forested hills and valleys. I trust my Rotax 912.  There were many logging fires so the very large area looked like during the famous Kamloops forest fires.

At about 5 min into my flight, I noticed that I forgot to buckle up. Instead of turning around and land, buckle up and take off again, I made dumb decision to buckle the seat belt in the air (while in bumpy air). I really struggled with this task (well documented on the video), and it was serious distracted flying. I will never do it again and I hope I will never forget again to buckle up in the first place.

208. Good Turbulence Flying Apollo Trike, Oct 30, 2018

Just 2 min video showing sudden and a bit unpleasant turbulence during otherwise peaceful flight.

207. Flying to Kamloops South Ridge, Knutsford and Sandbars with Major Turbulence, Oct 30, 2018

It was my second flight of that decent flyable day. I flew SE towards Knutsford airstrip, but still did not dare to land there in this fast trike and with my low hours time on it.

On the way back towards the airport area I encountered very sudden, short but a major turbulence. Let's see if you have patience to wait for it. I never experienced this before: During this bouncing up and down like garbage bag in the wind, all of the sudden I felt very strong blast of air from my left side. It totally freaked me out. If anything it should be from the front and not from the side. Luckily for me it lasted less them minute, but if definitely perked my attention

I have very nice views of the ever changing river sandbars, with very complex underwater formations.

206. Flying to Kamloops North Ridge, North Shore of Kamloops Lake and Sandbars, Oct 30, 2018

Nice flight into, still for me not known, Kamloops region. Nice scenery with many payers of mountains and hills. I wanted to test my Monster Vision 360 camera, but the battery quit in just 15 minutes

205. Flying to North of Kamloops to Barriere, BC. Oct 20, 2018

The lately, weather is almost every day perfect for flying, with no wind and turbulence. I flew north to small town on North Thompson River, Barriere. I flew almost straight line over the mountain to Barriere and followed the North Thompson River on the way back south. The flight was very uneventful, but the sky was hazy from cold morning fog. It was especially noticeable facing sun through fog and haze, large windshield and helmet face shield. This was not very good combination for taking pictures either. I still manage to bring and edit decent video and good set of aerial pictures.

204. Flying to Greenstone Mountain and Ajax, Oct 15, 2018

I set the prop pitch to 9 deg, based on experience during the previous flight. Everything looked good after take off, so I decided to fly straight south and uphill to Greenstone Mountain. Unfortunately, I ended up on similar peak, but not where I wanted to be. There was wind and practically no turbulence until I was close to the mountain ridge. The air was very turbulent and unpleasant. I did not want to push mu luck with my new steel shoulder, still untested in the battle. I decided to skip the Greenstone and turned back north. The unpleasantness turned again to tranquil pleasure flight. Flew over Ajax mine area and my favourite river sand bars. It was good flight

203. Short Test Flights by Kamloops Lake South Shore, Oct 15, 2018

When I was transporting this trike with just 9 hours on it, I damaged one prop blade. I installed new prop. The original owner told me that he set the prop pitch to 11.5 deg. I measured the same angle too. I originally set the pitch of the new prop to 11.5 deg. The static test, (trike was not flying, but it was reved up on the ground), produced only 4,000 RPM as versus desired of 5 500 RPM.

Eventually I ended up with 6.5 deg pitch and the engine produced max 5,400 RPM when not moving.

I noticed during my previous flight, that I could run the engine at max RPM in just 3/4 of throttle. This could be potentially dangerous to over rev the engine. I also noticed big difference in max RPM between static test on the ground and the actual flying. Based on the above I set the pitch back to 11.5 deg and took off for this flight. The pitch was too coarse with poor performance and 4,500 RPM max. I turned back and changer the pitch to 9 deg. It worked well during my following flight above.

202. My First Cross Country Flight in Apollo Trike, Oct 14, 2018

It was beautiful fall day so I decided to pull my new trike and myself through some cross country flight test. I flew to the second largest ski area in Canada, Sun Peaks. Ten minutes into the flight my two GoPro cameras refused to record. Luckily, my wing camera was working. Resulting video is from one camera only versus my usual at lease three camera views.

It was the first time I really appreciated the wing speed trim and figured out how it supposed to be used. It is very good device especially in stable air and long flights.

It is interesting to compare my previous Airborne Trike with the original Wizard wing and this Apollo with Cheval 14 wing. Both trips measured 135 km (coincidence). The Airborne trip took 2:13 hours and this Apollo just 1:14 hour. The Apollo is really moving, but it still looks and feels slow in the air. Basically I do not perceive any speed difference.

201. My First Flight after Shoulder Replacement Surgery, Oct 11, 2018

It was the first flight with my steel shoulder. It was the result of being victim in motorcycle accident 5 months earlier. I feel that I am getting slowly back to my regular life again. I missed all that warm flying weather and now I am back into winter clothing again. It was one hour flight around Kamloops to check my favourite places, Mount Peter and Paul and South Thompson river sand bars. It was good and uneventful flight.

192. Sunset Flight in Smoky Air, July 25, 2018

It was beautiful, but hot (30C) and very smoky evening. There are many forest fires around us, but luckily far away from Kamloops. We still get the smoking signals here too. I wanted to test my navigation and landing lights and newly installed transponder. I was planning to fly up till 30 min passed the sunset, but I eventually gave up right after the sunset. The air was smooth and pleasant in higher elevation. I was also wakening up by some summer turbulence. I am very happy with this trike and how it performs. You could see on my website several pictures of the flight instruments taken during the flight. It moves without any sweat at 70 kn (80 m/h, 129 km/h) and just around 5200 rpm.

I was wearing light summer jacket with loose sleeves, which caused a lot of wind vibration transferred into bar mounted cameras. I ended up with jello effect in my videos

191. Second Flight in Apollo Trike, July 23, 2018

The morning looked perfect for my second flight in new Apollo trike. My original plan was much more ambitious then I eventually ended up with. As soon as I crossed the river to the south side the air become nasty. High wind a loft and morning heat with temperatures differences of at lease 20C between shade and sunny sides ruined my flight plan. I concluded that it was too much for me in just second flight in new trike. I turned back north and stayed there which felt much better. I made just 30 min flight in my familiar territory. I got warning to head home when I noticed that east half of our big lake (closer to me) had glossy water, but the west side looked black and choppy. It was still good flying day, but not relaxing. The wing trim worked, but I did not notice much difference or purpose of it. I guess I need more time and more steady flying conditions to appreciate it.

190. First Flight in Apollo Trike, July 22, 2018

I received deposit from potential buyer on my excellent Airborne trike in April 2018. I promised him, that I will not fly it anymore to preserve its condition as I advertised it. I decided to move one notch higher in the trike category. I really liked the styling of the Hungarian made Apollo, DeltaJet2 with Rotax 912 UL. I was very lucky to find one in Winnipeg area with just 8.5 hours on the engine (and trike). I could not resist having some more, accelerated fun in my quickly vanishing life expectancy.

Meanwhile, in May15th, I became victim of careless track driver who pushed me off the road while I was riding my motorcycle. I lost a lot of skin from my legs, arms and hands. I had torn several muscles and tendon in left shoulder.  My summer fun was in serious jeopardy, because of my limited left arm mobility. Eventually I recovered reasonably quickly my skin, but my shoulder has to be replaced. This flight day was just one weak before the scheduled surgery. I would have to wait at least 4 months after the surgery, so my flying season will be in serious trouble. I had to fly my new trike, because I have no idea if this would even fly and I could not wait any longer.

I was very pleasantly surprised that there was not any nastiness in the Apollo trike. It handles well and it was only the second trike (or wing) which I was comfortable with from the first minute. I have to adjust the pedals which are too close for my legs and fix the electric wing trim. The fuse burned out. I have to find why. I am expecting very good fun with this toy

189. Flying Buse Lake Area, April 4, 2018

Beautiful, but bumpy flight to Buse Lake. I was following the mountain ridges on both sides on South Thompson River. The Buse Lake is famous by changing color in the late summer from green to pink from plankton in the water. Check the Kamloops region beauty

188. Flying to Savona and Kamloops Downtown, March 31, 2018

The ground wind was very light, but up to 38 km/h in the air. I was considering several times to give up, because the turbulence was getting unpleasant. I was telling myself to be brave, otherwise I would never learn to handle this type of situation. It was good flight over this beautiful countryside here in Kamloops.

This trike is for sale: New wing last spring and complete engine overhaul last year too. It flies perfectly, but buying a bigger trike.

187. Nice Aerial View of Kamloops Area from South and all around, March 17, 2018

Another beautiful flying day. Flew SE to Campbell Creek Rd, north to Barnhartvale, North Ridge west over Mt Peter & Paul. Very nice view of the Mt Mara top and fly around perspective. Sand bars are always spectacular while flying south and then east over Kamloops downtown. Check it out.

186. Flying Loop Harper Mountain - Tobiano, March 11, 2018

It was perfect day for flying with blue sky and above freezing temperature. I was following Kamloops South Ridge east, then to Harper Mountain ski slopes north. I turned west over the North Ridge, then to south across the Kamloops Lake to Tobiano and finally east over the South Ridge back to river sand bars and airport. It was relaxing flight over very beautiful country site.

185. Flying to Harper Mountain Ski Resort, Kamloops, Feb 27, 2018

Another beautiful day for flying: Temperature was slightly above freezing, sunny, blue sky and very light wind. I could not ask for anything better than this. I was flying east over the Kamloops North Ridge towards the second ski resort in Kamloops, Harper Mountain. Everything looked perfect and I was encouraged by the perfect flight a day before. The flight was very relaxing until I was just above the Holston Bridge. The turbulence and sudden 28 km/h headwind were two things which I did not want to deal with. The flight was still OK until I reached the edge of Harper Valley, just 5 km west of the ski resort. The problem was very large snow cloud on my left (North) and another ever increasing snow cloud on my back right side (SW). Those two clouds were coming together, which I did not like. After a few minutes of bouncing around and thinking should or shouldn't I to continue, I chickened out and turned back. I was surprised that I was flying again into headwind of about 25 km/h. The upper wind just shifted 180 deg. It was still beautiful flight in very nice countryside.

184. Beautiful Flight over North Ridge Lac Du Bois Road, Kamloops, Feb 26, 2018

It was beautiful day to explore other areas in Kamloops region. Flew north, roughly following the Lac Du Bois road and then turned west by the Lac Du Bois towards Tranquille River valley. The south turn brought me to one of the most beautiful area to fly, which is the NE of Kamloops Lake, part of North Ridge. Flew over Mara Mt then crossing the airport to South Ridge and eventually to snow covered Thompson River sand bars. I saw there again 25 eagles and at least 15 other birds of pray, eagles' competitors, and all living there in total harmony. I was caught in wake turbulence just a foot before my touch down. My sudden right turn before touch down was caused by the wake turbulence from taxiing airplane.

183. Short Flight over North Ridge Downtown, Kamloops, Feb 22, 2018

It felt like warmer day, but it was still cold, particularly on my fingers. I had to pull hands from gloves several times to fiddle with radio and cameras, which does not help at that speed and in open freezing air. I made short flight to Mt Peter and Paul, downtown and back to the airport.

I will be selling this trike, because I am moving into higher league; I am buying Apollo DeltaJet2 with Rotax 912. It would be difficult to part with this trike and especially with the engine fully overhauled and new latest technology wing installed in summer 2017.

182. Short Flight over North Ridge Downtown and Sandbars, Kamloops, Jan 13, 2018

The first flight in the new year. Kamloops received a bit of sunshine on snow covered ground and mild temperature, just below freezing. It was short time, which was limited by my level of freezing fingers.

I counted 23 eagles on the ground, trees and one in flight. It was good flight.

It was cold, -12C, but beautiful and sunny day. Had to hand shovel snow to get from the hangar to taxiway. I used to fly down to -25C, but my ultralights were slow to max 50 km/h.  -12C at 110 km/h feels very cold especially on the face and my fingers. There is an opening in the front bottom of the pod to accommodate the steerable front wheel. This creates serious and concentrated draft directly into the face, which is very unpleasant. Even the microphone wind screen sponge froze solid from my steamy breath. I had to raise my voice to penetrate the ice.

Overall it was very good flight. Actually, by default, the flying in winter is more pleasant then in summer, because usually there is no turbulence to worry about. 

180. Flight to Mt Peter and Paul, Downtown and Sandbars, Kamloops, Dec 4, 2017

Very nice but cold flight to very scenic Kamloops landmark, Mt Peter and Paul. It shows annotated views of both hills in unique perspective. I saw 'flock" of 8 eagles on the South Thompson river. Turn your sound on to heal relaxing music while flying with me in that beautiful Kamloops countryside

179. Flight with Clouds, Kamloops, Nov 17, 2017

It was perfect day for flying: Stable air, sunny with fluffy clouds and +5C. I like to fly "with" clouds, which is above, below and around them, but I never dared to fly into them, yet. Right now it is enough to fly under them and to feel their effect. I followed the North Ridge east to Harper mountain area; Mount Peter & Paul surrounded with clouds and then back to Mara Mt and my favourite North Thompson River sand bars. The sand bar area is now larger then the water surface

178. Flight around Kamloops Lake, Oct 27, 2017

I had so much fun a day before that I decided to do the same again this morning. It was on cooler side (5C) and a bit haze in the air, but still beautiful day to fly. I decided to fly around Kamloops Lake, starting with north shore above the North Ridge. This area is very beautiful, but not very emergency friendly place to have engine out moment. The south shore has more places to drop it down in case of an emergency. It is very beautiful all around. I also encounter weather inversion. It was about 10C warmer at 5000' then 1000' above ground, where I usually fly. I run this video x faster so it is not boring. I also synchronised almost all video cuts into the music beat. Watch it and let me know if this video slowed your heart beat.

177. Flying above Nicola Valley Clouds, Kamloops Oct 26, 2017

It vas a crispy morning which allowed me to fly in beautiful, Kamloops area countryside. The Nicola Valley was totally covered by clouds and so I had an opportunity to fly over them. It was spectacular scene and very rare opportunity to do this. I then flew over my popular spots, Mt Peter and Paul. The air was very stable which happens very seldom there. My flight was topped off with beautiful fall colors near the airport. It was very good day.

176. Cold and Unpleasant Turbulent Flight, Kamloops Oct 23, 2017

This morning with no ground wind and 5C looked too good not to go flying. The first part was uneventful until I wanted to take a picture and realized that my Fuji camera is on the beck seat. I had only slight hope that it is still there. I informed tower that I am changing my plan and going down. Eventually I reached back and was able to grab that camera. Yahoo! I did not loose it. I informed the tower that I changed my plan again to my original plan.

I experienced the effect of cold and warm areas from deep shade in valley on north side and warm sunny side on the other side of the ridge. This was coupled with the 18 km/h upper wind blowing over the ridge. It was wild ride.

It was short flight, because I am getting wimpy and less tolerant to the low temperatures. Now -5C is too cold for me while in Fort McMurray I used to fly down to minus 25C. The reality is that I used to have much better gloves, but now I operate too many buttons, which is impossible in some serious winter mittens. Now, my fingers quit first, which is not very pleasant feeling.

175a. Turbulence between Mt Peter and Mt Paul from 3 Cameras Views, Oct. 11, 2017

Short clip from flying in turbulence between Mt Peter and Mt Paul. It shows the same locations from 3 cameras consecutively.

175. Short Local Flight in Beautiful Cloudy Sky, Kamloops Oct 11, 2017

The summed disappeared so fast. After almost month vacation, I had an urge to fly again. The sky was covered by very heavy but beautiful clouds, which would be perfect for picture taking. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. I had a few bumps on my way, but nothing extraordinary. Only the landing was not as I would like, actually it was bad in my books. The landing actually looked much better on video (even in slow motion) then during my landing.

174. Flying in Kamloops with Cathy, Aug 27, 2017

This was another milestone in my flying life. It was the first time ever that I carried a passenger. Cathy Montgomery, ultralight flying instructor from Ontario was visiting Kamloops. She contacted me through Facebook with a wish to meet me. So we did and eventually I took her for ride around Kamloops in beautiful, but a bit hazy Sunday morning. I did not notice any difference in handling of my trike and only very slight degradation in performance. I never push my trike anyway, so that explains the engine spare capacity available for this flight.

I noticed, when editing this video, that Cathy was on her edge before our landing. She grabbed the control bar cables and she was ready to interfere if needed. It was not necessary as I was in full control and confident in my abilities. It was good flight.

173. Flying in Kamloops in Rough Turbulence, Aug 25, 2017

The weather was very tempting to go flying. Normally, I would try to avoid flying in the afternoon heat, because it could be nasty in Kamloops. As there was a slight wind, I concluded that the air would be well mixed to prevent heat turbulence. My original plan was to fly Sun Peaks and Chase, but it evaporated very quickly. It was bumpy above downtown, but as soon as I crossed Mt Paul to its north side, the turbulence in the valley was too much for me to have fun. I turn back west, while flying over the North Ridge. The flight over there was almost pleasurable. Finally I turned south over the river sand bars, which I love to photograph and explore.

172. Flying to Savona to Check Forest Fires, Aug 18, 2017

Kamloops had an exceptional weather that day. The blue sky was all around us and no traces of forest fires smoke. It was very rare condition during more that month now. Very often, we were chocked by the falling ash and heavy smoke, with almost zero visibility. I decided to fly as far west as I could to see where the smoke is coming from. I flew to Savona which was the last place west of the airport which was still open to general aviation. The rest was open just for the forest fighting aircrafts. I could see no smoke anywhere from my 6,500' elevation, which was very good news. The fires are far away from the Kamloops.

I took off at 7am west into no wind. I was following the south shore of the Kamloops Lake where I was met with some serious turbulence. I had to admit that I lost my turbulence practice and tolerance, because my previous flights were very smooth. I was surprised and contemplating to turn back, because it did not feel like fun flight. I figured that I was caught in downdraft of south wind rolling over the mountains from my left side (south). I braved it and eventually I relaxed and tried to enjoy it.

I was pushed by some serious tail wind at 45 km/h (~29 MPH) with my ground speed of 145 km/h (90 MPH) on the way back. There was no wind when I arrived to the Kamloops airport area.

I flew several times around the ever increasing sand bars (summer low water level in the river). Visited downtown, with some heat turbulence ride.

I stopped at the airport fire prevention aircraft base for selfies and pictures of the water tanker aircrafts. Overall, it was good day for me. 

171. Flying in Kamloops in Very Smoky Sky, Aug 12, 2017

We lost our mountains for about 2 weeks to numerous forest fires in our province. Visibility and air quality was extremely poor to dangerous. Airport was closed for several days, because of very dense smoke.

Finally, there was some hope. The mountains started to appear around us again and I was hoping that it would be much clearer higher up. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The visibility and smoke smell was getting worse further east and higher I flew. I had to change my plan from cross country to just low flying around the airport. It was good flight with very smooth air, so nothing, video exciting happened during this flight. The water level in our rivers is low so I could fly again above the growing and ever changing sand bars.

170. Sixth Annual Pacific Northwest Trike Fly-in of Trikes near Sandpoint ID, USA, July 27, 2017

I droved 650 km my motorcycle from Kamloops to Sandpoint in Idaho. The roads were perfect through beautiful mountain valleys. I wanted to see some other trikes in real life and not just from YouTube. I staid 2 nights, but only one day at the one week long event. I was very impressed with attendance, variety of designs, shapes and beauty of the private grass strip area. I was hoping to get some ride, but no luck.

I chose different road to go back up to Nakusp, BC. I drove several hours in very hot and unpleasant weather (36 C), which felt like hair dryer on high setting blowing into my face. After some rest and exploring, I turned back towards 450 km ride home. Just about 60 km south of Nakusp, I collided with a bear and messed up my one year old BMW C650 GT scooter. The impact did not feel like too much for me, but the young bear was knocked down. No blood just the front end damaged. My bike was towed back to Nakusp and the next morning we were towed to Kelowna BMW dealer. I continued then by bus home. Overall it was very nice trip except the end.

169. Flying to Sun Peaks, July 25, 2017

This was another milestone in my flying career. I flew almost straight line over the hills to Sun Peaks. Normally I would follow roads and more-engine-out friendly environment. It was easy and uneventful flight over beautiful scenery, but a bit hazy from all those extreme fires all around Kamloops.

168. Flying to Greenstone Mountain and Savona, July 12, 2017

It was extremely smoky in Kamloops from dozens of fires around us. This day, early in the morning looked promising, so why to waste it. I decided to fly around Greenstone Mountain, 5,900 ft elevation, S-W from the airport. It was high enough to have clear air, which is important for good pictures. I visually checked the status of the evacuated Cache Creek due to forest fire there. I did not see any smoke above the village, but the smoke was about 30-40 km north from the village. I pass this good news with pictures and short video clip to several evacuees to give then some hope to go home soon. On my way back east to airport I was seeing many water bombers and helicopters with water buckets flying west to fight those devastating fires. Over all it was good flying day.

167. Flying to Cache Creek Airport, July 5, 2017

It was another, 133 km long, cross country flight to small airport in Cache Creek. I took off at 7 am in already 26C temperature and no wind in Kamloops. The flight was very pleasant with practically no surprises. I was going up wind of about 18 km/h with no problem until I realised that it might be very interesting at the Cache Creek airport. It is single runway in N-S orientation on the side of high mountain. I was facing potentially 90 deg cross wind. The wind sock showed cross wind from East, while I was all the time flying against the wind from West. I realized now, when writing this intro, that I was actually facing the bottom part of the downdraft on my approach. It was not pleasant to be bounced sideway. My touch down was not very good looking and I would say it was a bad landing.

I spent several minutes at the airport, took several pictures, replaced batteries in all my four cameras, and headed back to Kamloops. It was visibly faster going back with the 18 km/h tail wind.

I stopped by WW2 bomber B25, which was visiting from Arizona, USA. This rare airplane is one of only 3 in existence from 10,000 built. I took some pictures of my trike with B25 in background.

166. Canada Day Flying in Kamloops, July 1, 2017

It was a special day for Canada and Canadians, because Canady celebrated 150 years of its birth. A few days before my flight, we had a forest fire NW of the airport. I flew there to check out the damage. To my surprise it was just small area which looked more like result of a control burn rather then fire out of control.

I then flew over Kamloops main landmarks, Mt Peter and Paul, downtown to check the early morning beginning of massive Canada Day celebration. Finally I flew nearby the Afton gold and cooper mine. It was very good flying day with no weather surprises.

165. Flying to Ajax, Knutsford, Downtown and North Ridge Chasing Clouds, June 17, 2017

After I adjusted the camera bracket (see previous video # 164), I went up again to Ajax mine area, Knutsford and down south over Kamloops downtown. Then I spotted a band of reachable clouds over the North Ridge. I went to chase them with very strong urge to dive into them, but again I chickened out. There was not any danger to get lost or flying blindly, but the pure fact that air density is significant different in clouds form normal sky. I did want deal with any nasty surprise.

164. Flying to West of Tobiano to Check the Nature, June 17, 2017

I went for hike and discovered spectacular scenery few km west of golf resort in Tobiano on Kamloops Lake. I decided to check it out from the air too. Also I modified my new, homemade camera bracket and I found that the horizon was tilted. I adjusted the camera when I landed and then went again flying. Check next video #165

163. Checking Kamloops Overflowing Thompson Rivers, June 4, 2017

It has been annual ritual to go to see swollen North and South Thompson rivers in their Kamloops confluence. They carry water from the melted mountain snow and unusually high spring rain water. Initially it is interesting and beautiful, but eventually damaging to the lower elevation areas. I flew over both rivers to see how the high water level changed the character of the Kamloops valleys.

162. Knutsford Flying Club BBQ, June 3, 2017

Knutsford Fly-in-BBQ by Thompson Valley Sport Aircraft Club members

161. Kamloops Flying Club Fly-in-Breakfast, May 27, 2017

Kamloops Airport Flying Club Fly-in-Breakfast

160. My Length Record Flight from Kamloops to Salmon Arm, May 26, 2017

Well, finally I did it. I decided to fly to Salmon Arm municipal airport, true test of my new, 50% faster, "Northwing Quest GT5" wing. I woke up early to perfectly sunny and no wind day. I pulled Salmon Arm airport info (GPS, elevation, radio frequency and runway numbers), packed my 4 cameras, 3 GPS, bunch of spare batteries, 20 L of extra mixed fuel in canister and in about 40 minutes I was ready to go. The day was perfect and about 17C, but I still dressed in my full winter gear. It is not fun to be cold and no way to change it. I was glad I did that. I was taking short cut over to mountains and there was still snow under me at 6000'.

The only negative was very low rising sun blasting into my face and very hazy day. We had a lot of rain this month and several very hot days causing all that moist air hanging low above ground. It was not easy to take good pictures in these bluish conditions.

I made it to Salmon Arm with no problem, just too many flying people and no traffic control which I am not use to anymore. Finally, I found slot to drop in. It was hot already, so I had to unpeel my winter clothes. One pilot offered me coffee, used toilet, visited one fellow, exchanged few questions about my flying machine, changed batteries in cameras, GPS and topped my fuel. After 45 min I was in the air again for my trip home 100 km away. I was glad to have my GPS, because I was flying in wrong direction, because my head compass (in my brain) flipped over again. It took me about 3 minutes to synch my head compass with the GPS. Very few bumps when crossing the peak reminded me that it is not over until it is over. The rest of the flight was more pleasant with sun off my face. The true flying time was 2:10 hr for 197 km. This is very good for cross country flying. My engine RPM went up now from 4300 to about 5100, but the fuel consumption is almost the same at about 10 L/h. This indicates that the wing is much more efficient and cuts better through the air. The wing is pleasant to fly in a still air, but heavy in bumps and manoeuvres. It does not like to be pushed around. It has direction control delay, which could cause serious over control to beginner when used to more responsive wing. My best behaving trike was Sabre 340. The wing was perfect and extremely pleasant to fly the first minute. I cannot say that about my Wizard, Streak and this GT5. These need time to like them and eventually love them.

159. Still Testing New Wing and Old is Sold, May 20, 2017

I moved the wing hang post about 1/8" back (see my previous video), as I determined during my last flight. This time the setting was perfect. I watched the videos from my previous flights, looking for the answer to why I had a hard time to take off: I was not pushing the control bar far enough before the lift off. I pushed it the same way as with the Wizard wing without even thinking about this step. This time my first and any other after take offs were as normal as they should be, with the bar a bit far forward. I am still too hot on landings and looking for that magic sweet spot on my speed indicator.

I had beautiful morning flight. When I came back, my Face book friend from Alberta and his wife were waiting for me to buy my trusty AirBorne Wizard wing. I had almost nostalgic feelings to let it go, because I had so much fun and memories under this wing. Hopefully, he will have as much fun as I had.

158. Short Flight NW Area of North Ridge with Rough Landing, May 18, 2017

I am still trying to fine tune my new Northwing GT5 wing. Moved the wing hang point another 3/8" forward and I felt that this is too much. I will back it up about 1.8".

It was sunny, warm, no wind and no scary clouds in the afternoon, just perfect day for flying. The scenery is always spectacular in Kamloops area. The ground is moving faster now with faster wing, so I don't have to increase the video speed. I flew over Frederick Rd, NE shore of Kamloops Lake and Mara Mount. The air was turbulent, but nothing to be afraid of. The windsock on my 09 approach showed very light head wind. I wanted to land as far East as possible to avoid long taxi to my hangar. The end of main runway is closed for nearby construction activities. I was flying about 20' above the runway when suddenly I ended up in very violent, gusty crosswind of at least 25 km/h. The video shows my struggle to stay on course and to make it safely down. I had to wait for proper position in my oscillation to drop it down. In that time I still did not know what happen until I saw the other windsock which was fully erected at 90 deg across the runway. The flying conditions changed almost instantly from very good to very dangerous. I was glad to be down, but had hard time to taxi in this strong cross wind. It is not easy to manage large wing in these conditions.

I could cause this air movement, because sometimes even bird can trigger the warm/cold air to move. Everything is in balance, until the warm air cannot stay still any more or something pushes the worm air into motion. Warm air above the runway suddenly rises up and it is replaced by cold air from the North Ridge, which flows horizontally from north.

157. Wing Test Flight, May 14, 2017

After I just finished previous flight (video #156), I moved the wing (hang glider) hang point 0.5" forward to increase the cruise speed to specified level between 88 and 105 km/h (55-65 MPH). My speed was 74 km/h (46 MPH). I test flew over the NW Ridge and I was very happy with 85 km/h (53 MPH) which is very close to its minimal cruise speed range. I will fly this way for at lease another hour and then move the hang point by another 0.25". So this is my plan for a near future. I have to find some GoPro attachment for my wing view; looking for some idea and solution.

I witnessed, and it is documented in this video, very interesting nature twist. Two days previously (video #155) I flew over the Tranquille Creek with very high water level. Normally this is just a wimpy creek. The creek looked to me totally dry this time while flying over at 9:11 am. This looked strange, because there was always some water, even in deep, hot and dry summer. Ten minutes after, on my way back (at 9:22 from picture time), the creek water was again spilled over its banks. How is this possible?

156. Flying to Cross Country to Walhachin Area, May 14, 2017

Started early morning to avoid any major turbulence. I had to scrape ice form my car window, which is very unusual for Kamloops. This was my second flight with new wing. Flew about 42 km west (straight line) by following the Kamloops Lake south shore to Tobiano, Savona and small village Walhachin. Tested various combinations of engine RPM and speed at level flight. My conclusion was that it flies too slowly, because the wing hang post is too far back. I eventually adjusted it before my next flight (video # 157). Flight was very pleasant, except that if was very difficult to take any decent picture or video on the way back. The sun was too low and directly into my cameras.

155. Testing my New Wing from North Wing, Quest GT5, May 12, 2017

It was long process since Dec 2016. I took advantage of the North Wing Christmas discount and ordered their latest model with high performance numbers, Quest GT5. It took 5 month to get it, because it had to be test flown by local dealer. He was in mercy of weather and other delays. Anyway, it is on my Airborne trike and this is the first video. So far I did not find any suitable bracket to mount a wing camera, so I used only control bar cameras.

I made 3 take off and landings and then I went for it. It was definitely different from anything I flew so far. During and after just one hour of flight I must say that it was a bit intimidating. This is not wing for beginners. Ease of handling, better control and experience in turbulence as book says... Not at all. I would say just opposite. I had to put much more hours on it, before I will fly some cross country. The video shows that there is no difference, or it feels worse while flying in turbulence in comparison with my previous Wizard wing. Only a time will show if I will master it. I am committed, because I spent fortune on it, so there is no turning back for me.

154. Following Campbell Creek Upstream to See Flooding, May 9, 2017

Flying over Kamloops downtown, east to Barnhartvale to see flood by Campbell Creek. Followed that creek upstream to junction of 5A and then north to Knutsford, Mount Dufferin and South Ridge. It was my last flight under Airborne Wizard wing, which performed flawlessly since 1998. It carried me more then 12,000 km over beautiful sceneries in many beautiful flights. It also carried me safely during those few terrifying, turbulent conditions. New wing will be on my next flight.

153. Flying by following South Ridge and North Ridge on Return, Apr 30, 2017

It started as very interesting day with some low clouds as a residue from the previous rainy day. This gave me an opportunity to fly over them while following South Ridge east. The wind was very low and predictable with only mild turbulence. I crossed the South Thompson River to North Ridge at about 40 km east of the airport and followed it back west to the airport. I saw several groups of wild horses high on the very steep slope. I wished I could fully concentrate on filming and picture taking, but my priority was to fly safely. I had powerful zoom camera, but it is impossible to use with just one hand. It was very good day and perhaps the last flight with and under this slow, but very enjoyable wing. Brand new and 50% faster wing, GT5 by North Wing, to be delivered this week.

152. Flying 30 km North from Kamloops Airport, Apr 25, 2017

I always wanted to fly straight north over the not very emergency-situation-friendly terrain. Finally I had enough confidence in my equipment to do it. It was almost continual uphill from 1200' to 7000', from 15C to -2C and snow covered terrain. The first half of the flight north was very beautiful, but the second portion was not very photogenic. Just forest and logging patches on rolling hills. It was interesting that I was flying north upwind. When I turned east to North Thompson river valley it was again upwind. As soon I turned down South in the valley the wind blew again against me and this continued all the way to airport, which was west of me.

151. Flying along the North Ridge to East of Kamloops, Apr 21, 2017

Two days before my flight, the weather forecast said that the wind will diminish from strong, gusty and from East to no wing at 10 am. I was ready at 9:30, waiting for the wind to get reasonable. Exactly, 10 am the wind stopped, slowly turned around 180 deg, but still below 10 km/h. Practically, no wind and the sun cooking, created very unstable thermal conditions. As I am used to it, I actually enjoyed some of those thermal bumps.

The Kamloops countryside is always spectacular, so no matter where I fly it looks interesting and beautiful. This flight was no exception. I saw many wild horses and I wished to be able to take proper picture of them. I use 35x zoom camera, but it is impossible to use it in flight while still in flight control. I only use a wide angle zoom and just estimate what I am taking picture of. There would be a lot of opportunities for a passenger-photographer.

150. Flying to Tobiano and North Ridge, Apr 14, 2017

It was an exceptional morning: warm, no wind and sunny. I decided to fly to Tobiano Golf course residential area. Several kilometres west of Tobiano I crossed Kamloops Lake to North Ridge and followed it back to the airport. It was pleasant flight with some turbulence north of the airport.

149. Flying to Mt Peter and Paul, North Ridge and River Sand Bars, Apr 3, 2017

I used 3 GoPro cameras, but strangely all quit as soon as I started. I eventually resurrected just the wing camera.

It was very turbulent flight, but the aerial view always compensate for any hardship I suffer.

148. Flying to Ajax, Knutsford and Kamloops Downtown, Feb 27, 2017

It was no wind, but just trace of sun. It felt cold at - 2C. I guess I am not use to it anymore. I used to fly down to -25C. I flew to and over the Ajax mine and then to check out flying club airstrip in Knutsford. It was still full of snow drifts, dangerous to land there. Flew north over downtown in more west track than usually. The video shows to complexness of Kamloops, which is located in very picturesque natural setting.

147. Flying over Kamloops Downtown and South Ridge, Feb 22, 2017

After missing several days of beautiful weather to fly, Feb 22, 2017 was the day. I finally received a water pump gasket to prevent the coolant leak. I replaced it, install all gadget, like three GoPro cameras, two GPS, Spot satellite tracker, radio. I was ready to enter that beautiful day again. It was so peaceful at the airport. Warm, sunny, snow almost gone and no wind. When I was strapping in, a commercial pilot called to inform us that there is very unsettled weather nearby, with rain and snow. I looked up and I saw those beautifully ugly clouds within about 10 km E, NW and W. I took off W and turn left following the sun and South Thompson River to Kamloops downtown, while continually watching those clouds. I new they signal nothing good. As the clouds were coming closer to the airport behind my back, I decided to turn back and stay closer to the airport just in case I have to go down. The flying was perfect in sunny and warm weather. I took some spectacular pictures of those scary clouds. I decided to go down and not to push my luck when I saw snow streaks near the airport. I landed, undressed all my gadgets. I dropped my GoPro Hero 3+ camera, when removing it from the wing bracket. I dropped it to the grass, as I thought, but eventually I found cracked lens. Here went $350. This was not very good culmination of my day.

I was doing some chores around the trike and in the hangar and enjoying the sunny and warm day. In about 2 hours, all hell broke suddenly. The wind was blowing abut 70-80 km from N, 90 deg crosswind. I had hard time to close my 4 panel, large hangar doors due to the wind blowing into them, while still sunny. Yes, that is typical Kamloops unpredictable weather. I experienced this almost instant and extreme wind blows in summer, but it was the first time in the winter. It was very warm at the airport, about 20C on the sunny side. About 5 km N the "ugly" cloud brought snow with temperature below 0C. When the air mass temperature equilibrium was interrupted, then the warm airport air started to rise and it was replaced by the cold air from the North Ridge. This is why that sudden extreme wind blowing from the north. I observed this 3 times already and now I know what to look for. Overall, it was good day.

146. How Trike (Motorized Hang Glider) Works, Feb 13, 2017

One of my YouTube subscribers asked me to make a video showing how the trike (motorized hang glider) works. I thought that this was a good idea. My video shows the basic principle of how this simple flying machine works. It is the easiest flying device learn to fly with just your hands and now pedals for steering. I never took any flying lessons and I learned to fly hang glider on my own in just couple hours ( From that I progressed to motorized hang gliders, which was very easy and natural process. No instruction or video to see how it supposed to work.

145. Flying Kamloops North Ridge, Mt Peter & Paul, Frederick, Feb 13, 2017

Finally, after so much of snow and cold weather we had a beautiful flying day. I flew NE of airport to Mt Peter & Paul then back west following the North Ridge. Flew over Mara Hill and then NE shore of Kamloops Lake over to Frederick village. It was really excellent day to fly, except that one camera battery quit and then wing camera gyroscope stabilizer quit too. I still have decent footage from my flight and many beautiful pictures too.

144. Few Minutes of Unpleasant Turbulence in Kamloops, Jan 22, 2017

This is just turbulence section from my flight and my video #143. It was kicking. It is very well captured with my camera mounted on 3 axes gyroscopic stabilizer. The horizon is stable, but I am bouncing. Check this out.

143. Winter Flying in Kamloops North Ridge, Mt Peter & Paul in Turbulent Air, Jan 22, 2017

The weather was almost the same as the previous day (, except of very strong and sometimes unpleasant turbulence. The wind was very light, but the air bounced me very often up and down. The worst place was between Mt Peter & Paul. I was pushed into downdraft and violent kicks. My radio acted again. Eventually I found that the camera gyro RC caused the radio interference.

 I am pleased with overall performance and especially video result of my 3 axes gyro stabilizer. It saves me several hours of video processing to get the similar result: "The horizon is fixed and aircraft is moving". Almost all aviation videos, even commercial, are from cameras fixed to the aircraft. This produces not natural effect: "Aircraft is fixed and horizon is moving." See my test video of fixed horizon here:

I was good, but not very relaxing day.

142. Winter Flying in Kamloops North Ridge, Jan 21, 2017

Finally temperature was above freezing after several weeks of unusually cold weather. Unfortunately, the sun was gone before I was ready. I received even several drops of rain, which was potentially not very good for my unsealed cameras.

I wanted to try my new remote control for the camera (GoPro 3+) gyroscopic stabilizer. The RC did not work properly and it created a lot of static in my radio. I had very poor communication with the tower due to the noise bursts. I eventually discovered the next day that it was not my radio, but the RC. It was decent flight over out beautiful country site.


141. Using 3 Axis Gimbal Stabilizer, with GoPro Bar Camera, Dec 27, 2016

The camera view does not look too impressive, unless it would be placed up front and facing back or the other way around. The stabilizer was sometimes "hunting" around vertical axes at about +/- 3 deg, which is annoying. Battery lasted only 30 min at -2C, while manual says 4 hours.

Stabilizer FY-WG X3 has 3 gyroscopes and could be mounted on helmet too. I used "GoPro Hero3+ Silver" camera with this stabilizer.

140. Using 3 Axis Gimbal Stabilizer, with GoPro Wing Camera, Dec 27, 2016

The camera view looks interesting, but there are some negatives too. The stabilizer was sometimes "hunting" around vertical axes at about +/- 3 deg, which is annoying. Battery lasted only 30 min at -2C, while manual says 4 hours.

Stabilizer FY-WG X3 has 3 gyroscopes and could be mounted on helmet too. I used "GoPro Hero3+ Silver" camera with this stabilizer.

139. Flying to Mt Peter & Paul and Chasing Clouds, Dec 10, 2016

After about 10 days of suddenly cold weather we got break. It was sunny, -5C and ground just covered with show. I like these conditions, because everything looks nicer from the air. The Kamloops area complex terrain looks even more complex with contrasting white snow and dark bare faces and ridges. I flew around and above the Mt Peter and Paul, Kamloops beautiful landmark. I also spotted several wild horses there. I could not keep my fingers warm, so I was looking for different layers with warmer temperature. It was amazing to feel the temperature differences in higher elevations. It was actually very warm at about 1000' above the ground.

I flew over bunch of clouds above the Mara Hill. I had fun there. I even forgot that my fingers are really getting numb. It was good day

138. Black Friday Flying around Kamloops Lake, Nov 25, 2016

Everybody rushed to spent money on Black Friday specials, but I went for Fun Friday flying tour. It was perfect day to fly in this beautiful blue sky over our region spectacular scenery. It was another first for me, because the north side of the Kamloops Lake is not very accident friendly area. The micro weather is also challenging there very often. The Kamloops Lake is sitting in deep "canyon". It is around 25 km long, 2.5 km wide and down to 150 m deep. The north ridge, lake shore, cliffs and steep hills are spectacular and favourite place for my ground explorations too. I was originally planning to fly just half way following the north ridge. The weather was perfect, no turbulence, no unexpected surprises, so I decided to fly to the end. The lake south side is mostly accident friendly place, so much safer to fly, which I did many times before. I was surprised, when I was editing my video from 3 GoPro cameras that I flew through very good turbulence too, but I did not even notice. I guess, I am getting more resilient now.

137. Flying in Kamloops Following North Thompson River to McLure, Nov 16, 2016

A friend asked me to take some pictures in McLure area. The weather just turned to very good from gloomy a few minutes before. I jumped into my trike and flew in the coldest day of the year to North. The sky was beautiful, but just 3 km before the target area, the clouds closed in. The photo conditions were the worst possible in very big contrasts. Later I learned that I took pictures of the wrong area. Oh, well, at least I had some fun.

Note: All my videos are taken in 4x3 (1280x960). This is default setting on all GoPro Cameras. This wide angle of view in vertical direction is perfect setting for skiing, snowboarding, flying, water sports, because it captures max possible angle in vertical direction. It shows all from sky to skis or from sky to what is under me when flying. 16x9 format is cropped out strips from the top and from the bottom of the existing captured information, which does not make any sense. These days everybody is going nuts about 16x9 because all TV are in more less 16x9 format. iPads are in 4x3 format so my video covers full screen.

My posted videos are converted by YouTube to 16x9, but 1280x720 from original 1280x960. The resulting video has lower resolution then the original with black strips on left and right. My original video is shrunk from 1280 x 960 =1228822 pixels per frame to 960 x 720 = 691200 which is only 56% of the original frame resolution. I am not happy about it.

I saved another version of this video in the 16x9 format while I padded sides of the frames with black strips myself while maintaining the vertical resolution of 960 pixels. I converted it from 1280x960 to 1920x1080 by default Corel VS X9 format for my video. I will see if this makes any difference on YouTube: It was even worse the before. YouTube resized it to back 1280x720. It did not work as I thought it would.

136. Flying in Kamloops North Ridge and Sand Bars, Nov 14, 2016

It was beautiful day, perhaps the last of relatively warm autumn days. Fluffy clouds created beautiful spotty patterns on the rolling hills. I really like these days. Kamloops nature is very spectacular and it shows in my video.

I used my third GoPro camera on the helmet, but the result is disappointing. There is too much head movement. I wanted to use it mainly to maintain horizon level in the turns, which is how it should be. The airplane is tilting while horizon is level. Even in commercial movies the airplane is horizontal, but the background is tilting, which is not normal.

I will not use head cam anymore. The next time, I have to find some camera exciting location to mount it.

135. Flying in Kamloops Following South Thompson River East, Nov 6, 2016

It looked like perfect day for flying: sunny, very few clouds and no wind. I wanted to fly to Chase, but as soon as I crossed the North Thompson Rive the turbulence started with wind shifting 180 deg in few minutes. It was no fun flying, because it was getting continually more intense. As I did not want to push my luck, I decided to head home. I hope next time

134. Flying in Kamloops to Rose Hill Rd Area and Sand Bars, Oct 22, 2016

It was nice day to go flying, so I vent. I explored the area east of Knutsford and found some beautiful places. I used my all road motorcycle in the afternoon to take also ground pictures, but all roads and access were private. It was very disappointing.

133. Flying in Kamloops to North Ridge and South Thompson, Oct 11, 2016

It was cold (8C) sunny morning, total contrast to hot days just 3 weeks before. I was flying about 10 minutes, when I realized that I left my camera on the back seat. I was not sure if I will see my popular camera ever again as there is nothing preventing it from falling out of sky. I turned very gently to prevent camera to slip out. Luckily, I found it still on that seat when I landed.

I took off again to North Ridge with intend to fly about 20 km north. The heavy rolling clouds right in my intended path scarred me, so I turn back south, following the North Thompson River to downtown. The highlight of the flight was low flying above the spectacular and never the same South Thompson River sand bars. I was very close to circling three eagles, but did not manage to capture that experience.

132. Exploring Rolling Hills of the North Ridge, Sep 10, 2016

I was filming my contribution to Canada in a Day in the morning, but the sky was not too impressive. Finally the sun showed up and with it the flying mood level went up too. I explored beautiful area of the Kamloops North Ridge with rolling hills and many small lakes. The surrounding areas of the lakes (slews) turn purple as they drying out in this time of the year. It is very beautiful there.

131. "Canada in a Day", Kamloops Flying, Sep 10, 2014

This is short video of my story as Canadian. It is my contribution to CTV campaign to collect as many videos as possible from people documenting what they are doing on Sep. 10, 2016

130. Flying to Downtown, Mt Paul and NW of Kamloops Lake, Sep 4, 2016

It looked like almost perfect flying afternoon. I received few kicks from the Mother Nature right at the start, but eventually the weather settled down to let me enjoy my time in the air. I flew to downtown and then north around Mt Paul, where I was knocked down very good be a downdraft. The rest of the flight following the North Ridge west was just pure joy. Beautiful, blue sky with heave and interesting clouds made it even more enjoyable. I flew farthest west then before to have that magnificent view of the Kamloops Lake north shore. I played around there and above still to me mysterious Frederick village. I explored this area several times on my terrain motorcycle, bicycle and on foot, but never from the air. It was worth it.

I ended my trip over the river sand bars which are developing very nicely.  The river level is dropping steadily by this time of the year and exposing intricate forms of newly created sand bars. It is really joy to fly over and to have this rare opportunity to see it like that.

129. Flying to Downtown, Mt Peter and Paul, North Ridge and Sand Bars, Aug 20, 2016

Just needed my flying fix. One hour flying in Kamloops in very hot (36C) and calm weather.

128. Flying to Buse Hill Again for Close Look of that Beauty, Aug 12, 2016

After my previous flight to Buse Hill area in Aug 1, 2016, I drove my terrain motorcycle there to explore that beautiful region. I was so impressed that I decided to fly there again for close look. I wish the camera could capture exactly what human eye can see. I also tried my hand GoPro strap for some more interesting camera angle views. The result was disappointing, because the camera is too loose-fitting resulting shaky videos. The hand signals do not indicate that I got mad; they are used to synch my 3 GoPro cameras.

127. Flying to Buse Hill, Hwy 97 and Hwy 1 Loop, Aug 1, 2016

It was very calm morning, unusually cold at 15C compare with previous days at 25C. This was second time trying to fly east across Buse Lake area to Hwy 97 and then north to Hwy 1 and back to Kamloops. The only problem was the hazy air and very low rising sun directly into my face and cameras. I was surprised by the landscape beauty south of the Buse Hill around the Disdero Lake. It is something to explore on my terrain motorcycle, as soon as current heat wave eases a bit.

126. Happy Day. Finally Flying to Merritt through Nicola Valley, June 29, 2016

I finally made it. The weather always won over my bravery during my many unsuccessful attempts to fly through Nicola Valley. The weather was very flying friendly the last 3 days, especially after almost 3 weeks of totally unpredictable weather. I flew to Merritt airport through the very beautiful Nicola Valley. This time the conditions were right without any nasty surprises. Unfortunately, my wing camera quit just 3 min after take off. I rest it in Merritt. This was so far my longest flight of 167 km, about 2:20 of flying time. I encountered one scary cloud for about 20 min during my return leg, but fortunately we did not cross our path. The Nicola Valley is one of the most scenic highway routes in BC as shown from my dash camera here:

125. Flying to North of McQueen Lake and NW Area of North Ridge, June 26, 2016

It was new area for me to fly to, which is not very engine-out friendly. It is beautiful like all this region of BC. It was one of the most enjoyable flights, without turbulence.

124. Elusive Flight to Nicola Valley, June 7, 2016

Another attempt to fly through the Nicola Valley did not happen. I wanted to fly to Merritt airport following the beautiful Nicola Valley, refuel there and return above the Coquihalla highway. I did not make it too far due the sudden weather change. Nicola Valley is famous (to myself) with nasty winds and unpleasant turbulence.

I took off from Kamloops with no wind, turned south shortcut over the beautiful rolling hills, small lakes and numerous animal pastures towards the Valley. It is shown and annotated in the video, how the peacefulness could turn instantly into nastiness. It felt like someone turn on a switch. It did not take too much time to decide to turn back. Even the places absolutely steady just 5 min before were very bumpy. I hope I will make it one day through.

123. My Dream Gyrocopter Flight Penticton - Oliver - Osoyoos - Penticton, May 30, 2016

My big, about 45 year old dream to owe and fly a gyro almost fully materialized in Penticton. I took my wife there with a hope that she would like the fight so we could fly together. Unfortunately she told me that nobody would ever get her into that thing. Her limit is Dash 8. This answered my gyro ownership. I realized that it would be a lot of dedicated time and expenses to get pilot licence before I could legally fly "this thing". My remaining life expectancy and at least $100,000 cost did not look too good.

So I just relaxed and enjoyed very good instruction flying from Mark Humbke, long time gyro flyer. It was actually my second gyro flight. The first attempt to get gyro license was in 1999 when I took my tent and check book to Wetaskiwin, AB.

My intent was to stay there until I have gyro license. My 20 min intro flight in RAF gyro was not what I expected. I did not like that screaming engine at 7,800 rpm behind my back and extremely sensitive control. I could not control it and I was airsick like dog. I bought 6 month old Ford Taurus station wagon instead. I still have this car with only 100,000 km and like new.

The flight in MTO Sport by Air Pro Gyro, made in Germany, was totally different story. It was perfect. It was hot day after cool morning. Flying above fields and lakes must produce a lot of turbulence, but I did not feel any. I guess I am now well trained in turbulent air from Kamloops. Mark is excellent instructor. First he showed me what gyro does and its basic limits. From about 90 min flight I was in control for around 25 minutes. Everything was very natural to me after about 10 min. No surprises and just pure pleasure. I was ready for complete flight, which, I hope will happen someday. I will be flying with Mark just for pleasure, without hassles of studying, exams and major cost.

122. Kamloops Flying to Knutsford for Club Flying BBQ, May 14, 2016

Blue sky, cold(er) morning and no wind is perfect combination for some serious turbulence. I flew to Knutsford for our flying club annual BBQ. The air was bumpy but not too bad. Landed safely at Knutsford, had my hot sausage, and watch some planes still arriving. It was perfect day to be outdoor with sun cooking in full force. I knew it would be challenge to fly back down to airport valley. I was not disappointed in my assessment. It was kicking like wild horse down to the hot runway radiated the heat right into my face. Overall, it was good day.

121. Kamloops Flying to Nicola Valley and Flying around Clouds, May 13, 2016

I attempted several times to fly through Nicola Valley in the past, but had to return because of almost always present strong and gusty winds. This deep valley with many lakes and steep cliff sides is famous for this type of weather. Finally, the conditions were almost ripe in that early morning, except I was pushed by 15 km/h tail wind. I enjoyed my flight, but eventually I turned around before it would be too late, because I had to fly into 15 km/h headwind. It feels like slow motion movie to go so slow. It was also bumpy as I was influenced by the undulation of the terrain and the wind following those contours too. I had again chance to play a bit in tow morning clouds, my best and favourite part.

120. Kamloops Flying to Greenstone Mtn, Ajax Mine, Knutsford, Downtown and Tranquille Farm, May 5, 2016

I took off early morning to prevent any Kamloops typical nasty weather surprises. I flew to and around Greenstone Mountain, Ajax mine and landed at our flying club airstrip Knutsford. Continued to downtown, North Ridge and then to check the state of the flooded Tranquille farm area land.

119. Chasing Clouds, Kamloops, Apr 22, 2016

After many days of very hot weather we received some rain. The air was loaded with evaporated moisture with many beautiful, layered clouds over and around high mountain peaks. I could not miss this rare opportunity to fulfill my childhood dream to jump and play in this fluff. That morning the weather was almost sunny and no wind. I had fun by flying close, beside and above those clouds, but still did not dare to fly through.

I checked also the South Thompson River. My popular sand bars and beaches were all gone under the already very high water level.

118. Flying in Turbulent Air, Kamloops, Apr 3, 2016

The weather was good, practically no wind and overcast sky which usually brings more stable air for flying. Well. I was wrong. I felt like riding on wild horse, especially around downtown and Mt Paul. I had hard time to judge the wind direction, because it was changing constantly in 180 deg in different elevation layers. Originally I wanted to fly over the Mt Peter and Paul to video wild horses which I could see from a distance. I gave up on that idea, because I could not judge if I am on up or down wind of the mountain. Eventually I flew back in not very pleasant bumps and stayed over the South Thompson River and its sandbars.

117. Kamloops Flying to Knutsford, Nicola Valley and North Ridge, Mar 31, 2016

It was just another beautiful day to go flying. Flew over downtown, Knutsford airfield and intended to fly through Nicola Valley, but it was too turbulent and unpredictable for my taste. I turned around and flew to my favorite North Ridge then sand bars on South Thompson River.

116. Kamloops Flying to Knutsford and River Sandbars, Mar 26, 2016

I was asked by someone to take video of the South Thompson River to see how to navigate through the sand bars by a boat. I thought it is good idea to give to Kamloops boaters information how to avoid getting stacked in the middle of still very cold river. Also I asked my fellow pilot to test his Christmas gift SLR camera while I am flying. He would take pictures of me in the air at Knutsford airstrip.

The weather conditions looked good and the wind speed forecast was low. It showed very quickly that this was not the case. The air was very turbulent with strong variable wind from south. But I had commitment to fly over my photographer at Knutsford, so I pushed forward. I made several passes to pose for the camera and eventually landed for few minutes at Knutsford. Since I did not like the horizontal wind sock, I decided to head back while it is still flyable. I flew back towards the airport following the river while taking pictures and video of the sandbars.

115. Kamloops Flying to Take Pictures of Sandbars, Mar 26, 2016

I was asked by someone to take video of the South Thompson River to see how to navigate through the sand bars by a boat. I thought it is good idea to give to Kamloops boaters information how to avoid getting stacked in the middle of the very cold river.

I took video by two cameras and pictures from the rivers junction up to delta of Kamloops lake. The result is the overall view of the very shallow river where it is almost guaranteed to stack on the sandbars unless you have aerial view to see where to go. I used minimal editing to show as much info as possible.

114. Kamloops Short but Rough Flight, Mar 14, 2016

It looked like perfect flying day, but it was not. First it was raining a bit, but no cloud around. I turned from downtown to north following the river up to golf course. The air became very turbulent. I was bounced like yoyo, so I decided to take short cut over the North Ridge back to the airport, but it did not want to move. At one point my control bar was pulled from my hand and into the turn, because my left wing got into updraft. A year ago or so I would totally freak out, but I am getting more used to these funny weather phenomena.

113. Kamloops Flying with GoPro on the Selfie Stick, Feb 29, 2016

The perfect weather continued so I decided to go for second flight. I mounted GoPro camera on telescopic hand held selfie stick. I was hoping for some interesting shots while "steering" with one hand and fiddling with camera with the other hand. I chose the sand bars on South Thompson River where the wind and turbulence are more predictable. One hand operation is not always the most pleasant experience, so I wanted to have as few variables as possible.

I was particularly after the video and pictures while in turn. Normally camera does not take true representation of reality, if the camera is fixed to the plane. The plane stays horizontal, but the actual horizon in background is tilted. While flying I tried to rotate camera so that it is horizontal to the actual horizon. It is not always easy to do, because I cannot watch the camera 100% of time while flying. I think I took some decent videos and pictures from the screen shots.

112. Kamloops Flying to See Wild Horses, Feb 29, 2016

It was one of those "Must-Fly-Days". The weather was perfect for whatever doing outside, but especially to fly. I decided to fly pack to SE of Mt Peter to see and video the wild horses again. I flew there on Feb 6, but my GoPro did not work so I flew there again. Unfortunately the horses were scattered all over and especially on the downwind slope of the ridge. The snow was gone so they have no reason to stay down on bared land. I made several passes around them and the "meadow" and on the top of Mt Paul. I was also very close to soaring eagle north of the airport. I tried to follow it, but I had no chance with my 65 Hp engine versus the perfectly natural creation of the eagle. It was fun.

111. My Birthday Flying in Kamloops, Feb 6, 2016

This was my 69th birthday, which is frightening and unfair. It is the last year when I will not be in seventies. Regardless, it was very good weather to go flying. My original intend was to fly to Harper mountain ski hill, but I did not find it. I stayed in South Thompson River valley and on the way back I buzz above herd of wild horses. I counted 22 horses in that spot and 6 in another place. I was flying so, that I could take video of them from my control bar camera, which I can control by hand. When I landed I found that the memory card was full from the previous flight, so no video from that and intended angle. You can still see them from my wing camera.

110. Exploring West part of Kamloops North Ridge and Sand Bars, Jan 24, 2016

The weather was perfect for flying. I decided to explore the mountain area north of Frederick Rd. This is very beautiful and popular area for hikers, particularly the section between Kamloops Lake and Frederick Rd. The north parts of mountains, north of Frederick Rd is very steep and rugged terrain, which I knew very little about. Now it was time to expand my knowledge.

109. Flying from Kamloops to Tobiano, Jan 20, 2016

It was absolutely perfect day to go flying. I just installed engine electric carburetor heaters to prevent icing of the carburetors. I am very well experienced with carb icing, but it was not a big deal when flying in Fort McMurray. There was always place for an emergency landing. I removed the iced up carb there and used hair dryer to melt the ice and then dry it. I installed it back and flew again.

The carb icing is much more dangerous in Kamloops region. There are very few places for an emergency landing. The heaters gave me an extra confidence in my beautiful bird.

The air was very smooth so it was pleasure to fly in +5C and blue sky weather. Flew west over Tobiano golf course and residential area situated on the south side of Kamloops Lake in spectacular location. Flew further west over the hoodoos and back. Took a lot of pictures. The day was so perfect that I decided to fly again. See the next video #108.

108. Flying from Kamloops to Ajax Mine and Nicola Valley Clouds, Jan 20, 2016

The weather was so perfect that I could not waste it. I decided to explore Ajax Mine area, which is very often in the news because of the "pro and against" mine issues. I took many pictures from low level and 6,000'. When at 6,000' I noticed further south that Nicola Valley was totally covered by clouds. This very deep and wide valley looked like river filled up to the brim with clouds. I had to explore it. It was phenomenal.

The west side from intersection of hwy 5A and Campbell Creek Rd was 100% in clouds and the east side was clear with cloud transition by the intersection. I never had seen something like this and especially not from the air. I took a lot of pictures while flying across the valley above those clouds. The sundog was leading me on my NE side when flying back. I had very strong urge to burry myself in those clouds, so only my head and the wing would be above them. I chickened out. I had no idea how this would influence my flight and I did not want to take any chances.

107. Flying from Kamloops to Harper Mountain ski hill, Jan 13, 2016

Plus 5C was inviting temperature to fly in snow covered Kamloops. Flew to Harper mountain ski hill. The area below me was partially covered in clouds which added an extra excitement.






































































106. Kamloops Flying over South Thompson River Sand Bars, Nov 21, 2015

It was cold, but reasonable day for flying, so why not to fly. Checked my popular sand bars on South Thompson River. Nothing extraordinary happened, but it was good flying day.

105a. South Thompson River Sand Bars from the Air (Slide Show).

 Nov 2, 2015

Slide show of the beautiful sand bars with relaxing music to listen to.

It was very beautiful day for flying. Turbulence was manageable and scenery spectacular by the East of Kamloops Lake. The highlight of the day was to fly over the South Thompson River delta with ever changing sand bars. The nature is the real artist in this aspect.

105. Kamloops Flying over South Thompson River Sand Bars and NE of Kamloops Lake. Nov 2, 2015

It was very beautiful day for flying. Turbulence was manageable and scenery spectacular by the NE of Kamloops Lake. The highlight of the day was to fly over the North Thompson River delta with ever changing sand bars. The nature is the real artist in this aspect.

104. Kamloops Flying over North Thompson River, Mara Mt and Sand Bars, Oct 20. 2015

It was perfect, chilly day for flying, with no wind and a little of turbulence. The best part was to fly low over the South Thompson River. The late summer, fall and winter create continually different and larger sandbars as water level is decreasing. I like those creations of nature. I met with several birds and flocks of birds there. I flew over very colorful, now dry slew near Tranquille farm.

103. Kamloops Flying to Knutsford Fly-In Breakfast, Sep 27. 2015

Sep 27 was an excellent day for flying to Fly-in breakfast organized by Knutsford flying club. Beautiful, but crisp sunny morning with no wind in Kamloops. It became very windy as soon as I cleared the hills south of Kamloops down town. Typically very windy in Knutsford which is just 10 km south of Kamloops. I just ate my breakfast and headed back before it would get worse. Took of into 10 kn wind and came in totally still air in Kamloops. Spent some time above emerging sand bars from lowering river water level which is annual natural occurrence.

102. Kamloops Flying to Chase and Squilax Air Strip, Aug. 19, 2015

My another flying millstone: The longest flight of 181 km and 2:50 hr total flying time over potentially hostile environment in case of emergency. Flew over the following lakes Paul, Pinantan, Niskonith and Aylmer, before I reached very large "Little Shuswap Lake". There were no places to land if needed. Finally landed on Squilax air strip to change my GPS and GoPro cameras batteries. The country site is spectacular like any other places around Kamloops. I encountered some almost unpleasant turbulence, but nothing like in my past flights. On the way back while waiting for other aircraft to land or take off I spotted 15 pelicans near Tranquille farm. I did not know that pelicans are in Kamloops. This 20 min video is result of 5.5 hours video clips.

101. Kamloops Flying, Aug 15, 2015

I tried to chase low clouds after a day of heavy rain. Unfortunately clouds dispersed before I could reach them. The sky turned very grey, so I lost appetite to do any big explorations. It was just 50 min flight. My wing camera refused to cooperate so this is just single camera view video.

100. Flying over Tranquille Farms and NW Ridge, July 28, 2015

I had good fun flying morning over the farms and West part of North Ridge. I experienced sudden blast of cold air by the edge of Mara Mt. I did not expect anything pleasant from it so I hopped quickly into the safe air further south. I can say that I handle the turbulence very good. I just relax and only control the moving hang glider from extreme angles. It flies by itself. I actually move much less than in an airplane, because I am suspended from the wing center of gravity so while wing is dancing above I am more-less stationary at least in compression with fixed wing aircraft.

99. Flying Kamloops, Knutsford, Campbell Rd Valley and East of Kamloops, July 23, 2015

I attempted to fly in the Campbell Rd valley several times before, but I was always forced back by the nasty turbulence or wind there. The Campbell road is in deep and narrow valley surrounded by dark colored ridge slopes and green colored ground. Large lake in that area also contributes to sever turbulences. I was finally brave enough to fly through, because I am also much more experience with turbulent air and I am more tolerant to it. It was good flight.

98. Happy Canada Day. Flight Past Sunset, July 1, 2015

It was one of the best flying days ever. I took of this second flight of the day at 8 pm with plan to stay up until legal time allows. I could stay up till 30 min past the sunset, which was at 9:45 pm. I flew several times around downtown, landed in Knutsford and then explored the Mt Peter & Paul. Counted 25 wild horses in one small area on the top. Saw spectacular Blue Moon sunrise. I wish I could fiddle with camera to take something close what human eye could see. Unfortunately, I had to fly too so the electronic record is not even close to human record. I landed at 9:45. The ground was totally dark, because the sun sets behind the mountains, which makes very sharp difference between day and night. I was wearing my Canada Day T-shirt, which already celebrated 15th Canada Day. It was gift from my daughter 15 years ago. It was good day.

I noticed that GoPro struggled with low light conditions which resulted with a bit fuzzy video by the end.

97. Canada Day Morning Flying, July 1, 2015

It was very nice early morning with crisp air and blue skies after torrential rain day before. I took off towards Kamloops downtown to check on preparation for usually big Canada Day celebration in the park. I was just buzzing around and had fun. I followed North Thompson river to explore the river valley. It was very relaxing flight. After watching this video I realized that the air was also turbulent, but I did not even remember that. I guess, I am getting more tolerant to those bumps

96. Flying to Logan Lake and Highland Valley Copper Mine, Nasty Turbulence, June 23, 2015

 Almost 2 hours flight started early morning in Kamloops with no wind, blue sky and temperature around 25C. Peaceful flight changed quickly into very bumpy ride. I was considering turning back, but continued. I eventually got used to it, so I continued S-W towards Logan Lake village and then Highland Valley Copper Mine open pit which covers many square kilometers of land. I wanted to fly around the mine to take pictures and videos. I changed my mind when I saw the fluffy clouds above the mine and I knew that this would be very unpleasant. I was also very cold and started shiver. The temperature at 7,200' was just 12C and 70 km/h win chill from my open cockpit did not help either. I turned back as soon as I reached the S-E edge of the open pit. At that moment it felt like someone turn switch on of the turbulence generator. I was acceptable 3 minutes before but frightening now. I had about one hour of flying ahead of me. This was definitively my worse flight ever and I wish to be on the ground rather then in the air. Many pilots would say that it is always better to be on the ground and wish to be flying rather than to be flying and wish to be on the ground. This was exactly my case. It was difficult to control my trike acting like spooked wild horse. The heat turbulence was relentless and lasted all the way to the airport runway. I was really surprised that I was not air sick, because I get very air or carsick from just playing video game. But the airsickness caught up with me just by Affton mine and I felt it for another 3 days after. My control bar camera quit for no reason about 45 min before the end and the wing camera batteries died 5 minutes before landing. At least I have good video, which show how peacefulness could change into nastiness in just a minute.

95a. Mini Air Show, Knutsford June 14, 2015

After flying club BBQ, some members showed their toys. See this mini air show.

95. Flying in Kamloops, June 14, 2015

Flew from Kamloops to our small field airstrip in Knutsford, where I had to fix my wing camera which was not recording. Flew across Kamloops downtown towards North Ridge. Had to wait on south side to allow Air Canada Dash 8 in its descend flight towards airport. Took several pictures of Brock residential area flooded farm fields on west side of Kamloops.

94. Flying Kamloops May 28, 2015

Flying over Kamloops downtown, Knutsford, Nichola Valley, Mt Peter & Paul and North Ridge.

93. Flying Kamloops May 12, 2015 (Knutsford, South to Nichola Valley and North Ridge)

Finally very good flying weather. I took off early in the morning when sun heat did not create too much of havoc, so my flight was mostly peaceful. Flew over the Ajax gold mine, Knutsford airstrip and then further south to Nichola Valley. There I encountered the first bumpy ride due to rising sun heat and cold water at the valley bottom. My original intention was to fly further south, but I did not want to push my luck. Turner back over downtown and then North Ridge, flying about 1000' higher then normally. This gave me new perspective view, but speed perception dropped sharply. Explored the north part of Frederick Rd valley and 6,000 ft. It was enjoyable fun.

92. Flying in not very Peaceful Air, Apr 19, 2015 (Knutsford and North Ridge)

Air was very peaceful on the ground, but it was different story in the flight. This video shows it very clearly. I am getting used to these conditions, but a year ago I would totally freaked out. 1504190001-Knutsford-NRidge-Turbulence.mp4. Click here for pictures

91. Trike Flying to Savona during Heavy Turbulence. My worst flight ever, Apr 5, 2015.

Previous day I drove my motorcycle through the mountain area to Oscar hang gliding launch area (N50.79707 W120.90213), NW of Savona, BC. I came to watch a bunch of hang gliders to take off. It brought me back to 1974 when I started with this sport. The activities were planned for the next day too, so I decided to fly there. I knew that it will not be easy flight, but I did not expect that it will be so scary. The weather was very peaceful, sunny and no wind. There were some heavy fluffy clouds around, so I was prepared for some surprises. I was eventually facing 10 kn (18 km) head wind from west with occasional kicks from thermals and down drafts from shades, but nothing too exciting. I have now much higher tolerance to nastiness of weather when compare to my first days of Kamloops flying. These conditions would be frightening before, but acceptable now.

The wind was still blowing from west when I turned NW towards the Oscar. It started to get more unpleasant. As soon as I spotted the hang gliders on the edge of mountain and I wave to the people, the forces of the nature grab my hang glider control bar from me to show me who is the boss. To my surprise, I was on down wind side of the mountain. The wind was blowing from East, while up to that point it was from the West. I was in the middle of the forceful downdraft pushing me down and thermals pushing me up and everything in between. If you do not have patience to watch it, then skip to 2:30. I think it is interesting to watch. It was so bad that I could not even take any pictures, because I could not let the control bar from my hands. I felt like garbage bag in the wind.

90. Trike Flying to Knutsford Area and North Ridge During Heavy Turbulence, Apr 2, 2015.

I took off at no wind from Kamloops airport and 15 km south the wind was blowing 38 km/h. The thermals from the sun shining through holes in the clouds were getting unpleasant to my stomach, so I decided to go back over downtown and eventually over the North Ridge. Base on the past several weeks of really strange weather changing within an hour I decided to go down before it is too late. Actually the weather stayed good, but I had my flying fix already.

89. I made it to a local movie.

I was interviewed, by inspiring young BC filmmaker, Kora Vanderlip in January 2015. She also used few seconds of my GoPro clips. Check it out.

88. Trike Flying to Knutsford Area and Detail View Flight around Mt Peter and Paul, Feb 20, 2015

It was another beautiful day to fly in this beautiful nature surrounding Kamloops. Flew several times around Kamloops horizon landmarks, famous Mt Peter and Paul to show how they look from the close up. Click here for pictures.

87. Trike Flying North Ridge, South Ridge and Sand Bars Feb 15, 2015

The second day of perfect flying over the Kamloops beautiful nature just few minutes from our house. Explored areas over the North Ridge, flew over Mara Mt and then crossed the Tranquille Valley to Frederick Rd. Hit some major turbulence. The wind was very light, but changing in 180 deg direction. It was very difficult to predict if I will be on upwind or downwind side of the hills. I took many pictures to document all that natural beauty. There is spectacular view on the North shore of the Kamloops lake towards the Frederick village. Continued across the airport to South Ridge which opened another spectacular view of those mountain ranges. Click here for pictures.

86. Trike Flying Sand Bars and North Ridge, Feb 14, 2015

Finally, after 3 month without flying, I had my perfect flying day. I explored ever changing river sand bars and then flew over the North Ridge mountain terrain to have real fun. I hit some turbulences which I am more relaxed with now and I even enjoy them. The weather was perfect, which shows in my videos and pictures. Click here for pictures.

85. Trike Flying GPS Fast Track of above Flight, Feb 14, 2015

GPS downloaded my flight path and animated to see how and where I was flying

























84. Trike Flying to Knutsford and North Ridge, Nov 12, 2014

This was first, really cold day in Kamloops, but the blue sky lured me up. I almost did not make it to the Knutsford airstrip, because my fingers were very numb. Once I passed the half point I had to make it there to put another gloves on. I hit occasional turbulence, but I am used to them now. I do not fight them, I just fly with them.

After short chat with my fellow pilot and with another gloves on, I took off towards Kamloops downtown, then to North Ridge for some buzz around, chasing my fun

83. Good Flying Day, Nov 2, 2014

Weather was forecasted as one of the still relatively warm days. I had to do it. Flew over the famous North Thompson river sand bars, then river upstream towards Kamloops center and eventually ended up in Knutsford Flying Club airstrip. Chatted with my fellow Beaver pilot Cam Villeneuve during excellent sunny warm weather. We took off west, while I continued towards Kamloops airport and Cam turn south to search for his ventures. It was very good flying day especially considering the next day which was just opposite: cold, rainy and miserable. I was glad that I did not wasted my day.

82. Trike Flying to Deadman Road Valley, BC. Oct 9, 2014

This was one of the best and the most beautiful flights. The flight took 2 hours to cover 140 km, through extremely beautiful mountain valley. Leaves were in full colors in spectacular scenery. I encountered several very heavy turbulences, but I had fun with them. I explored that region the following week from the road. It is definitively very beautiful area.

81. Trike Flying to Ski Resort Sunpeaks, BC. Oct 8, 2014

It was my true first cross country mountain flying through potentially very hostile and quickly changing weather conditions. The weather was perfect, but still with occasional heavy turbulence. Eventually I enjoyed those challenging flying conditions and even sought some thermals under mountain clouds. I gained a lot of confidence. I had to repeat this experience the next day with flying another mountain cross country.

80. Trike Relaxing Flying above Kamloops Rivers, Sep 28, 2014

It was very unusually turbulence free day for very relaxing flying above and along the South and North Thompson rivers. The visibility was not the best and especially the low sun position on the western horizon did not help either.

79. Kamloops Flying Trike to Buse Lake Area in Heavy Turbulent Air, Sept 12, 2014

It was beautiful, a bit crispy day with no wind, while sun heat started to slowly change the tranquility of the still air. Originally my flying goal was much more ambitious, but turbulence did not allow me to reach it. It was getting unpleasant and fear of air sickness was very real for me. I was pushing my comfort envelope with hope that I will have very good video from my bumpy experience. I was not disappointed from this aspect. You could see from the video how the terrain is complex below and around, and how many potential sources of thermals and downdrafts are there. Kamloops is beautiful, but also dangerous or at least challenging to fly in very light aircraft.

I used special post processing software, where the video from the wing camera is transformed into more realistic viewers experience. Instead of background moving around and the trike stationary in one place on screen, the software reverses it. The trike is realistically moving in the air and the background is relatively steady. It looks like someone else took the video of me. It is very tedious process, taking hours, but very cool effect.

I speeded up some sections up to 4x to show the beauty, but eliminated boringness of the normal speed flying, which sometimes looks like I was stationary there.

78. Trike Flying to Tranquille Farms, North Ridge and Thompson River Sand Bars, Aug 31, 2014

I flew west over Tranquille farm to take pictures of newly created corn maze. Continued NW over the Kamloops lake cliffs for those spectaculars views to capture on my camera. Flew then NE over the North Ridge which had the peaks covered in clouds. Played a bit around those clouds. Final stage was over the South Thompson river sand bars, which are again growing up covering larger and larger areas as the river water level is going down. 

77. Trike Flying to East of Kamloops, Aug 5, 2014

Early morning flight in smoky sky from BC forest fires, following South Thompson River East. Very tranquil flight up to the last minutes. It was turbulent above city on the way back. Strong sun heat created many local up and down drafts based on the ground colors. Overall it was very good flight.

76. Trike Flying to S-W of Kamloops Lake to Tobiano Golf Course, July 25, 2014

Just short, 50 min flight to get my flying fix.

75. Trike Flying from Kamloops to Merritt and Back, July 12, 2014

I was thinking about this flight for a long time. I was watching very carefully the strange Kamloops area weather and finally I decided to go for it. The final point to convince me that it might not be too bad was the fact that most of the time I will be flying above very wide 4 way highway, which is much more safer to land on (provided that drivers will let me) that somewhere in the bush.

I felt almost like Lindberg when he decided to fly solo across the ocean from Canada to France. I too could not sleep while going through all those negative possibilities. The life could be much more complicated in just few seconds.

I was ready to take off at 5:45 am. It was just 19C, which was very pleasant compare with those 40C hot days. It took a lot of pushing "up hill" from 1100' to 6000" to cross the mountain peaks. I do not like to rev up my Rotax 582 too much, which I no not think it is healthy for it.

I was following more-less the Coquihalla highway, the famous highway from Discovery channel series Highway Thru Hell.

Government in July of this year increased speed limit there to 120 km/h. This was met with very vocal opposition, because it is dangerous, people will die and all this normal nonsense. I was ready to document all those dead people and vehicle pile ups along the highway. Fortunately and of course there was nothing of this gore stuff to photograph.

The weather was perfect, no wind and no turbulence, which does not happen very often here. I landed in Merritt Municipal airport (2090') after 75 min flight. Took some pictures, refuelled from my spare fuel can, and took off again further south towards Merritt town. I did not spend too much time there, because I wanted to enjoy the same perfect weather on the way back. It was already 25C, so the heat was on...

I was enjoying the scenery even though the visibility was not the best. It was actually the first day this summer with hazy sky. The flight was very uneventful and I was almost day dreaming when suddenly I received several jolts of unexpected turbulence. I still had about 30 min to go so I was hoping that this will not be my fun spoiler. Luckily it lasted just about 5 minutes, but I decided not to go exploring, but head straight home. In 45 minutes of in bound leg flying I was back at the Kamloops airport. It was 9:30 am and already 28C.

This was my milestone flight, the longest cross-country so far.

74. Flying Trike in Kamloops to Mt. Peter & Paul, Knutsford, Ajax Mine, June 30, 2014

It was one of the best flying days. Warm, no wind and no turbulence, which is very rare combination. Flew over Kamloops North Shore residential area, Mount Peter and Paul and then landed at Knutsford. Flew for some pictures and videos over Ajax mine. It was very good flying day.

73. Flying Trike to O'Connor Lake, NE of Kamloops, June 22, 2014

This Sunday morning was perfect day to do some flying. Checked the flooded areas near Tranquille Farm and then turned East and eventually NE to follow North Thompson River upstream. Saw some interestingly looking mountain areas on the West ridge so I decided to investigate. Found O'Connor Lake and surrounding areas which look spectacular from the air. I am taking my dual sport motorcycle there to check that spot from the ground too.

72. Flying Trike in Knutsford Mt Peter and Paul, North Ridge Grasslands Park, May 14, 2014

Warm morning was ideal time for some fun flying. Flew North to Knutsford airstrip then South around and above of Mt Peter and Paul. Did some low flying over the North Ridge "Lac Du Bois Grasslands Park" which is very beautiful place.

71. Flying Trike in Kamloops NW Ridge, May 7, 2014

It was beautiful weather with almost no wind. Turbulence grabbed me as soon as I was air borne. I fought it for several minutes, but eventually gave up, because it was dangerous. I was back in my hangar in just 5 min, where I discovered that I forgot to turn my video cameras on.

Tried again in the in the evening and it was fun. Explored NW of North Ridge where I had to stay due to skydivers activities in the NE region. Tested Garmin sport camera "VIRBelite" which I forgot to set in the same format as the other two GoPro Hero2 cameras. It seems to me that the stabilization of Garmin is better and it appears that it stabilizes background (horizon) and the trike is moving as this is how it supposed to be. I do the same with my GoPro camera in very lengthy and time consuming process with Muvee TVS (see for explanation). GoPro has overall better and more natural colors. Garmin colors are bluish especially under contrast or low light conditions.

70. Flying Trike to NW of Kamloops North Ridge with Power OFF Glide, April 25, 2014

Flew to NW of beautiful region of Kamloops North Mountain Ridge with spectacular view of 150 m deep Kamloops Lake. Turned east above Mara lake to 4900' for power off glide back to airport. This was my long time adventure consideration to do it one day. This was the day. Glided almost exactly 5 minutes down to runway at calculated 5.2 : 1 gliding ratio. I received many questions from people wanted to know the gliding ration. Since I did not knew I decided to find out. It was a bit apprehension to do it into fully functional and sometimes very busy airport. I felt that the conditions were right with almost no wind and very mild turbulence. It was better than I expected and it turned me back 40 years when I started flying Rogallo hang glider. It was very peaceful fun.

69. Flying Trike to Knutsford, Rose Hill and NE Mountain Ridge, Apr 5, 2014

I am getting better now in handling turbulence. I came from Northern Alberta, where terrain was flat and weather predictable. Kamloops area is very challenging weather-wise. The terrain is complex with many micro weather abnormalities. That day the air was turbulent, with no wind. Friend was grounded 1000' below me, because as he said the wind sock was horizontal. It is weird here. I had fun and took many pictures from this beautiful country site:

68. Flying Trike to Ajax Mine, Knutsford and Downtown, Mar 23, 2014

It was very good day for flying. Check the Kamloops region beauty.

67. Flying Trike in Turbulent Air, South Ridge, Kamloops Mar 14, 2014

Very light wind and ideal flying conditions at the airport turned into 22 km headwind and unpleasant turbulence. Half way to my original place to fly I had to turn back, because it was not fun to fight the elements. The video shows the effect of turbulence on this light aircraft.

66. Trike Flying - Chasing Clouds in Kamloops, Mar 9 2014

It was very promising day for enjoyable flying. Low clouds hanging above and around the peaks which I liked to explore. Flew east following the North Mountain Ridge towards Mt Peter and Paul. Noticed that my neck camera was low on juice, so I turn back to get fresh batteries. I encountered some bumpy right around to Mt Paul. Flew NW of Kamloops Lake to check the "Sediment Wall", which I discovered a few days earlier on my hike. Did some low flying above the Frederick road. I brought back 5.5 hours of video files from three on-board cameras. The 19 min excerpts show how beautiful it is here.

65. Flying Trike around Mt Peter and Paul, Kamloops Feb 26, 2014

This was the first movie which I edited in updated version of MovieMaker 2.6 for Windows 7. It allows to take default of GoPro HD 4:3 format (widest viewing angles in 1280x960), edit it and save it into the same format. Up to now I always had to use several different packages. I like 4:3 format because you can see it perfectly on iPad which is in 4:3. Majority of people watches YouTube videos on mobile devices which are mostly in 4:3 format. The industry is pushing 16:9 format, cameras follows and editing softwares all ignores millions of mobile devices and the majority of users. The resulting 16:9 video viewed on iPad loses 25% of pictures with black stripes above and below the video. I processed small section from the wing camera in Muvee Turbo Video Stabilizer, which stabilizes background so the trike is moving instead, normally and unnaturally other way around.

64. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops in Heavy Turbulence, Feb 13, 2014, Version 2

I re-edited the previous version into 16:9 format. I used 2 GoPro cameras at 4:3 format and ActioPro at 16:9, The original version did not look good. I spent several days to fiddle with this nonsense. Millions of people are using GoPro cameras which is set by default to 1280x960. It is the best format for flyers, skiers, bikers, because it captures the most info. Every other format is in camera cropped result. Majority of people watches the YouTube videos on iPad and similar devices which is in 4x3 format. There is nothing on the market (as far as I know) to just take HD 4:3 format, edit it and save it into lossless original format. 16:9 is the best on TV, for minority of YouTube watchers, 4:3 is the best for mobile devices, which is the majority of people.

1. I processed ActionPro (wing camera) in Muvee Turbo Video Stabilizer, which stabilizes background so the trike is moving instead, normally and unnaturally other way around.

2. I used AVS Video Converter to Crop the upper portion of video files from 2 GoPro cameras mounted on the control bars. I changed it from 1280x960 to 1280x720 to have the same format like the wing camera. I could set GoPro to 1280x720 in the first place, but there was very good chance that it would crop wrong portion of the frame. I cannot see what camera see, I just estimate the aim.

3. I used MovieMaker 2 (I am PC guy), which is very simple, free and produces excellent video quality, but unfortunately, it is in *.wmv format which is then butchered by YouTube by their conversion.

4. I then process complete video from MovieMaker in Corel Video Studio X6, by following procedure from to get the best video quality on YouTube.

It was very nice weather, almost no wind, just ideal conditions for flying. I took off with 3 cameras mounted to get different views. The tranquil conditions changed very quickly. As soon as I  was over the North Mountain Ridge, the turbulence started to bounce me around. It was still bearable, so I continued to North. It got really bad. I was searching for some better conditions to go higher, lower, in the valley, above valley... Nothing worked, but it was getting increasingly worse. I was like garbage bag in the wind. Eventually I made it back close to the airport, but my timing was wrong. I had to wait for 3 airplanes to land while I was kicked up and down like a yoyo. It was the most scary flight so far.

Finally I could cross the airport to partially frozen South Thompson River. It was very peaceful there. I flew very low over the frozen sand bars towards downtown and then follow North Thompson river for some picture taking. I saw at least 15 eagles. Eventually it was very good day and I have very good video to prove it.

63. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops in Heavy Turbulence, Feb 13, 2014

It was very nice weather, almost no wind, just ideal conditions for flying. Took off with 3 cameras mounted to get different views. The tranquil conditions changed very quickly. As soon as I  was over the North Mountain Ridge, the turbulence started to bounce me around. It was still bearable, so I continued to North. It got really bad. I was searching for some better conditions to go higher, lower, in the valley, above valley... Nothing worked, but it was getting increasingly worse. I was like garbage bag in the wind. Eventually I made it back close to the airport, but my timing was wrong. I had to wait for 3 airplanes to land while I was kicked up and down like a yoyo. It was the most scary flight so far.

Finally I could cross the airport to partially frozen South Thompson River. It was very peaceful there. I flew very low over the frozen sand bars towards downtown and then follow North Thompson river for some picture taking. I saw at least 15 eagles. Eventually it was very good day and I have very good video to prove it.

62. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, North West Mountain Ridge, Feb 12, 2014

Finally, after month and half of unusually cold weather in Kamloops, the weather looked very inviting for flying. Meanwhile  I bought another GoPro camera, so I was looking forward to see the result of the final video from three cameras. Unfortunately, I forgot to press Record buttons on both GoPro Camera. The result is from ActionPro wing camera and re-stabilized with Muvee Turbo Video Stabilizer. You can see my demo clip what it does here: The weather was perfect so I did some low flying through the mountain range.







































































60. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Dec 28, 2013

I took advantage of very good weather and above freezing temperature. Flew 70 minutes above local mountain and snow covered sand bars. Saw many eagles.

59. Video Stabilization Test, Mar 3, 2012

Normally when you fly with a camera attached to your wing the plane is stationary and the horizon is moving in opposite direction of the plane movement. This is not natural. I found on line software "Muvee" which does very cool stuff. It stabilizes background and the plane is moving with the turbulence as it should. It looks very cool. This is the demo clip. The first half is the original clip and the second half is the same clip run through Muvee Stabilization. See the difference. In normal, from just camera stabilized clip, the wing is anchored in the upper screen corner and the background is moving accordingly. After the clip is Muvee stabilized, the wing is not stationary any more, but it is moving with the air current, which is how it supposed to be. This is very cool improvement. The software is not full proof and it creates serious an unacceptable mess in other situation. For example during the same clip when taxiing. The software stabilize also the horizontal panning, which creates unrealistic wheels skips. They are on something, but it need some improvements.

58. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Dec 15, 2013, Version 2

This is the shorter version of the same video posted under the same name, but I used new feature. Normally when you fly with a camera attached to your wing the plane is stationary and the horizon is moving in opposite direction of the plane movement. This is not natural. I found on line software which does very cool stuff. It stabilizes background and the plane is moving with the turbulence as it should. It looks very cool. Check it out

57. Turbulent Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Dec 15, 2013

After several weeks of unusually cold weather we had sunny and warm day. It looked like perfect time to go flying. I decided to fly east above the river towards Kamloops downtown and then turn south over the hill to Knutsford and area. There was almost no wind at the airport, but as soon as took off, turbulence was acting up. It was difficult to hold camera steady to take pictures. There was headwind about 10 knots at 800' above ground. When I turn south over the downtown and started steadily climbing up to clear the hills the wind shifted 90 deg to about 25 knots. I had feeling that I was not moving forward.  I was bounced in all directions as it is also shown in the video. Finally I had enough of fighting the turbulence, turned around towards the airport. The scenery was spectacular and snow and dark roads made very contrasting patterns on already very complex and interesting landscape.

Eventually I decided to fly across the airport on the north side over the North Mountain Ridge. I was very surprised how good and peaceful it was there. No wind and no bouncing around.

56. Flying AirBorne Trike in Kamloops, Nov 14, 2013

It was beautiful day with Spring like conditions. Took of from the Kamloops airport heading over the North Ridge. It was very nice weather for picture taking with many fluffy clouds and different light contrasts. Peace was over when I entered snow covered areas. Turbulence was getting unpleasant so I turned back South and followed South and the North Thompson Rivers and their well sculptured sand bar beaches. I had good time during this 70 min flight.

55. Flying with Cam's Beaver, Oct 29, 2013

It was very beautiful, but crispy cold afternoon. Took off  south-west and turned towards Knutsford, our flying club location. Mid flight I "met" Cam Villeneuve in his bright yellow Beaver. I tried to keep up with him, but his wing is much more efficient than my hang glider. Eventually we landed at Knutsford airstrip and took some pictures. Wind started to pick up and because one never knows what will happen there weather-wise, I decided to head back to Kamloops. Actually the weather was very good so I continued flying. Buzzed over sand bars, check on the birds and generally enjoyed myself in that beautiful countryside

54. Flying to Lac do Bois and River Sandbars. Oct. 17, 2013

I took off into cold, but sunny morning over the North Ridge towards Lac Du Bois (lake) to explore area which I walked through the previous week. Made several low passes over the pasture. Then I flew south, crossed the airport runway to my popular area, South Thompson River sand bars. The water level is traditionally low at this time which exposes very uniquely sculptured sand bars. Since water is clear you can see the underwater shapes too. There were flocks of various birds, including at least 10 eagles. Had chance to capture train going through the tunnel.

53. October 1, 2013 Morning Fun Flying

Finally weather look more settled than last weeks. It was beautiful and crispy morning. Took off west to take pictures on newly cut corn maze, but it was getting rougher with every minute. Notable difference in Kamloops Lake water color did not make me feel comfortable. It was black (waves) in the west and glossy in the east (closer to airport). I decided to stay closer to airport to have short distance to safety. Crossed south to check and photograph sand bars, which are never the same. They are beautiful as always. Took pictures and video train, which looked like open necklace laid on the edge of mountains.

52. Flying from Kamloops to Shuswap Airstrip, Sept. 13, 2013

This was my another major cross-country trip and partially over a hostile terrain. I took off into 2 knots wind and as soon as I turned East and 2000' the tail wind become stronger and stronger, but at least steady and not gusty. The visibility was very poor. Very hazy with low sun directly into my face. The sun also reflected from the river which acted like a mirror. I had to manoeuvre to change the sun angle, so I could see better. With 18 knots (32 km/h) tail wind, I was making very good progress towards Chase which is on the west side of Little Shuswap Lake. Occasionally I was getting thermal kicks and downdraft pushes, so I was changing elevations between 2000' and 3000' looking for more friendly air.

The terrain up to the Chase is flyer friendly with almost always some farm land to put it down just is case something goes wrong. The situation changed from Chase with no farms, just very winding road which would need a lot of luck to put it down safely. The Shuswap Air grass strip is located east of Little Shuswap Lake. It is very beautiful and peaceful place.

I just spent several minutes there to install fresh batteries into my cameras (4 in use plus one in pocket and phone camera too). GPS showed enough power to last the trip back. I wanted to take off as soon as possible, because of now the 18 knots headwind.

I took north side of the lake over the mountains, which appeared to me more acceptable crush alternative then water. I wish I could spend more time there to enjoy the scenery. I was very relieved when I was back over the Chase in more friendly environment. The trip back to Kamloops was very slow but with only mild turbulence. There were places where my GPS showed continually longer time of arrival due to the increasing head wind.

Kamloops radio reported 2 knots wind, but 1000' higher it was 18 knots. My trike did not want to go down onto the runway 26 due to thermal from already superheated asphalt surface. It was good trip.

51. Flying past the Sunset, Sept. 10, 2013

Took off into beautiful, but hot evening (36C) with aim to time my cameras memory cards and batteries to last till the legal flying limit, 30 min past sunset. I made it and was rewarded by very enjoyable flight.

50. Flying above the Clouds in Kamloops, BC, Sept. 8, 2013

Took some pictures of the newly created Corn Maze by Tranquille Farm. Buzzed above the Sunday Flee market and then headed to chase the low clouds above the North Ridge. It was fun during my 65 min flight. This 16 min video shows Mount Paul and Mara Mountain from close up. Very few people has this opportunity to see it this way.

49. Trike Flying, Kamloops, Tobiano, Knutsford, Downtown, North Ridge, Mara Mountain, Aug 8, 2013

Beautiful flying day with calm but hazy air. Explored Tobiano golf course resort West of the Kamloops airport. Flew to Knutsford where I met 2 pilots who flow in from Vancouver area. Turned towards Kamloops downtown which is always interesting to see and to photograph. My day was finished by mountainous North Ridge with Mara mountain. Had to circle north of airport until all the traffic clear before I could land. The camera battery quit so I missed a rare opportunity to capture Canadian Air Search and Rescue planes and helicopters on tarmac. They just successfully located missing local student pilot, unfortunately he did not survive the crash. Son of my pilot friend died while following his dream to become pilot like his father.

48. Trike Flying, Knutsford, Ajax Mine, Afton Mina and Tranquille Farm area, July 16, 2013

Interesting views of the controversial Ajax mine, aerial view of Afton Mine and beautiful view of 10 min video from Tranquille Farm area, Kamloops, BC.

47. Trike Flying over Tranquille Farm, July 2, 2013

10 min video from video taking over Tranquille Farm, Kamloops, BC.

46. Trike Flying, Kamloops, Mount Lolo, Floods. June 12, 2013

A day earlier I discovered from my motorcycle very nice areas NE of Kamloops, Cold Creek and Mount Lolo. I decided to check it out from the air. I flew up to 6500' over Mt Lolo which used to be popular with hang gliders. Flew over Paul Lake, Harper Mountain ski area towards South Thompson River valley to check the high water level in the rivers. Took pictures and video of flooded farms NW of the airport. 75 min flight compressed into 15 min video.

45. Trike Flying Kamloops, May 29, 2013

Kamloops, downtown, North Ridge. Beautiful crispy day without any surprises. This video is the first attempt to synchronize video cuts with the music beat. It was after thought, when I was watching my original edit. The video was almost in synch with the music. I tried to 8x fast track the boring section. I had to use music instead of the original sound, because MS Movie Maker mutes sounds in other speeds that 1x. I did not like the fast speed section so I started again by cutting out the boring stuff and synch the other cuts to music. The 1st section is not well synched, because I had all ready these cuts made and it is impossible to adjust them in this video editor. It will be better next time.

44. Trike Flying Kamloops, May 1, 2013

Kamloops, Kamloops east, North Ridge, Mount Peter and Paul, Mara Mount.

Beautiful flight east of the city until I hit a major turbulence which spoiled my peaceful time up there. Turned around close to mountain ridge to show the Kamloops area beauty. Discovered another interesting part N-W of the airport with very sharp slabs of rocky faces. made several passes over there to see more details. Used two cameras for more diverse views, but could not combine the results into one video. After several hours it quit. There was something incompatible between those supposedly compatible formats.

43. Trike Flying Kamloops Short Video, Apr 17, 2013

Bought and installed another action camera ActionPro 1080P HD which looks like GoPro, but has many more features and accessories and cost just $150 US. I wanted to have more variety in the camera views. Decided to go for "cross country" since the weather was very good, until I cleared the South ridge. It was very turbulent and unpleasant to fly. Turned around and flew over the city. I also found, that I forgot to turn both cameras on!!! So eventually I ended up with only half trip taken with my new camera only.

42. Trike Flying Kamloops, Savona, Oscar Hill, Kamloops, March 31, 2013

Wanted to watch hang gliding gathering west of Savona. Tried to land on International, hang gliding landing spot, but did not have confidence that I could make it safely on my small wheels. Checked the hang gliding take off spot, Oscar. Unfortunately, my timing was off, so I did not see anybody flying. I wanted to fly with them for some aerial videos. Oh, well. I hope it will happen sometimes.

41. Trike Flying, Kamloops, Knutsford, Sandbars, March 29, 2013

Planned cross-country trip with my pilot friend in his Beaver did not materialize. It was too turbulent. We turned back and I finished it again flying over ever changing South Thompson River sandbars. 

40. Flying Kamloops, Feb 15, 2013

Short video from sunny, but turbulent air: Kamloops airport, Ajax, North Shore, North Ridge, Airport.

39. Flying Kamloops, Ajax, Jacko Lake, Sandbars, Feb 10, 2013

Finally nice weather allowed me to have some fun again during local flight. Explored in close up Ajax mine, Jacko. Spotted several eagles.

38. Trike Flying, Jan. 30, 2013

Fifty minutes flight over snow covered mountains North of the Kamloops airport. Flew over totally cloud covered valley.

37. Trike Flying, Jan. 9, 2013

New snow, so after shovelling out snow between hangar and Runway I was rewarded by a beautiful, flying day with temperatures above freezing. Flew Kamloops, Mara Mtn, Dome Hills, Peter & Paul Peaks, downtown, Aberdeen, Dufferin Hills and snow covered sand bars. Spotted many eagles.

I like this very complex scenery, with big contrasts between snow and dark roads, rivers, structures... I am very lucky to be able to experience this sport, which might a dream for many people. In one year of living in Kamloops, I have seen much more of Kamloops area than majority of people living here for many years.






































































36. Chasing the Sun Rays, Dec 29, 2012

Took advantage of a few sun breaks through the clouds in the snow covered Kamloops. Spotted 3 eagles.

35. Flying Kamloops, North Ridge, Mount Peter & Paul, Winter River Sand Bars, Dec 12, 2012

Beautiful December day and ideal conditions for flying. Ground is partially covered with show, which makes the features of the hilly terrain around Kamloops stand out. Took many excellent pictures of that complex Kamloops landscape.

34. Flying Kamloops, Knutsford, Ajax, South Thompson River Sand Bars, Nov 25, 2012

Beautiful chilly day, ideal flying conditions to buzz in around Kamloops. Beautifully complex above and below water sand bars give different perspective on this river.

33. Flying Kamloops, Ajax Gold Mine, Knutsford, Nov 5, 2012

Wanted to fly cross country, but the wind increased significantly into 40 km/h headwind. This would be potentially dangerous in the mountain valley, creating serious downdrafts. Turned around in Knutsford into very calm weather at the airport.

32. Flying Kamloops, Frederick and Copper Creek, Nov 2, 2012

Flew this route previously, but my video battery quit in the first 5 minutes. I could not miss to capture this spectacular scenery to share with my friends. Very ragged mountain terrain north of huge Kamloops Lake. Flew over two mysterious places Frederick and Copper Creek, BC.

31. Flying Kamloops, North Ridge and Sand Bars, Oct, 28, 12

Took off to video mountains, but it was too turbulent. Went back and stayed above South Thomson river sand bars. They are so beautiful and intricate in their configuration above and below the water.

30. Kamloops-Barrier-Kamloops, 130 km, Oct 5, 2012

My second long, cross country flight through and over the mountains. Battling cold and full bladder, I made round trip 130 km in 2 hours. Unfortunately, camera batteries failed by the first click, so I do not have any photos.

29. Kamloops Flying Photo-shoot in Oct 3, 2012

Les Larkin, Kamloops air to air photographer, took several very good pictures from ground up. It was trilling flight over the river sand bars and very low with sharp turns.

28. Trike Flight Kamloops - Cache Creek - Kamloops in Sep 29, 2012

My longest and the most adventurous flight cross country to another airport located between mountains. Check the south approach where runway is behind the hill.

This was a major milestone in my flying career. My first, truly cross-country flight.

27. AirBorne Trike Flying in Kamloops Sep 17, 2012

Local flight above beautiful scenery. Close up look to Ajax mine which supposed to reopen operation under Polish company ownership. Majority of local residents do not like it, because it is very close to city residential area. Kamloops, Knutsford, Ajax, Jacko Lake

26. Flying Kamloops to Tunkwa Lake, Sep. 12, 2012

Kamloops, Afton mine, Tunkwa Lake, Leighton Lake, Greenstone Mountain

25. Flying 100 km from Kamloops to Paul Lake to Hwy 1, Aug 29, 2012

My first major cross country flight over and through the N-E mountains. Battling 35 km/h headwind on down wind side of Mounts Peter and Paul.

24. Kamloops Flying, Short Clip from Camera on Control Bar, Aug 29, 2012

I forgot to turn video camera on, so I have the last few minutes only. Tried different angle from camera mounted on the hang glider control bar.

23. Sunset Flying in Kamloops, Aug 12, 2012

Different camera angle showing Kamloops area and the pilot's control.

22. Trike Flight, Kamloops - Savona - Kamloops , July 26, 2012

Kamloops - Savona - Kamloops Trike Flight in July 26, 2012. It was hazy, but flying was very smooth. It is very beautiful country site.

21. Flying in Kamloops, Buse Lake, Knutsford, July 17, 2012

Flying AirBorne trike Kamloops - Buse Lake - Knutsford - Ajax Mine with camera on the wing.

20. It was very good day in July 12, 2012

Flying AirBorne trike in Kamloops, BC and around exploring new areas. It was very good flying day. Kamloops, Ajax, Krentz field, Knutsford, Kamloops downtown, North Mountain Ridge, Mara Mountain

19. Several Trike Flying Days in Three Minutes

Different camera angles taken in different seasons edited together to show how it is to fly motorized hang glider (Trike).

18. Flying in Kamloops, BC with GoPro on the Stick in July 4, 2012

Finally, I was brave enough to try mount GoPro video camera on Xshot telescopic stick to get more interesting video angles. Most of the time, hang glider requires both hands to fly it, but the weather was very good...  I did not want the "apparatus" to go through the prop above the mountains.

17. Flying in Kamloops, BC over Spilled River and above Clouds in June 24, 2012

Taking pictures and video over swollen South and North Thomson Rivers. Had second chance in my life to play a bit with very low clouds. Kamloops, Deep Lake, Heffley Creek, Tranquille farm area.

16. AirBorne Trike Flying in Kamloops April 9, 2012

Local flight above beautiful scenery till sunset. Kamloops, Knutsford, Shumway Lake, Walker Lake, Petersen Creek, North Mountain Ridge, Mara Mountain

15. Flying in Kamloops, April 8, 2012

Played over South Thomson River sand bars, in 2nd part of the video. Never realized vastness of these sand deposits until I flew over. All these bars are under several meters of water half of the time when snow melts from the mountains. This is perfect place for an emergency landing, which is normally not easy place to do in Kamloops. Kamloops, Ajax mine, Knutsford, sand bars

14. Trike with Beaver Flying and Sand Bars Beauty, April 6, 2012

Flying Airborne trike in Kamloops, BC with friend Cam Villeneuve in his Beaver. The last part shows ever changing underwater beauty of Thomson river sand bars. Very few people can see this. Kamloops, Knutsford, South Thomson river sand bars.

13. Flying in Kamloops, BC March 7, 2012

Flying from Kamloops, Knutsford to Walker Lake, BC (61 km)

12. Flying in Kamloops, BC in March 3, 2012

Nice, overall view of major part of Kamloops core from the air. Beautiful scenery to photograph and video.

11. Beautiful Winter Kamloops from the Air, Feb.20, 2012

Slide show from pictures which I took while flying AirBorne Trike.

10. Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 22, 2012

Flying in Kamloops, Feb. 22, 2012 with GoPro cam mounted on the side of the trike pod and facing rear. Interesting to see how much movement is between the wing and trike. The air was a bit more turbulent than normally.

9. Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 12, 2012

Flying in Kamloops over the North Ridge Mountains with headcam. Flew over 2nd highest peak in Kamloops, Mara Mountain (1000 m)

8. Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012

Flying in Kamloops, Feb. 11, 2012 with GoPro cam mounted on helmet.

7. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 1 of 4

6. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 2 of 4

5. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 3 of 4

4. Trike Flying in Kamloops, BC in Feb. 11, 2012, Part 4 of 4






































































200. My First Float Flying, Fort McMurray 1983

My first ever flying on floats in 1983. I flew my weight shift Atlas made in Edmonton AB by Birdman. It was exceptionally easy to fly, but poorly designed machine. I never took any lesson and I flew it perfectly the first time. The same on floats. I was very apprehensive after reading so many horror stories about float flying. I expected to die, but it was much easier that anything else.

199. Fort McMurray, AB, Flying Weight Shift Atlas in Winter 1983

Winter flying on Snye, the most popular place for winter activities at that time

198. Fort McMurray, AB, Flying Weight Shift Atlas 1982

The weight shift Atlas was the best concept and easiest flying machine. Easily transportable, but very poorly designed. I had several close calls with this machine: broken prop shaft, stripped prop dive belt, broken cable tong, flipped upside down on the lake with pontoons and many engine quits.

197. Motorized Rogallo in Italy 1977

This was an excellent concept of hang glider replacing aeroplane wing. I flew very well. I wish someone developed and modernized this concept. I saw it in Italy during our time waiting for immigration to Canada.

196. First in Flight Selfie Movie, Rana Hang Gliding 1974

Flying with my improved Dacron type cover material, which was significant improvement from the previous poly, rain coat, stretchable sail.
This shows my first selfie from mechanical (spring winding) movie camera. The movie film camera took just 3 min movie before if had to be rewound. I built camera remote control from the bicycle break leaver and cable. The trigger worked on the ground, but not in the air. Fortunately, it stacked in ON position, so camera took just full film movie (~3 min). Yah, how far it was from the GoPro.

195. Hang Gliding Pioneers in Rana, Czech Republic 1974

1974 beginning of quickly developing hang gliding sport

194. Rana Hang Gliding Beginnings in Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia, CSSR) 1974

Beginning of hang gliding in Czechoslovakia in very popular and ideal learning place, Rana near Louny
This was one of my best time in my life to be surrounded by people similarly crazy and in love of this quickly developing sport. This movie shows the first accident on that hill.

193. How I Started to Fly in 1974

I never flew anything in my life. I built a hang glider from home available materials, made all the cable connections from cooper tubing. Saw the sail from poly rain coat material. This film sequence show how I learned to fly and learned to fly it in just couple of hours. Never stopped flying since except for 2 years in 1980 after my serious hang glider accident when my marriage was in jeopardy.

3. Trike Flying in Kauai, Hawaii Nov 11, 2007

While visiting my son Petr in Hawaii, where he was living, Petr bought me Trike flight in Hawaiian island Kauai. This was my Christmas present from him. So I did the same and bought him the same flight. This is short version of one hour flight over very beautiful, but also very hostile terrain. Very deep canyons, almost vertical slopes, sharp like knife. The chance for very turbulent air was also in my mind. There is very dark and no vegetation Waimea Canyon just beside very green tropical vegetation. It is perfect scenario to make this flight hairy.

2. Bell Blimp in Fort McMurray, July 8, 2006

Short clip of, for me, exciting event to see blimp in close up.


1. Trike Flying by Jan Nademlejnsky above Fort McMurray. AB in June 2006

I was flying in Fort McMurray for many years, but I have only few videos to prove it. This is one of those videos.